USB device is busy with a previous request

USB device is busy with a previous request

Tutorial Nacional

9 лет назад

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wjeuwjeu - 19.07.2023 20:09

I get a bsod every time i turn on the vm on my main machine

vittorio aguti
vittorio aguti - 29.08.2022 12:54

this caused my BSOD on my main machine

Storin t'Kel
Storin t'Kel - 26.12.2018 23:19

Big problem, and perhaps someone can help me out, is that adding that empty rule basically disabled my keyboard and mouse in both Host as well as Guest.

adnan khan
adnan khan - 03.11.2018 20:38

a lot of tutorial is instructing to delete upper filters and i did so. it worked but later i tried to change USB device then it showed same error. now your solution work great. thanks

zolika1351 - 14.04.2017 19:06

doesnt work now neither the host or the guest recognize it

Akshatha Kini
Akshatha Kini - 17.02.2017 05:24

Thank you so much! I was running Ubuntu on my vm and was facing the same problem! Your video helped me fix it!

zack502rh - 06.11.2015 01:12

Does that Work for 3.0 USBS I tried it no Work

Regatta Hasbi
Regatta Hasbi - 01.08.2015 18:04

no, not working anymore. 2 months plugging usb to virtualbox, nothing recognize. windows 'found new hardware wizard' open, and i must find the driver, but where?? ( Host: XP SP3 x86, VBox 5.0.0 )

Gambit771 - 03.01.2015 21:30

Thanks. Doing that as well as enabling usb 2.0 in settings and installing extensions pack sorted my issue

MrSwanley - 12.11.2014 13:39

Creating a blank filter is not a good idea, it will cause the VM to grab the first USB device it finds, which on some PCs could be your keyboard or mouse. Edit the USB filter and put in just enough to differentiate the device you want to capture. Also it's best to plug the device in after the guest has booted - that way the host won't grab it.  On Windows hosts you also need to allow VirtualBox to install the USB redirector driver. Then unplug/replug the device again (only needed first time).
