Alchemy Profits w/ Buying All Ingredients - Black Desert Alchemy Guide

Alchemy Profits w/ Buying All Ingredients - Black Desert Alchemy Guide


4 года назад

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@Pidgeon_ - 14.04.2020 21:19

quick mafs

@Venzie_AF - 14.04.2020 21:58

Thanks for this. I just stared my account on NA after switching from EU and have been looking for better guides on cooking and alchemy. Got up to Master 3 cooking and got bored, contemplating switching to Alchemy to improve profits.

@givantewalton7797 - 14.04.2020 22:10

Been waiting for this. HELL YEAH

@Mysterycoastmedia - 14.04.2020 23:09

Bro stop posting this stuff, you are altering the markets and fucking up my crafting

@ActualDoomer - 14.04.2020 23:42

it’s always so complicated for me i’m so tired of rng grinding and inconsistent income but i never know what materials to get for any kind of stable income.. i barely farm and fish on ps4 and it’s still not much at all

@rikikawamura8586 - 15.04.2020 00:28

there's a old moon mng in velia

@PGreat1433 - 15.04.2020 00:47

Isnt there an oldmoon vendor on velia? Behind the inn

@thecrazyrai0 - 15.04.2020 03:33

on eu right now you make 3 times that much if you do it with verdure lol

@StavangerTricking - 15.04.2020 10:33

You posted this yesterday and prices of all the draugfht ingredients are waaay up already on EU. Rip profit

@aaateam111 - 15.04.2020 11:14

idk if i like bite size format.

@shzarjones9659 - 15.04.2020 14:18

can i be your new successor for bum to billion i have probably the least amount of money in the entire game and as my friends quoted "As a played who started in KR how do you have less than 50m in each storage over a 4 yera play span"

@hughjanus916 - 17.04.2020 17:36

Your next impossible task should be to save console BDO lol. We're dying

@tt4746 - 29.04.2020 19:11

I tried to make Beasts draught by mixing 3 of each elixers, tears of the falling moon and Ibellabs essence. It said that I have insuff. ingredients to continue processing? Whats the ratio

@blauendonau9779 - 11.05.2020 14:35

thank you

@adrianpina1136 - 12.05.2020 16:31

It was a reasonable question to ask whether or not he had the silver for it; sure it's a projected 33m an hour but you'd have to spend around 1.2b/hr in mats to attain that sort of profit, not to mention how long it would take to sell the draughts you produce.

@adamben5717 - 30.06.2020 10:20

Quick question blade, new subscriber here, how do you deal with weight limits for this? Currently I can only make 150 at a time which takes less than 3 minutes. Basically making this an active activity

@mikewebb7336 - 04.07.2020 15:29

Dude prices have changed however you have opened my mind to other things thanks man

@frederikjensen8461 - 14.07.2020 05:51

What is that item called that make it possible to make 10 at a time?

@ziyatekin6242 - 20.01.2022 15:42

hi blade, what potion do u suggest for easy good profit ?
