Dead Space Necromorphs Take on The Flood from Halo | Who would emerge the victor?

Dead Space Necromorphs Take on The Flood from Halo | Who would emerge the victor?

Roanoke Gaming

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@RoanokeGaming - 03.08.2018 22:12

If you guys liked the video Don't forget to Hit the like button and if you really liked it, Smash that sub! I have more coming out very soon concerning lore and what not! I hope you guys enjoy!

@michaelhernandez4232 - 09.02.2024 03:00

Im sorry afther like 6 years of following this channel i think this is the first time i disagree

@maddragon3076 - 08.02.2024 09:11

I would rather be turned into a necromorph then be infected by the flood. Because the necromorphs have the decency to kill you first.

@roninkahn4033 - 01.02.2024 09:45

More often than not i give it to the flood. They increase their victim's strength and speed significantly more tonthe point where a regular human combat form can slap around master chief and brutes. Single intelligences can resist the signal feom the markers so a whole planet or country of intelligence along with neural physics and the ability to infect the living universe bc of neural physics. Ntm each gravemind has rhe memories of the previous one which does include the primordial. as well as better absorption. The flood doesnt need you to be alive and can infect you with just scratches or airborne infections

@AllGamingStarred - 29.01.2024 07:09

Gravemind: "Shut the fuck up and listen!"
Moons: "Shut up and listen for a second, I'm trying to tell you something important"
Gravemind and the moons: "The end is nigh"

@AllGamingStarred - 29.01.2024 07:07

Moons: "who the fuck are you?"
Gravemind: "I am, was and always shall be"

Moons: "Speak clearly"
Gravemind: "What is clear but insanity in reverse"
Moons: "God damn it!"
Gravemind: "There is no god, there is only Me"
moons: "Oh for fucks sake, shut up already!"
Moons: "yeah fuck this"
they leave

@musicgirl12357 - 26.01.2024 20:43

Oh God imagine if the flood and brethren moons decide to team up instead of fight.

@damienferguson8151 - 20.01.2024 01:06

Random fact both characters that seem to have a higher resistance are women and women are known to have more light receptors in their eyes if that’s true would it have a effect on whether these hallucinations would affect them

@ruufiss9922 - 04.01.2024 04:38

could a a few MAC rounds, from say cairo station, take out a brethren moon?

@Mehffort - 27.12.2023 15:52

Just imagine brethren moons trying to deal with Star roads

@mayapilkey6805 - 21.12.2023 05:37

Key minds are planets and xan travel using neural physics and the technology of the precursors who are Gods

@Odinfang - 15.12.2023 19:12

I’m so annoyed these two minds would clash and not form an alliance to create a greater menace among the stars.

I think they honestly could work together with precursor dust added to the components used to make a marker. This dust is the bodies of precursors ground down to be reformed later, now corrupted into basically flood dust. If this is in the very structure of a marker, the flood neural physics would influence the marker’s signal at its source. I feel it would compel those infected by the marker to gather around it rather than kill themselves so they could receive infection forms, gather biomass quickly for intelligence, forming tactics and creating infection forms from the biomass that best compliment the necromorph biology influenced by the flood. Best guess their morphology would be flood biomass improving on necromorph biomass traits, meaning you’d need to use fire and dismemberment of limbs if possible.

@YourLocalEldritchHorror - 13.12.2023 05:56

Wait I thought the tissue on necromorphs was already dead
Wouldn't they just
Not be affected by a halo ring
Though im not 100% sure how one works

@KatrinaLeFaye - 16.11.2023 16:15

Necros after 5 years arrrgggghhhh

@JoahTheThread5ive - 06.11.2023 10:04

A keymind would have access to star roads.

@funinfuneral3975 - 20.10.2023 17:29

Lmao imagine a marker just repeatedly telling a gravemind to kill itself

@fernandomartinez7507 - 23.09.2023 00:53

You forgot that even if the gravemind or keymind destroyed the actual thoughts of it won't actually get destroyed and just move on to the next gravemind

@froqwo4851 - 15.09.2023 07:51

I don't think a Bretheren Moon could manipulate a keymind, neural physics is beyond the comprehension and existence of the normal universe. A Bretheren Moon doesn't use neural physics, meaning that they use a (slightly) more conventional method than the flood. This means that a keymind could basically block any form of radiation or whatever the Bretheren moons use to get to them.

@TheDarkUmbreon8623 - 12.09.2023 02:16

Why do we make up all these alien things that are nearly impossible to destroy? Flood, Necromorph, Borg, etc.

@feralprocessor9853 - 10.09.2023 21:33

Celebratory death-match might actually be accurate.

@talyn6486 - 07.09.2023 21:35

That logic is not exactly right. Flood can be killed while necromorphs can only be disabled for a time via dismemberment. It takes full incineration to kill a necromorph. So init to unit, necromorphs are stronger on the ground.

The flood were always restricted to one galaxy while the necromorphs aren’t.

The flood have to eat and can due to starvation. Necromorphs don’t have that problem. In a waiting game, they win.

@enforcerridley158 - 04.09.2023 21:57

There's also the question neither of you covered: Would The Flood's Logic Plague work on the Marker? If it does, it would turn the Marker to Team The Flood.

@plotshift - 29.08.2023 10:21

Okay so Kodiak beats Silverback. Kodiak has looser skin, doesn't split or cut as easily, whereas the gorilla can be. Gorilla lacks claws and speed to keep up with a bear, lacks size and power advantage, has tool use but in a battle to the death the gorilla isn't built for that match-up.

@kevinsmith8076 - 13.08.2023 13:53

Flood are the remains of precursors. Pretty much the remains of gods. All memories are kept in the flood collective consciousness. All those who are infected are pretty much added to this consciousness. Also the infection process for the flood is literally hell itself. Ones your consciousness has been taken over. Your pretty much in the grasp of the flood consciousness for all eternity. Graveminds can plague even the smartest of A.I.s to the point where the A.I.s themselves pretty much go crazy. People kill themselves because of the things they’ve been told. The gravemind doesn’t tell them too. They just do it because of how utterly reality shaking the knowledge there told is.

@keegan6388 - 09.08.2023 05:38

cool analysis aside, the necromorphs still just instantly win, any dead tissue is directly able to be controlled by the marker, and necromorphs can't be infested or turned like flood could be. a single spore can destroy a species, but if the spore's allegiance changes the minute it hits the ground then you dont have much of a battle. additionally, keyminds and markers arent the same kind of intelligence, its alluded that markers are some kind of omniscient supernatural bioweapon, and the flood are just sentient, intelligent aliens. the keyminds and graveminds would be susceptible to the same kind of neural degradation as humans. i like the comparisons, but the dead space trilogy succinctly demonstrates how ultimately inevitable the marker victory is

@vegetitesmith141 - 07.08.2023 04:07

Don't forget that the flood could at some point in their stages can gain access to the technology of the precursors, and Its completely possible that the flood has went to different dimensions.

@applegamer20 - 31.07.2023 03:08

The necromorphs have their peak when they form a new Brethren moon which then sends out markers to repeat its life cycle. The Flood never stop getting more intelligent and dangerous as long as there is more beings to infect. Unlike the necromorphs they also take advantage of any technology and knowledge from their hosts that benefits them. Finally, the only way the Flood can be stopped is if every single super cell is destroyed or starved. A necromorph outbreak needs to be within range of a marker and will stop if its marker is destroyed or deactivated. Both are equally terrifying but I think the Flood are on a whole nother level of being overpowered

@UrFriendlyNeighborhoodPsycopth - 18.07.2023 20:49

You forgot that even proto graveminds can corrupt computer systems AIs anything with operating system can be infected by the flood where the markers can’t control technology the flood could trick and confuse the hive minds with fake messages etc etc

@aprilstarks1 - 15.07.2023 18:48

Bruh the flood are the corrupted version of the creators of life itself I think they can hold there own mentally

@NyteStar_Force - 11.07.2023 22:09

Desperate people in fear go crazy on their own in terrible situations, why do the damn Marker and Gravemind have to make it worse?

@relentlesschaos7445 - 10.07.2023 19:58

Flood- Can obtain all you knowledge and memories for its own gain

Necromorphs- Can get inside your head(With an active marker nearby) and persuade you to kill others or sometimes yourself to help gain another to its horde

@spambot_gpt7 - 05.07.2023 23:28

Great video!
Your conclusion surprised me, but it was understandable.

It really seems that the Necromorphs would be perfectly adapted to destroy things on the intelligence level of humans through their mental abilities.
Physically they are not that overpowered with their reliance on tentacles and claws in the space age. (Hint, nukes, hint)
The mental abilities are very necessary to pull off their Lovecraftian atmosphere.

Something that can resist their mental abilities would probably be able to beat them on the physical level.
If the mental signal could be reliably nullified, even humans would be able to beat almost any amount of necromorphs.

The flood is also dangerous because it can use an infection vector humans are mostly powerless against.
This time, it's not space-time waves, but microbiology, which is probably even more scary.
(And then at the gravemind level, space-time waves are added for maximum OP-ness.)
The flood would be powerless if its spores didn't work.

A flood without OP spores or necromorphs without their OP signal would both just be hordes of spacefaring melee-zombies.
Pretty beatable and far less scary in combat than the balanced biohazards like tyranids and zerg.

@astral_limits - 03.07.2023 17:53

Grizzly Bears have 20 claws, several inches in length, one on each toe of their four feet. Silverback Gorillas have nails on their fingers and toes like humans. The grizzly would more than likely win in a fight against a Silverback gorilla.

@Fang-4FR - 27.06.2023 16:06

If you recall the lore of the Precursors well enough, more specifically the Primordial… then you’d know that the Primordial is a Precursor who relishes in the suffering of all life, including the life they personally didn’t create. The Primordial saw the flood as a weapon, and somehow merged with it to gain control of it. If the Gravemind got ahold of the Necromorphs, the Primordial may also merge his further advanced mind into the hive mind of the Necromorphs and turn them into a second weapon to create more chaos in a wider range. So it isn’t a win for either the flood or the Necromorphs, but rather a win for the Primordial themselves.

@Kiribandit - 26.06.2023 01:20

One big thing with the flood is that all they need is to send a single combat form to send to dozens if not hundreds of planets and thats game.

@gamer11110 - 09.06.2023 18:43

Plot twist: they settle there differences and join forces

@ImNotGhostfacee - 31.05.2023 17:28

If I'm not mistaken couldn't the flood infect the brother moons?

@vindictivegrind9370 - 15.05.2023 18:38

Two words: Rocket Flood

@philippegarceau - 13.05.2023 20:05

Flood wins 85 percent of the time. The only chance the necramorphs could resist is before the flood can create a small protogravemind, too smart and manipulative and numbered.

@thecrimsonelite5061 - 20.04.2023 16:30

The Ultimate Stand-Still in the Multiverse.

@Vortexnicholas - 26.03.2023 23:02

I wonder who’d win the marker or the mimics hive from the movie edge of tommorrow. It’d be interesting as the mimic hive can control time.

@Vortexnicholas - 26.03.2023 17:36

Brother in moon. sounds like a heavy metal song.

@FireBladesGameing - 25.03.2023 17:40

If humanity had both these threats... we are so fucked... if your not consumed by the hive mind flood (while feeling every bit of it) you are a undead monster that cannot be stopped except bu removing all limbs.

@TheiTzCynical - 25.03.2023 07:50

Flood wins hands down and here's why.
The Flood not only infect people they also collect their memories and experiences and retain that information which gets shared amongst the hivemind and all infected.
In Halo 3 the Flood infect dock workers, it's highly likely some of them were forklift drivers.
Therefore the Flood are forklift certified.

@_-_-_L_-_-_ - 23.03.2023 10:29

Tbh I think they'd merge

@TheSplatterCat - 22.03.2023 14:31

Simple, if it has a nervous system, it's fluffed

@xxxhalo4everxxx - 20.03.2023 17:21

the flood, easily the flood, not even a contest the flood would reach a evolution point where they'd be completely immune to the necromorths/bretheren moons mind messing BS since the smarter you are the better you're able to resist it seems long before the bretheren moons even catch wind of their existence, at that point its already GG the flood operate as militarized hive mind, they use EVERTHING from the the species they devour, knowledge how to use and make their weapons, warships, and even planet killers if they have them, the bretheren moons just destroy the planet, create a new moon and move on, the only thing they can do to a species able to put up a fight by being able to stop the markers is to just show up in person and use their mega mind brain waves to overwhelm them into being powerless, which again isnt going to work against something that equels and honestly probalby outright surpasses their own intelligence, a flood outbreak would cause them to shit bricks because they litterally have no counter, while the flood might not be able to mind overwhelm BS them aswell, the flood are perfectly capable of building entire fleets of warships armed with planet killers to deal with them, easy win for the flood, its not about who reaches their final evolution FIRST like alot of people say, if the flood reaches their final evolution AT ALL they win, which can be achieved if a outbreak on a SINGLE planet goes unnoticed to the moons or they dont arrive in time to do anything about it

@davidpryor3523 - 20.03.2023 14:04

That neither of them would win they would just assimilate each other if not combined completely becoming a whole entire new species

@theminerboy5694 - 19.03.2023 05:00

Idk man the flood is basically immortal and their later stages have physics-bending superpowers, I don't think anything could beat it.
