Linux Gaming beats Windows?

Linux Gaming beats Windows?

Titus Tech Talk

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@abilovestotrade - 26.01.2024 06:04

This is amazing but sadly Linux still doesn't have all the games, especially all the esports titles with anti cheat is not available.
Atleast single player games enjoyers can play on Linux.

@TheIntNinja - 26.01.2024 02:52

I've noticed the site is "de" meaning dutch?

@khayyamaurelius912 - 19.01.2024 12:23

Not just publishers. Nvidia drivers need to be included in the kernel since most people use nvidia at the end of the day. Even on windows you have to go and install the drivers seperately because the ones that come with windows update are old.

@40DayWarningUKBand-rs7od - 19.01.2024 02:48

The trade-off for using Windows instead of Arch is basically 5% performance. 5% for all the advantages of Window's compatibility with games isn't bad really. We see a similar 5%~ difference with the Steam Deck.

@slayerking69 - 18.01.2024 15:53

Moved to Arch exclusively 4 years ago after dual booting with Winblows since '99, Always because I had that stupid thing in my head that I need windows to game... No, No you don't. Games run faster in Arch than windows, They also don't crash like in windows. A week ago I decided to install windows for fun just to check it out and see if I was missing anything. Diablo 2 resurrected crashed after 5 minutes, I went to the start menu to start it again and there was all this crap that M$ had installed without my permission (you know the stupid candy games). I wiped that drive 20 minutes later.
You want to move to Linux but are worried about games, Don't be they run fine even better in most cases so just do it

@samyt681 - 17.01.2024 01:12

switching until its just works like on windows

@Jooglesberry - 15.01.2024 17:02

A few days ago I went from Pop OS to Nobara on my Framework laptop. On Pop OS I was getting a rather unpleasant stuttery 40-50 fps in Half Life which I thought was odd given how old the game is. In Nobara it was locked 60.

@hundvd_7 - 14.01.2024 01:43

That's pretty apt, Cryiss, a 2009 game, looks just as good as Starfield does!

@user78405 - 13.01.2024 07:09

also its another reason why 1% lows is due to wayland display manager is not great for gaming when xorg 1% lows is higher than windows, not sure what is wayland supposed it does in background, they say its most secure thing is important what is doing but to me, security is my ass to them when xorg never had ton issues like this before, not even gaming like this

@user78405 - 13.01.2024 07:03

windows still lot better in both nvidia and amd gpus when using path tracing and ray tracing pefromance when fsr3 mod works great on windows...but not so great on linux when folks want to path trace on very high gpu like 7900xtx to use fsr3 mod on path tracing games , sadly, its huge mess under mesa, but not sure on nvidia linux drivers, i haven't test it yet how far they are at but i heard reflex is working on latest nvidia drivers and dlss3 is very possible on nvidia drivers by wine latest update to get hags and latencyflex working with wine wayland driver since nvidia already have wayland working great on gnome and hyprland...not so in kde when its same problem with mesa with amd hardware that cause desktop to flickering , not sure what it is , but its bad on amd mesa vs nvidia, it seems to work but not recommend to use wayland on kde, its not working accurate in ghosting from mouse movement between windows but least not flickering as amd mesa drivers

@rrraewr - 12.01.2024 17:34

I mean it's cool that Nobara is top in the averages but the 1% lows are really important too because you don't want a stuttering mess. Windows consistently in the top means you'll have a good experience, Nobara dipping really low makes not it not that cool. Not the take you'd want it to be.

@garrettrinquest1605 - 10.01.2024 01:32

I wonder if Arch would match or beat Nobara if they just switched to using the Zen kernel

@CAHOP2401 - 10.01.2024 00:12

I recently tried using ChimeraOS on my gaming machine in my living room and tried it for a few days. It worked for the most part but I ran into issues on some of the more recent games I play (Jedi Survivor, Last of Us). Sadly I was running into things like textures not loading fully, Chimera didn't support RGB 444 12bit. Random artifacts popping in and out. Just issues I never ran into with Windows. I'm running a 7800X3D with a 7900XT so it's not like my system couldn't handle these games. I ended up going back to Windows and just setting up auto login with Steam set to launch in big picture mode automatically which in my opinion gets as close to a console experience as possible with my games just working on windows. I'll be keeping an eye out on the development of ChimeraOS as I think it's an interesting project but for now I'll be sticking with Windows.

@dalfvideos - 08.01.2024 13:01

Since I don't really play multiplayer games, Linux gaming is perfect for me.

@delightfulsquirtle316 - 04.01.2024 23:10

Nice and all. But I would really appreciate if I could do my design and illustration stuff on linux. Sadly, we aint there yet boys. And no, GIMP, Inkscape, Krita etc are no real alternatives yet.

@filipepinho3319 - 04.01.2024 20:28

Then comes a game with kernel base anti-cheat to ruin our linux days :D

@Hreimr - 03.01.2024 23:28

I have been dual-booting windows and linux since 1996-1997.
A while ago I changed to pure Linux with Winblows in a virtual machine and I am not missing Windows.
There are a few developers who vehemently refuse to allow Linux users to use the anti-cheat options (all you need is a toggle in the dev kit - even ScammiSoft finally enabled it in The Division 2).

@yahwon1024 - 03.01.2024 23:15

The only thing keeping me on Windows for one of my computers is league 😪- lets see for how long that holds me

@kubapuchalski8633 - 03.01.2024 22:33

They just need to improve the lows when it comes to fps. Having said that, I am very, very tempted to switch to Linux and ditch Windows, but unfortunately there is still some inner force holding me back.

@dangdudedan8756 - 03.01.2024 10:08

i hate linux. i am a graphic designer. snap sucks. appimages suck. flatpack and the aur work though. am i doing something wrong?

@oldlinuxgamer1673 - 02.01.2024 08:35

i still use win10 as sort of backup when it comes to some games
but i am so happy with linux as gaming system
valve is pushing proton and stuff so hard
when you check how fast linux gaming evolve now

@chitan1362 - 01.01.2024 20:26

My dream for Linux gaming is to have it at very least a second class citizen with decent developer support...

@harmez7 - 31.12.2023 07:52

linux is for kids. i use freeBSD btw.

@joegame4576 - 29.12.2023 17:01

the question of which OS (linux vs windows) is better for gaming is not determined by performance. it's determined by which OS is used more. as of december 2023, for desktop and laptop computers, Microsoft's Windows is the most used at 69%, followed by Apple's macOS at 21%, and Google's ChromeOS at 3.7% (in the US up to 7.9% ), and desktop Linux at 3.2%, so on traditional PCs Linux sums up to 7% share. although this statistics isn't very accurate (it's from wikipedia which mentions why it's not accurate) it is accurate enough to conclude that windows is used far more than linux. this causes the game developers to focus their attention on windows rather than linux. many developers are now developing for both windows and linux but plenty of developers are still developing for windows only and as far as i know, there are no developers that develop for linux only. performance becomes irrelevant if the game you want to play is not available on linux. this reason alone is enough to declare windows as the victor for a very long time if not forever.

@onikiller10 - 29.12.2023 09:48

With Steam dropping support for Windows 7 Valve should have made a desktop version of SteamOS available.

@ikuwilld - 29.12.2023 02:50

Recently I went back to ubuntu after windows died on my machine. Had not used steam on linux for a year or two. Downloaded mtga, gw2 and, eso and didn’t notice any performance negatives. It is amazing in comparison to before proton existed.

@PySnek - 29.12.2023 00:27

Linux is great but half of the online titles using anti cheat do not work and there's nothing at the moment that we can do about that. Most devs deny support for Linux.

@pmcomputing2459 - 28.12.2023 20:13

it will be interesting to see how wayland /X factor into this. Some games run like garbage on my PC in kde/wayland (Atomic Heart) others run substantially better. (Halflife Alyx, Control,etc). I know that shouldnt be a thing but in my experience it is.

@Spinetap - 23.12.2023 13:09

Judging by the fact that this test was done on all AMD rig its no surprise windows didn't do well.

@PsycosisIncarnated - 21.12.2023 13:15

Lmao nice cope bruh.

@ALAK5555 - 19.12.2023 12:40

please let linux famouse to get more support on linux from dev

@tdjtomas - 18.12.2023 17:19

Linux gaming will be mainstream one day!

@derekp6636 - 18.12.2023 13:38

I'm still on pop_os but it has its downsides. Been toying with ubuntu 23.10 and awaiting a refresh.

@danilaros - 18.12.2023 02:08

Linux gaming is so good this days🙂 I don’t use arch, I don’t have the time😄nowadays I been using Ubuntu, yeah is just plug and play. Good time to be a Linux user….

@not_NEKO - 17.12.2023 18:37

would love to see cachy os

@lamebubblesflysohigh - 17.12.2023 18:30

I recently migrated back to Pop_OS from Nobara. Nobara gave me like +2 to 3 fps but the amount of jank I experienced wasn't worth it.

@dianaalyssa8726 - 17.12.2023 09:09

I used to play WoW on Manjaro last xpac (before they borked the launcher for a good 4 days, which led me back to Windows gaming again). My Windows booters are all decently fresh/less than a few months old. I feel 10 is a bit snappier or I just like it better, 11 I think the taskbar might cause an issue for older games also. Granted Tiny and your tool really debloat the bad out of Windows so I really don't remember how bad it is by default. I think my load screens get stuck less on 10. But really whatever works for you is what each user should use for gaming. I might try going back to Debian/try Nobara/ArcoLinux. Debian's stability is appealing for me.

@firstlast5350 - 16.12.2023 02:28

A bit academic when most windows games don't run on linux

@ALAK5555 - 15.12.2023 18:33

the problem only on linux its anti cheat but on performance linux is the best

@MrJobu33 - 14.12.2023 18:22

I'm using Ubuntu for my build, steam installing games hopefully they'll run

@aelaan12 - 14.12.2023 16:15

Well, I did try it again.... I downloaded the major distros and put them on my main gaming rig. I use steam, some of my games will not install on Linux, here I thought Proton would resolve most of it (it doesn't). My main driver is the tons of issues with Windows, and with a looming subscription model I want out, but whereto? Linux, at the first fart, breaks down completely and the desktop experience is the same as usual: a blinking cursor. POP, MX, Manjaro, Ubarftu, Kali. The kernels are too old, they do not support a gaming rig with current hardware. There is no money to be made in Linux distros, you don't get a license fee or be able to add bloat so that you get some money through the backdoor. All this beautiful free software is rotting away in all sorts of corners on the Internet, and Microsoft is just laughing their ass off. Freedesktop seems to be the new flavour of the month with the Linux distros, so poorly implemented that it makes me sick. Anything free in this world is not making money and therefore not viable. Oh, the dreams we had when Red Hat was not owned, and we started to develop a desktop environment. Forget it, no money in it, and the Red Hat disappeared into the Bitbucket it came out of. Struggling to keep their head above water, however, the undertow is pulling them further and further aware from the server farms. There is just no hope for a Babylonian environment where each person on the earth has a say in, if they want to. Language barriers be damned. So here we are, at the end of 23 and me, still no Linux desktop that can even compete with Windows. Sad state of affairs, but maybe 24 will open the door. It is not going to be until real applications can run on a stable, friendly, desktop. We had so many good ideas in the past, but everyone had to give up because mom and pop only know of Winblows. Linux gaming beats Windows? Nah, not by a mile, because you need to have a degree in operating system development to milk the bits out of it. Ubarftu installs in record time, runs stupendously fast on my gear, and.... breaks after the first updates. Library not found... Well F that. A better title would have been: Can we finally take Linux desktop behaviour serious?

@aserta - 14.12.2023 16:11

If all i wanted to do with a PC is play games, maybe. But i want to use it for other things without having to deal with lackluster stuff. I'll stick to using a naked Windows, it's so much more easier to progress if you just know what to do.

@mrtuk4282 - 14.12.2023 15:27

I doubt many Windows users will agree with you, I agree that although I don't think Linux is there just yet, in the near future every game will be faster on Linux and install scripts will have been created for 90% of games but most important all new games going forward as soon as they are released. I still love POP-OS and will stick with it for now :)

@Deceba1 - 14.12.2023 13:39

Anticheat support wen? Multiplayer gaming wen?

@R4V3N4NT - 14.12.2023 01:17

Steam should release a gaming console with Steam OS on it like tomorrow (pls Gaben)

@theloststarbounder - 13.12.2023 21:26

Linux isn't really getting that much better, it's Windows becoming more and more unusable. Bloatware aside, they totally destroyed the way the kernel handles multitasking... it's enough to have two things running for one to freeze entirely when you're not having it your focused window BUT background processes will ALWAYS run with as many resources as they can have allocated... making anything run horribly slow and unstable, which forced me to Manjaro.

@johnc_it_training - 13.12.2023 17:42

Will have to give this a try at some point

@bleack8701 - 13.12.2023 11:18

My impression is that when it works it's comparable or better. But when it doesn't work well it's very very obvious. I wish we had some data on frame pacing

@Bob-of-Zoid - 13.12.2023 10:25

Penguins don't jump out of windows, they smash them!🐧🐧🐧
