When Worse Graphics Are Actually BETTER

When Worse Graphics Are Actually BETTER


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Andrew Parke
Andrew Parke - 15.09.2023 22:17

It's like the sentiment that electric guitars sound clearer with a DI but "better" through a tube amplifier, or even digital versus analog tape.

BillGunslinger - 11.09.2023 07:12

I am fine with playing retro games on my Ps4 and my 4k TV, but this video helped me understand why some people prefer old TVs. I don't really care about such graphical fidelity but I totally respect people who do, the games really looks incredible in the original hardware.

Demicus Maximus
Demicus Maximus - 08.09.2023 09:04

Hooked my PS2 and OG Xbox up to my new TV and went "...I don't remember things looking QUITE so bad...", but connecting them to my CRT from 2001 and... well they still didn't quite match my memories, but they improved greatly! Some of the jerky movements were even fixed because of the analog display. All magic to me.

BananaDuck - 22.08.2023 13:51

i like how the title seems like click bait without actually being click bait

Ken Vale
Ken Vale - 14.08.2023 22:58

Hey. I have a giant (40") Pioneer PDP V402 Plasma that was in storage for many years. It is 4:3 640x480. It needs a new motherboard, but I actually found one. Is it worth repairing for retro gaming?

ADISTOD3MUS - 28.07.2023 08:39

The color banding in this video it's atrocious on the purple section 🟣,I thought my tV or phone it's broken but it's definitely a video compresión problem, sheesh 🫣.

wesNYC - 23.07.2023 22:01

Bro looks like his wife has a boyfriend

xiki - 16.07.2023 08:29

No me gusta ver borroso, ni grisáceo ni bordes de sierra

Regular Regs
Regular Regs - 05.07.2023 20:22

Yep, I just hooked up a CRT for a third screen and sent my Retroarch setup to that monitor. SONY TRINITRON FOR FREE BABYYYYYYYYYYYYY

Solid Nate
Solid Nate - 29.06.2023 23:02

The CRT's hitting the electrons still happens on a daily basis in my game room!

Bonzi Buddy
Bonzi Buddy - 29.06.2023 16:49

RF cables did not have to be screwed in. I lived in that era and plugged in these consoles myself. Not a single one "screwed in".

P - 25.06.2023 07:59

Old type of cable is what makes it better, if you have it on component or rgb, it'll looks just as bad as it was on lcd

Alessandro Surdo
Alessandro Surdo - 22.06.2023 15:41

LED HDR UHD LCD SDR pior feios Ruim composite ON cego porblemo TVS FAIL não gosto difícil RGB não quero jogos froca como AV ou HDMI

PASS rápido AV TVS RGB Luz gosto ❤❤ Jogos muito CRT top 😂👌🎮✅ OFF Bonito muito até mais jogos ganhar limpars

Tony warisa
Tony warisa - 16.06.2023 20:58

Just play on old mini tvs if no monitor

Zerroth - 01.06.2023 05:00


Mack The Knife
Mack The Knife - 28.05.2023 07:57

This is why I was so sad when my Sony Vega Trinitron just died last year. She might have been a humongous beast, but I loved the picture on it

Endezeichen Grimm
Endezeichen Grimm - 27.05.2023 02:26

I definitely regret getting rid of my CRT's for this reason.

Godnyx - 26.05.2023 10:53

FINALLY!!!! Finally, I'm not feeling like crazy anymore!

Also, there is a similar saying about computers that says:

"Computers were faster when they were slower"

Özgür Ozan Ulu
Özgür Ozan Ulu - 23.05.2023 17:48

Modern games force you to upgrade your graphics card.

WolfeAdventures - 22.05.2023 20:07

Smaller CRT also never induced motion sickness. Larger monitors and faster frame rates playing quake or doom really make me nauseous now.

Bronkolie - 22.05.2023 16:42

And thus, FXAA was born

XSC 3 - home of HeroQuestFans
XSC 3 - home of HeroQuestFans - 17.05.2023 18:16

true for so many things, it's akin to the knowledge about widescreen vs. pan 'n' scan, colorization vs. black and white and framerates in silent films.. in the world of movies. games deserve to to be presented the way the designers intended.

Leo EP
Leo EP - 17.05.2023 13:23

Super cool 😎!!! It would be nice to get more details about retro gaming. I am actually using a HDMI/AV to play my retro games on a projector.

David Savage
David Savage - 14.05.2023 20:22

Nothing will ever top that Super NES sweet spot where the graphics were getting actually a LOT better but the games remained the good old 2D platform action. Mega Man X. Super Mario World. Yoshi's Island. Super Metroid. Or even top down views like A Link to the Past. I bought a Playstation 1. It was fine. But I just drifted away from video games. I dig the old style platform games. If I found out they made tons of new ones for the PS5 or whatever...like, "2D-ish" games but with the graphics they can do now...I could see myself getting back into video games. The 3D stuff just does nothing for me for some reason. I think the last games I really loved were Contra Shattered Soldier and Castlevania Symphony of the Night..

Maurice - 11.05.2023 16:26

I'm getting a Sony Trinitron for 10 bucks to pair with my RetroPie. Can't wait.

Bergwacht - 08.05.2023 07:24

i was also amazed when i connected my purchased retro pc, the old games actually look better on the crt, not just a little bit better. it also feels somehow more direct even at 12 fps.

Tawagoto KG
Tawagoto KG - 06.05.2023 23:30

the picture you used in the thumbnail is from super mario maker which isnt an old game and neighter it is retro, fix it.

Teste 123
Teste 123 - 06.05.2023 18:27

I was never a fan of scanlines until I had Full HD TFT panels. Usually is much better than smoothing filters and also seems to fit brightness better to original intent.
SNES games especially seem way to bright and even modern stuff like SF3 benefits somewhat.

The transparency effects I have never seen filtered right.

huldu - 06.05.2023 02:44

Faxanadu on the nes was an interesting one. There is a "fog" in one area and it looks like crap on a modern display but if you look at it on a CRT it looks *amazing*. They knew what they were doing, sometimes.

One big problem I have with many "filters" is the scanlines option. It never looks good and it's way too clear. I have an old 28" CRT and it looks nothing like the scanline filter you see as options.

The_SOB_II - 04.05.2023 00:59

Lmao no. The dithering never looked that good.

Gerard Kean
Gerard Kean - 03.05.2023 23:51

"480i and up... since that's what's used by most broadcast and streaming content"
checks upload date huh?!?
Is low res broadcast an american thing?

bEtchaos7 - 03.05.2023 22:27

There's some minor stuff that's a bit inaccurate but considering it's only a 6 minute video I'd say they did a pretty good job with this one

Prashant Mahesvara
Prashant Mahesvara - 03.05.2023 08:29

Super interesting, thank you for this video! I love retro games, fun, fun fun!

sadcoffeeman ☻
sadcoffeeman ☻ - 03.05.2023 08:28

And to solve this they sometimes smooth out the pixels to a gooey mess, which is even worse.

Renegade - 03.05.2023 00:20

This only applies to America. The rest of the world got SCART where we naturally got sharper images even on a CRT. I do feel bad for you guys never experiencing true RGB over 480p SCART, it does look much better

Exotic Gamer
Exotic Gamer - 02.05.2023 22:29

Really interesting video

bfont149 - 02.05.2023 21:19

I saw Mega Man X and got excited

Angry Kermit
Angry Kermit - 02.05.2023 13:03

Old TVs look better because the pixels get smoothly blended together. You're welcome.

Anthony Flack
Anthony Flack - 02.05.2023 12:44

They're OLD games, and OLD consoles. Old hardware is not retro. Owning old hardware is retro. YOU are retro. Shovel Knight, that is a retro game, made in the style of an 8 bit game even though it's modern.That's what retro is all about - echoing the past. Games made in the 1980s were not looking backwards.

Scooter Campbell
Scooter Campbell - 02.05.2023 06:57

480i. Barf.

Artur Karpinski
Artur Karpinski - 02.05.2023 06:56

In movies high resolution can bring out more of the imperfections that standard did not pick up.

nrrork - 29.04.2023 20:54

Genesis was all of a dither because it couldn't do transparencies. bdum tsh

nrrork - 29.04.2023 20:41

Yeah, I always add a CRT filter.

My NES emulator has an especially good one. It can simulate a CRT's contrast, color bleeds, oversaturated reds, RF noise. And you can adjust how much or how little of all that.

They've been a thing for as long as I've been using emulators (since about '01), but they keep getting better and better.

GardeningZ - 29.04.2023 19:39

I have a simple solution for you. Put a piece of frosty glass in front of your display. Or, buy a pair of old people’s reading glass from Walmart.

Aqua Man
Aqua Man - 29.04.2023 18:30

Same reason why albums from the 90s sound better on cassette, and videos on VHs

Matiu0s - 28.04.2023 21:26

To be honest, I adore these big pixels. I love playing 8-bit and 16-bit games on modern plays. I like playing some PSX games on them too.

Chaos VII
Chaos VII - 28.04.2023 14:04

Still have a small CRT around for whenever i want to play my old consoles, and I will never get rid of it.
