OAXACA CITY, MEXICO | 10 Best Things To Do In & Around Oaxaca City

OAXACA CITY, MEXICO | 10 Best Things To Do In & Around Oaxaca City

World Wild Hearts

2 года назад

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Laura Johnson
Laura Johnson - 25.09.2023 03:21

Your videos are great thank you!

Giovanna M
Giovanna M - 14.09.2023 07:47

can you get around via scooters

Mish - 24.08.2023 11:01

what is the name of the distillery that you went to? Did you go on your own or did you do a tour? If not with a tour, did you have to make a booking to come by?

Userdevj - 27.07.2023 17:49

Do you happen to have a personal tourist guide recommendation ?

D Walker
D Walker - 21.07.2023 15:49

Thank you

Alicia Ruiz
Alicia Ruiz - 16.06.2023 01:40

Do you have any recommendations for car rentals?

13Hadoukens - 04.06.2023 13:24

My pa came from here. He’s told me crazy stories about his village.

Thomas Jaeger
Thomas Jaeger - 17.04.2023 19:07

Big thumbs up! I've been to Oaxaca two times, and have just scratched the surface. Your content has places I was totally unaware of... and I've seen a lot of videos on the city! Thank you! Cheers!

Ricardo Mendoza
Ricardo Mendoza - 12.04.2023 14:46

Muchas gracias por El video mi Gallo
Soy de Oaxaca, aqui vivo ahorita


A55tech - 19.03.2023 20:43

it kinda don't look like "southwestern" Mex to me lol

Gen - 16.03.2023 08:02

I’m so glad I came across this page

jacquie lapierre dufresne
jacquie lapierre dufresne - 15.03.2023 01:45

How safe is it really😊

viva la vida
viva la vida - 15.03.2023 00:20

A tlayuda is not the mexican versión of pizza.....

DR - 10.03.2023 12:17

Ciudad de Juarez, no? Also mescal sucks, eat a taco at a farmers market o el menu del dia!

Santi Foster
Santi Foster - 25.02.2023 09:33

What time of year were you there? What was the approximate temp of the water at the pools and air?

Nivel Uno
Nivel Uno - 21.02.2023 07:10

I love Oaxaca!

Ben Fenlon
Ben Fenlon - 15.02.2023 02:00

Great vid!! 👏🙏👍

justrandom222 - 29.01.2023 06:53

Thank you so much for the video! Did you have any safety concerns?

Un român oarecare /An average Romanian
Un român oarecare /An average Romanian - 28.01.2023 15:22

Fun fact, in Oaxaca de Juarez you can find a taco restaurant called “Tacos Goku”. Thank me later, Dragon Ball fans ;)

Jeronimo Muniz
Jeronimo Muniz - 19.01.2023 22:21

If you go to Zipolite becaurfull Al night.
I went there and Manding, a drugadict stabbed me from behind.
It was 6 times.
Do not go to the drug zone.

CaLi_LiviN - 12.01.2023 06:46

Great video thanks it was very helpful

Abel Mendoza
Abel Mendoza - 06.01.2023 19:08

I will be there in may.
I am from Oaxaca and family has a house down there. Anyone need a place to stay dm me.

Malia'n Gloqowej
Malia'n Gloqowej - 04.01.2023 10:57

Trying to find a good safe place for my metata to visit because he said he wanted to visit Mexico

佳慧 瞿
佳慧 瞿 - 01.01.2023 17:38


Raymundo Barbosa
Raymundo Barbosa - 21.12.2022 18:20


SEBASTIAN GIRAUD - 20.12.2022 05:27

I am Mexican, I just returned from a 4 days trip to Oaxaca city, and I have to say it was very dissapointing to witness the total abandonement of the City. It is covered with graffiti (the bad kind), broken sidewalks, unattended homeless people, and in general no public care whatsoever. It is very obvious that the State and municipal authorities don’t care either about the City or the in habitants, in my opinion it does not deserve at all the title given by UNESCO as a world heritage site or even a “Pueblo Mágico” for that máster. Much better cities are QUERETARO, GUANAJUATO, MORELIA, ZACATECAS, MERIDA, PUEBLA.

SEBASTIAN GIRAUD - 20.12.2022 05:14

😮 Acabo de regresar de un viaje a Oaxaca capital, y fue muy decepcionante ver lo completamente abandonada que está la ciudad, mucha basura, toda graffiteada, con banquetas rotas, registros abiertos que son como trampas, camellones llenos de basura, indigentes sin atención de las “autoridades”. Es como si no hubiera autoridades municipales o estatales, o más bien como si no les interesara en lo absoluto ni la ciudad ni sus habitantes, una vergüenz, y soy Mexicano.

Devi Bala
Devi Bala - 16.12.2022 01:14

This city looks similar to a town in my homeland 😍

Juan Sanchez
Juan Sanchez - 30.11.2022 18:55

Let's go to Oaxaca you guys won't regret this a place to visit one time in life

Richard Francisco
Richard Francisco - 28.11.2022 12:13

Never disappoints! GREAT VIDEO

The Thinkerish
The Thinkerish - 28.11.2022 05:58

Thank you for the idea of the free walking tour. The guide spoke perfect english. wow.

transverso arte
transverso arte - 23.11.2022 09:16

No todos los oaxaqueños estamos felices de que vengan. No traten de verlo todo como su entretenimiento y por favor, si quieren vivir acá, esfuércense en hablar español.

hetal patel
hetal patel - 17.11.2022 04:41

Beautiful camera work,
Information put togather nicely snd above all love the way you speak.

Chicago Mike
Chicago Mike - 08.11.2022 02:45

Ok looks nice but if you can’t trust the water how can you trust the food? Hmm…I don’t mean to be rude. Just watching.

producciones @cruz videos☠️
producciones @cruz videos☠️ - 02.11.2022 02:32

Oaxaca muy bonito sus costumbres y tradiciones

Alal Esc
Alal Esc - 01.11.2022 23:38

Awesome magical place!

Marmot Canales
Marmot Canales - 31.10.2022 14:57


Hannah Wheeler
Hannah Wheeler - 22.10.2022 23:38

Where did you find the prehistoric caves? I'm planning a trip and whenever I go to look near Mitla, I can't seem to find them or how I could get to them? Any advice?
Wonderful video! It's been so helpful in planning my trip!

Angry Shaman Productions
Angry Shaman Productions - 22.10.2022 15:56

Great video!

evan m
evan m - 16.10.2022 02:51

Great video on an amazing place

Jack Dunwoody
Jack Dunwoody - 04.10.2022 14:58

Thanks for the great video. I noticed that you’re wearing warm clothes in Pueblos Mancomunados - what time of the year did you visit? I’m visiting in November and now think I should pack some fleece layers.

Steve Thomas
Steve Thomas - 30.09.2022 20:18

I will be going solo there for a week from California, USA. It looks so fun, but Im terrified! I appreciate the video! I'd love safety tips and some cultural tips as well. I will be going during the Dia de los Muertos celebration. Cheers!

workat nowhere
workat nowhere - 25.09.2022 05:47

Don't forget to bring your own toilet paper!!

Quiet, Quaint and Quirky Quadra Island
Quiet, Quaint and Quirky Quadra Island - 11.09.2022 02:33

Super videography and editing. Very inspiring. Peace

Kempler - 09.09.2022 04:06

ATENCIÓN! Estoy tan cansada de los llamados "mexicanos" que solo hablan español y me preguntan por qué no hablo español.
8 por el lado de mi papá que es alemán. Mi madre es indígena del estado de sonora.

Y también hablo el dialecto de la tribu indígena de los antepasados ​​de mi madre. Yo no hablo español estúpido porque mis antepasados ​​no están gastando. El español no es una lengua latina.

¿Por qué los llamados mexicanos cuyos antepasados ​​son indígenas no hablan la lengua materna de sus antepasados?

No tienen sangre española, pero hablan español. Estoy enfermo y cansado de la ignorancia.

Deja de preguntarme por qué no hablo español estúpido. Soy 100% mexicana. Nací en el estado de chihuahua. La gente necesita aprender que no todos los mexicanos son iguales.

Cualquier persona que no tenga ascendencia española y sólo hable español es una puta de español.

¡Soy 100% Menonita Mexicano! Gente déjenme en paz...!!!

Yo nací aquí. Al diablo con Alemania también.

Pedro - 30.08.2022 18:55

Nice video! How did you guys move around Oaxaca? Taxi, Uber or did you rent a car, whats the best way to move around ?

Amy Diaz
Amy Diaz - 28.08.2022 19:47

I went to Oaxaca three times I love Oaxaca I'm obsessed with it 💗💘

Laura Hernandez
Laura Hernandez - 25.08.2022 19:58

This is wer my parents wer boren in oxaca
