NEW Unity Prefab Workflow - How to use Nested Prefabs

NEW Unity Prefab Workflow - How to use Nested Prefabs

Jason Weimann

5 лет назад

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spc studios
spc studios - 20.07.2022 09:40

help mee..... i am doing same thing by making copy and placing in different positions i am making bouncing platform it has animation of compression but all animation is coming from one place where i made this animation it is still in its in original place ... how can i fix it ???
i want to use it in my scene in different positions

Gabriel White
Gabriel White - 03.11.2019 22:02

Fyi: When i want that a gameobject has the same transformdata like another one, i put the new gameobject as child under that gameobject which transform i want, reset that gameobject, pull it out on the same level like as the paranted one and remove the parent. :) so i guess this is the fastest way to do that :)

Dávid Péter
Dávid Péter - 01.06.2019 23:45

Thank you. Now I remember why I moved to Godot.

Pt Ard P
Pt Ard P - 11.05.2019 21:37

great video, tanks sir

Adrià Salvadó
Adrià Salvadó - 11.04.2019 18:47

I really like and thank your tutorials, but .. really, your face bothers me and distracts me from the project.. not because I think you are awesome, but because to see a talking head is distracting. by the way, it hides all the important menu behind. Being serios, Its lot more pro just hear a voice so you can focus on the screen, without distracting elements. I repete , nice tutorials.

Spir Al
Spir Al - 07.04.2019 07:28

Hey!, thank you really, I was all messed up and confused... mixing nested prefabs with variants without knowing and getting orange fudge instead of lemon pie ; I was really frustrated with this thing

but now I'm chill. thanks my man :)

Niclas - 13.03.2019 22:30

I really enjoy using Prefab Variants :)

SOARING Simulator
SOARING Simulator - 13.03.2019 18:05

I love this video! Nesting prefab is a complex task and here there it is a pretty good explanation. Do we need to back the prefab via a script on awake and convert it into a normal game object to gain performance somehow?

Ben Outram
Ben Outram - 02.03.2019 00:15

Nice video. Did you know you can make the gizmos smaller?

Aladato - 22.01.2019 02:10

To align the position of objects you're replacing, the fastest way is to child them, reset the transform component and unparent.

gladiumcaeli - 05.01.2019 23:19

Jason could you make a video on the flyweight pattern? Also happy new year XD

Simon Milne
Simon Milne - 04.01.2019 03:29

Feels like there should be a menu option when right clicking objects either in scene view or when editing a prefab to "Replace with Prefab"

sickre - 02.01.2019 18:14

I'm really not a fan of being unable to edit multiple prefabs, having to click twice to open, and being forced into a different scene just to edit a prefab.

Sconosciuto Sconosciuto
Sconosciuto Sconosciuto - 29.12.2018 17:20

Bit if i want to do composition in unity... I should use a Input Manager that tell to an Attack Controller script (attached to my player game object)(that is useful for doing something, like a control of mana before casting...) to use the function called "Cast Spell" in the script that "derives" from interface ISpell?

Jonathan Matthews
Jonathan Matthews - 26.12.2018 22:36

Your videos are gold! Keep them coming.

John Grey
John Grey - 26.12.2018 21:08

Absolutely awesome! This channel and Brackeys are my favorite!

Markles - 26.12.2018 10:01

For the Gun & engine placement... I would have used the old non-prefab gameobjects as placement nodes. Select all 4 of them, delete all the components attached to them but keeping their translation info. Then just drag and drop the new weapon (or engine) prefab into the (now) empty placement node. Since it's a modular ship, it'd then be easy to swap out new prefabs or prefab variants into the same location.

Also a simple suggestion for future recordings: Lower the size of the 3d gizmos... the default size for them is too large, and when you start adding in particles and what not on top of each other, it's hard to see the main object. Go to the Gizmos dropdown on the top right of the Scene panel and just lower the 3D gizmos slider down a bit. I personally just turn them off, but since you're a tutorial and info channel, at least lowering their size so they don't block everything would be nice.

Alexander Zotov
Alexander Zotov - 26.12.2018 08:45

Matreshka thumbnail! Love it!

Markimus - 26.12.2018 01:46

Happy Christmas Jason! Thanks for the video.
There's one thing about this update that's a little awkward: I think the prefab's properties should still show in the inspector without having to click on the "Open Prefab", so you can make one quick change without having to switch your views; hopefully they fix that.
Other than that, the new prefab system is really cool, and it was interesting to see the different ways you can utilise them.

Marcus Otterström
Marcus Otterström - 26.12.2018 01:42

Hey look at that, new profile picture. Looks great mate. Thanks for the video!

Arseny Mun
Arseny Mun - 26.12.2018 01:06

cool new intro dude!
