BEST Damage Set? Lostmauth Vengeance! Exchange Vendor for Older Sets - Neverwinter Mod 20

BEST Damage Set? Lostmauth Vengeance! Exchange Vendor for Older Sets - Neverwinter Mod 20


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@Aragon- - 22.02.2021 17:30

TLDR: The Lostmauth set is very good in aoe fights with lots of mobs, especially if you have fast hitting at-wills!
In single target boss fight (ToMM/Zariel) your most likely better to run a set to increase your damage by a % to make your bigger hits hit bigger.

@mrlinde6518 - 25.08.2021 11:03

Does this set make sense on a rogue still for aoe? Running wyvern at the moment.

@asiveyakskl6969 - 26.07.2021 06:12

good video man

@GTXTi-pt2ee - 23.06.2021 17:43

Why lostmauth set will not proc if using Dread enhancement??? 🤔 I try it and the lostmauth damage not proc 😂 i dont get it this game lol 🤣 can you explain me argon, i need answer

@trejordan9796 - 06.06.2021 09:37

Hey aragon, Im a ranger/hunter and started using this recently and have a couple questions.
- For thorned roots damage does it proc on crit?
- Using Mirage set, do the illusions crits proc set bonus?
- Do companion crits proc?

Thank you, appreciate the videos you make!

@richardjamesss438 - 25.05.2021 17:10

Yeah now greedy stupid players are selling lost mouth pieces for millions of astral diamonds

@marcoviola6741 - 15.04.2021 11:13

thanks for the info! I was just wondering if it could have any use...and here's the answer! :D Making one for my tank to give him some much welcome dps. I have a crazy at will that hits multiple targets and this is pure gold. In my build I'm giving up a set that provides a +5% awareness when I stand for 3 secs (the extra +5% damage resistance is nullified because my awareness grow and I loose the bonus when awarenesse, crit av and defl are equal). I think that the extra dps will be great. Sometimes in random content is much needed.

@ryans756 - 06.04.2021 02:42

Perhaps worth exchanging them (if possible) for the Tiamat set if you're a healer, seeing as there's so little in the game that boosts outgoing healing, and since the Tiamat orb is so expensive.

@dollygrey7157 - 12.03.2021 16:17

Is it a must to use the lostmauth set together with the story journal or if u don't have the story journal will just using the lostmauth set still be gud

@cFROSTYscriv - 08.03.2021 21:50

the lostmauth set exchange is there because long ago they change what the set did drastically making it far weaker than it was to bring it inline with other sets.

@publicminx - 03.03.2021 14:36

btw: for 99% of the people the difference between an older set like lostmauth (itemlevel: 575) and a newer set like dark remnant (itemlevel 950) is irrelevant not just because it is marginal but since all content where such differences actually count (all dungeons/trials/skirmishes with paingiver charts - except tomm/zariel) is scaled. this means: all have the SAME baseDMG. user with 54k TIL (total itemlevel) have for instance in the Cloaktower exactly the same BaseDMG of 720 as users with 20k. other dungeons have different 'fixed' values but everyone will have the same = ZERO difference! dont forget that the change was not really about combat (or can you now fight from mounts? can you better jump and heal/hit at the same time? did anything substantielly evolve in combat?) but to integrate scaling into the stat-system. if anything than 'changing of the combat rating system' is a better description. but anyway: the change was mainly about scaling, not combat! and back to the sets: what counts (a little bit) are the boni. apart from the general bonus of per crit more dmg (lostmouth/tales) vs. 2.5% or 5% (dark remnant) the lostmauth set has strenght (+0.5% per point more/less dmg depending on the class) and the dark remnant set has intelligence (+0.5% more/less dmg per point depending on the class) ...

@growgareo - 03.03.2021 11:52

i changed to lostmauth right after the IL changes update when went over 45k IL. losing 1k IL was no that much of a big deal as I run Wizard and with the Ice floor + lightning + 3books... i use to get insane amount of dng popups...didn't actually notice the amount of dmg but just that 1 encounter would give multiple lostmauth procs if i just hit a group of mobs.. so much that the numbers will cover the entire screen... i had always liked it as i use all AOE attacks on mobs

@publicminx - 27.02.2021 05:00

The Bel fight (solo) was a good testing ground for SingleTarget. The fight takes some time but lasts not very long. A strong enough DPS can jump over the Catapult Phase. Unfortunately: the ACT-Plugin does not work with the resulting combatlog due to some odd/unknown entries the parser cannot deal with. Rainers CombatTool has the same problem with such logs ... There is at least one other context in Vallenhas or Avernus which also creates such 'odd' logs. But I forgot what it was ...

@mcoaxe1 - 26.02.2021 05:55

Awesome Video thanks for sharing. How does it work with Mirage.

@kyriakospapadopoulos3619 - 25.02.2021 09:21

could it be good for a warlock dps,with its aoe and over time powers?

@TrufantFan - 25.02.2021 05:46

Returning console player here from a year hiatus. Arcane Control wizard currently at 40k IL with lvl 14 lightning weapon enchant. Couple questions... are the major +1 armor enchants still the strongest/best and in mod 20 are there new neck/waist artifact sets? Or should I put my AD into the music box set? Currently running Company set and Soul Sight Crystal (lol its been awhile).

@alphakingdp583 - 23.02.2021 20:38

I love your videos and just got back into neverwinter. I was wonder since companion are doing better damage then before does that mean the con artist(favorite companion) is useful again

@BABYZARIEL - 23.02.2021 14:35

If i am right it have bug then you use 3 book and losmount or it just stack dmg with lost mount set so on single target it will be like 3 mil in tomm run from artifact set and losmout:)

@gimmiedashasha - 23.02.2021 14:11

I ran like 5 games today and the top DPS guys had Lostmauth sets.

@saintricardo8746 - 23.02.2021 06:08


@BTPGamingPro - 23.02.2021 05:47

Great video Aragon! Do you ever sleep lol I see your vids displaying constantly. You do some fantastic stuff!

@shawnpeal1209 - 23.02.2021 05:19

I just like playing and remembering that line from Chronicles of Riddick when he tells Kira "Let's play your favorite game.' 'Who kills the fastest!'

But I'm just a rogue, so LM set isn't my choice for an older set ... for my assassin, I use (censored to prevent nerf) set as a spam AOE EP build.

I always tell everyone to build how they want to play, not how others expect you to build to play! Better to be best player for your build than just trying to be BiS w/o a clue. BiS is such an outdated phrase anyways ... I'll take BFB (best for build) always. Screw TIL, you already pointed out that some older sets and bonuses would be better M20, Aragon! And I agree!

Excellent vid again!

@mcscottyjr3834 - 23.02.2021 05:04

hey, just wanting to know if this is only supposed to work on tank or other classes also ???

@prowie2569 - 23.02.2021 00:21

Rogues are probably enjoying this while they can

@deathhunter391 - 22.02.2021 23:50

the exchange has been there for toons made before a certain point when lostmuath was the go to set before demo so long ago funny how it has comeback with the CCR because of the double dipping

@Desertflipper2 - 22.02.2021 23:45

The Lostmauth is a good set if you have the books, otherwise you might lack the procs.

@MrHellscreams - 22.02.2021 23:39

Ty, are u able to test the new biletorn in order to check if there's a typo there or is working as intended ty again

@tbear4557 - 22.02.2021 23:39

I still have the Demo set and most artifacts from the last 5 years.

@EloyCanto - 22.02.2021 22:18

i'm using the lostmauth set on my barbarian and my wizard, since both are way below sharandar level, barbarian it's 28k and wizard has barely reached 25k, and seems to help them, especially the wizard who now seems most efective and less squishy, i ran both alts on sharandar and both can do it, but don't even dare to try to solo an heroic, my main it's a warlock on 40.1k and i don't think it will need it since i don't have any problems soloing sharandar, even heroics, not the big one, way too many mobs, but the other heroics, yeah not a big problem, so this set seems to be a big help for chars who don't have their boons to complete their stats, but for my main, i'm more interested on the other sharandar set, the one that seems to give you extra damage or healing, but i think it haven't been liberated yet.

@ryanradey433 - 22.02.2021 22:07

So I have 3 journals but they don't have pages. Is the lostm set still good together and if yes what would I use as main artifact

@alistairetheblu - 22.02.2021 21:33

Hey, you're at the single target dummy I pointed out! Anyway, if 1 set says "your weapon damage" and the other says "100 magnitude", is magnitude basically a %? So 100 magnitude = 100% weapon damage?

@rolotcw - 22.02.2021 21:23

Hey how much accuracy % do you this is needed for a DPS?

@colemcmullen3904 - 22.02.2021 21:16

It's a good bet that if it works well they're going to remove or change it. That seems to be their M.O.

@blackgoku506 - 22.02.2021 21:03

U would get one shorted in tomm no defensive stats scrub don’t make videos ur garbage

@GalacticUnderwear - 22.02.2021 20:50

They added the demo set and decided to "fix" the loatmouth set to make the demo set more popular. It was a huge scandals at the time
The vendor was to calm people down because they were upset about the nerf, and it was always supposed to be temporary. Basically it! now you know.

@matthew_mage2363 - 22.02.2021 20:19

How would a Lostmouth Set, Journal set, Mirage weapons, Lightning enchant with may a Firebirst enchant go if anyone's tested or tried

@247pyro4 - 22.02.2021 19:44

Lostmauth+ Storyteller dont work when i equip my plaguefire😭😭😭

@gemsstr7933 - 22.02.2021 19:06

Is it still worth it just having lostmauth set without envenomed set? Or is it best to just have the avernus set for now, with increased item level? Great vid!

@xarchangelx - 22.02.2021 18:45

Just a note on your math here: A 90% chance to critically strike does not mean you will critically strike 9/10 times or 9/10 mobs. That is a fallacy a lot of people hold when it comes to statistics. A 90% chance means: that each hit has a 90% chance to hit and a 10% to fail. They are not cumulative. You could critically hit 0/10 times (if you're really unlucky) or 10/10 times as each time there is a 10% failure rate and each hit does not correlate to the previous or future hits. Think of statistics as a dice you roll, 9/10 of the faces have a star and 1/10 of the faces has a sad face, each roll does not affect the past or future rolls. It is perfectly possible that you will roll a sad face 10 times in a row.

@vbloodyassaultx7428 - 22.02.2021 17:56

Warlocks will abuse this ser

@DOC_NO - 22.02.2021 17:54

Hear that sound???
I know I've heard it before
It's the nerf bat starting to swing :)

@Paresscool - 22.02.2021 17:39

took people a longer time than expected to realize this. Well, tooltip is even weirder than I thought (thought it was a digit error, being 10 magnitude). Now I wonder if it'll last long considering the damage output if this gets popular

@Trackti - 22.02.2021 17:36

So happy I kept all my old artifacts lmao

@derromantischearzt1352 - 22.02.2021 17:31

BiS for Barbs with steelblitz

@Mogojoegotube - 22.02.2021 17:25

I do love how older sets are really good now due to combat reworks, the only thing letting them down is item level. For example the mirage set is a competitor for BIS weapons for DPS

@andrewnyack4047 - 22.02.2021 17:10

Back in the day you would be able to buff the extra hit when they took that away they allowed you to trade them in
