

Fry Em Up Gaming

5 месяцев назад

36,620 Просмотров

Citron Punkin Deck

Pvz Heroes Pvz Heroes Plants Vs. Zombies: Heroes (ok, now the dumb YouTube algorithm likes me)

Download the Mod from PurpleGreen's Channel!

Recorded 2024-01-05

Fry Em Up Merch!

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Sunday through Friday 2-4 pm EST

Feel free to leave comments below. If you refer to a specific part of the video, please include the time which you are talking about, for example, 25:23 (which is 25 minutes and 23 seconds in to the video).




#highlights #funny #moments #deck #best #awesome #top #ten #pvzh #how_to #tutorial #high_rank #ranked #high #good #great #guide #plant #zombie #live #stream #multiplayer #fry #fryem #fryemup #fry'emup #twitch #toronto #pvz_heroes #plants #vs #vs. #plants_vs_zombies_heroes #plants_vs._zombies_heroes #pvz #zombies #heroes #popcap #hack #glitch #legendary #legendaries #pack #set #galactic #gardens #pay2win #pay #win #citron #pumkin #pumkintron
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@victordu8094 - 01.02.2024 21:31

Pumpkin and Starch Lord Combo hilarous Deck Meme and Thumbnail!!

@bellezhang1857 - 01.02.2024 21:39

Pov : You see Fry post with Starch-Lord in the thumbnail

@nyanbonecrush - 01.02.2024 21:46

Is fry a pumpkin shell that makes his beard more powerful?

@Chilli_bean - 01.02.2024 22:05


@gameygames135 - 01.02.2024 22:13

Fry is the type of guy to denounce a zombie deck on a non-Brainy hero because it doesn't have teleport

@YoloYester94 - 01.02.2024 22:14

Another deck featuring the Guy Fieri Orange.

@NoahCommenter - 01.02.2024 22:16

Day 89 of asking for firefighter kangaroo hybrid at 69420 subs.

@Qarcus - 01.02.2024 22:25

Fry, you should run housekeeper in your deck, it draws 4 cards and shuffles in the almighty soup card, giving you extra brains for that turn

@bobjoe-bf9tl - 01.02.2024 22:50

Day 30 of asking fry to make a pirate deck without Flameface or swashbuckler like the Valk and no minions or trickster and no tricks challenge

@RedStoneKami - 01.02.2024 23:19

Fry, what is the best plant and zombie deck that you’ve made for climbing in ranked?

@Hausbau. - 01.02.2024 23:24

hey fry can you make another smash deck about a budget version of mob garg I switched out super nova for smashing and used roadio instead of garg trowing garg

@TwilightChomperEnthusiast - 01.02.2024 23:28

Fun, a Pumpkin Starch Lord deck! I wonder how this one will go!

@Dwayne_LaFontant - 02.02.2024 00:41

So pumpkin and starch lord are in S tier?

@thesouloftheknight8452 - 02.02.2024 00:45

Hey Fry, here's an amazing op combo: Lily pad + apotatosaurus. Now it's untrickable and can't be chump blocked so easily! So op!! 4! 4!!

@KV-88 - 02.02.2024 01:07

Thats Palutens Deck.

@justpvz2978 - 02.02.2024 01:46

Day 17 of asking for Fry to make a nurse leap deck

@lorenalopez2027 - 02.02.2024 01:56

Ok guys hear me out, teleport pirates

@月光-Moonshine - 02.02.2024 02:25

I will now be trying to play this with Beta (My que- I mean my main)

@s.o.k.1393 - 02.02.2024 02:37

This looks a lot like a 3-nut deck, I think it would be wise to take out the snakes and add garlic or something

@jonahmarsee1200 - 02.02.2024 02:38

Love that Fry is still doing these!!!!

@cbazzPrgms - 02.02.2024 03:28

Fry, do you take back your heinous words against the lord and savior of our starch??

@jonahmarsee1200 - 02.02.2024 03:52

Being the best and the leader of anything is rare. Fry yo a lucky man!!!!

@meepswag35 - 02.02.2024 04:50

I feel like bog could be interesting in this deck

@rickedson69 - 02.02.2024 04:56

So now Starch-Lord is good?!

@Ambered16 - 02.02.2024 05:30

Hey, new player. Do you have to spend money to unlock all the cards? How long does it take?

@dweibox0073 - 02.02.2024 05:57

Fry em up never makes me fail to spend 50k on commisioning an animator to make swabbie animations

@aarong1043 - 02.02.2024 06:54

day 7 of asking fry to make a competitively viable water balloons deck

@Hossak - 02.02.2024 07:38

For a few months I could not get my PvsZ heroes to work and I have found a way to get it to work. I have been playing PvZ heroes now since 2016 and still thoroughly enjoy the game. I have a Samsung Galaxy S21 5G phone and about a year ago I noticed that the game was starting to crash. Basically every time I would load the game – it would show the loading screen and then just go to black. During the loading screen I would also see my account details load up (this may be relevant) and then nothing.

I tried to clear the PvsZ heroes cache and then deleted the data. This of course meant that the data would have to reload and sometimes this would work but eventually even this did not work at all – relevantly as soon as I connected my Google Play Games account – the third option on the PvZ heroes account info screen – the game would just continually go to black.

What I did notice is that during the loading screen – the Google account icon would appear and my google play account would connect and then the black screen would appear and the app would crash. I think this is the key thing that is causing the game to crash but I am still investigating.


Go to settings – apps and then for the following apps:

Gaming Hub
Google Play Games
Google Play Services
Google Play Store
Select the app – go to storage for each one on the list separately and then clear cache and then clear data on each one. I did not have any issues with deleting the data.
You can also clear the cache on Plants vs Zombies heroes – BUT DO NOT DELTE DATA – this is pointless.

Okay now make sure your operating system is also up to date and the Restart your phone.

Once your phone is up and running – run PvsZ heroes using the icon – don’t use the fast boot thingo from the gaming hub app – I think that is also a mistake. You should then notice that the loading screen will not bring up your google name and sometimes it will notify you with text on the bottom third of the screen that your username account is being used. The game should then work. If it crashes – then just hit the boot icon again at least twice more – sometimes it takes a couple of times to get up and running. Note that before I restarted my phone – I had to go through the above procedure every time I wanted to play the game ie I had to clear the cache and data from all of the listed apps every time and then boot the PvZ game at least twice before I got back in. However when I powered off my phone completely a few days ago – it has worked with no issues continuously since then – now I have even gone into the game and it boots my using my google account name with that little green triangle which was before a sign of impending doom and now it is no issue.

I really hope this helps someone but as you can see, I am a bit puzzled as to why it is working continuously now. This is why I have been reluctant to post this “solution” and even now I would not consider it perfect.

Anyway I will post this as a comment on all of Fry’s new videos and here is hoping it helps people get back into this great game. Goodluck and thank you Fry for all your hard work!

@sealsandtacos - 02.02.2024 07:58

finally a pumpkin deck omg

@lunartsuki8573 - 02.02.2024 08:06

Can you make a deck built around pumpking if you haven’t already

@lordtoast344 - 02.02.2024 09:19

Fry you should make a meme stream and try to make as many snake weeds as possible
Meaning you should try to protect it and move it at the right time to continue the growth cycle
And keep count how many you have grown

@mcflurry6518 - 02.02.2024 12:49

Fry never fails to spread our legs open and fill us with his juicy starch 🥔

@DaveyTheDuckGaming - 02.02.2024 18:48

fusion cards are so fun i wish they were better

@kingboo.9603 - 02.02.2024 20:35

that congo call in game 5 was insane, fry showing his legacy there

@scoobydoobydoo7401 - 02.02.2024 20:39

Video 4 of asking fry for a mini ninja smoke bomb meme deck.

@ruliardian9482 - 02.02.2024 21:28


@stijnderksen1837 - 02.02.2024 23:18

I was thinking no way he gets trapper and he actually did

@stijnderksen1837 - 02.02.2024 23:20

Unironically saying: "we play into what are those" is so funny lol

@Frogger3 - 03.02.2024 06:44

Hey Fry, did you make taco league with your free account? I'm pretty sure I got a game with you. You were Immorticia, I was Wall-Knight, running a toxic Tricarrotops deck. Your gamertag for that account is "FryEmUpfree" right?

@bextomoose - 03.02.2024 17:07

lol, Fry roasting the opponent in game 3 when someone said in chat that they were the one playing Fry

@bextomoose - 03.02.2024 17:16

Reading Lazarus lore in chat was honestly a really fun side thing during this video lmao

@Tekaway210 - 04.02.2024 07:37

Petition for fry to make a party Synergy deck

@R0KAN11 - 04.02.2024 20:14

Opened 22 packs 2k gem spend. Got 5 super rares 0 legendary. Love this f2p friendly game🙂🙂

@doctaterror - 13.02.2024 01:14

Once upon a time, there was a Starch-Lord. This Starch-Lord was so powerful that it could conjure an entire army of roots with just a flick of its wrist. It could summon so many roots that the entire board was filled with them, and the opponent's zombies couldn't even move.

The Starch-Lord was so strong that it could even defeat the infamous Z-Mech in a single turn. It could conjure so many cards that its hand was always full, and it never ran out of options.

But the true power of the Starch-Lord was not in its ability to conjure roots. No, the true power of the Starch-Lord was in its ability to summon the ultimate weapon: Cornucopia.

With Cornucopia by its side, the Starch-Lord was unstoppable. It could conjure a never- ending stream of plants that overwhelmed the opponent's defenses and destroyed everything in its path

And that, my friends, is the power of the Starch Lord. May we all be blessed with its incredible strength and unwavering power.

@HoverMelon2000 - 05.03.2024 01:00

This is one of my new favorite decks to play for fun! :)
