Unity vs Unreal Engine 2023 | Which Game Engine Should I Make My Game In

Unity vs Unreal Engine 2023 | Which Game Engine Should I Make My Game In

Dan Pos

1 год назад

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@ScbSnck - 15.09.2023 13:47

It got worse with unity

@midorayo1149 - 04.09.2023 14:22

you didnt talk about how unity is superior in 3d mobile games

@ferdinandkasangati5089 - 26.08.2023 02:50

Unity and unreal engine at the brother, i take both of them,
Theres no choice tho, take the one you love and start your life

@Calixj23 - 12.06.2023 11:27

I was a long time Unity user and still believe the engine is a phenomenal tool to make certain games, but I've recently bean to explore UE5 and WOW...!!! Some of the things that UE5 does "out of the box" are incredible compared to Unity, such as character movement. Not to mention Quixel Bridge that is so, so, so much better that the Unity Asset Store. So, as much as I've always liked Unity, I am moving over to UE5 for the most part... and I say for the most part, because Unity is still a very good engine for 2D and for mobile platforms. So, if that is your main focus, stick to Unity as C# is a very easy language to learn and master. In the end, it's - what do you need to create and what is that environment going to be deployed to....? That should be a key point of your decision making.

@user-lg7td1he3s - 21.04.2023 06:20

i think the best game engines are GDevelop Godot Unity and Unreal Engine i personally use Unreal engine mostly with a touch of GDevelop but i think Unity and Godot are good to and any other game engine i have tried besides GDevelop Unity Unreal and Godot i think suck

@MrQuaidReactor - 19.04.2023 21:48

I'd have to agree, I've been in unity for over 10 years, and for me it's more of a bare-bones system. C# was way easy to learn so that was a plus. I decided to change first for multiplayer. I am making a game with many traditional FPS mechanics, mechanics that are already built into Unreal. Unreal has a dedicated AI framework that works in multiplayer. Unity has none of that, and I don't recall a AI tool that is multiplayer-ready. 2d wise unity does seem to have a great number of tools so it may win there but for making a 3d fps or third-person game I think Unreal is the way forward.

@robertwilson1589 - 11.04.2023 09:40

UE5 through and through.

@LajosUti - 09.04.2023 08:29

I'd like to use Unreal Engine, but got bored with staring at those 'compiling shaders' with my weak PC, so I am afraid I have to stick with Unity.

@altongames1787 - 08.04.2023 13:48

Your out of touch man

@matheusmendes5990 - 23.01.2023 18:39

Agreed. I'm switching from Unity to Unreal 5
But for a 2D game, I would go for Unity, not Godot. Maybe even Gamemaker Studio 2 (where I started). I don't deslike Godot, but for a 2D game, I think those 2 are better choices.
Good video, btw! Keep up.

@DeepFriedOreoOffline - 15.01.2023 02:17

Great video, and take! Utilizing C++ and Blueprints together seems to be massively overlooked :)

@johninglis2622 - 23.12.2022 02:55

will you be doing unreal engine tutorials?

@marcusbowe8489 - 13.12.2022 18:38

Hey Dan where can I learn c++ for unreal engine to start my game developer journey.

@MasonVeil - 12.12.2022 17:38

Plus Godot got a massive amount of funding recently.
And Unreal is... well... maybe they'll have more tutorials now that people are jumping ship away from Unity.

@fractalelement857 - 11.12.2022 17:04

same, doesnt matter, because if your're good, you're good with whatever tool

@imastupidmoronwithabigbutt4212 - 11.12.2022 16:23

What about an absolute beginner? Is unreal an option or start with other engine then work up to unreal?

@SoaringSimulator - 11.12.2022 04:25

After learning Unity in deep (and C#). Can be a good idea to learn Unreal and C++.

@zendraw3468 - 08.12.2022 13:07

what a plain look on the subject. atleast think about what you say and dont just say what you have concluded.
1st- unreal engine as you said is for AAA games, that means a workflow in UE is not for noobs.
2nd- godot doesnt have the support nor the community nor the engine stability nor functionality of unity so i dont see why are you even mentioning it? godot has alot of problems espetially with 3d. and it will never get on unity`s level.
3rd- obviosly unity is the best place for a noob to start. it uses c#, which is id say noob friendly and in the same time good for profesional work. next, its a modular engine so structuring your game is like placing legos, again most noob friendly, even more friendly then godot`s weird node system.

i and others wuld really appreciate that you guys atleast state that this is just your opinion and it culd be wrong in your video. people shuldnt make a decision out of sympathy, which seems to be the biggest pillar of godot`s support.

@iamQuicklearner - 08.12.2022 05:53

@danpos I like both mobile games and unreal engine. Somewhere i read that, games made in unreal engine wont work on most of the mobile devices like unity does. Is it real ?. This is the only thing stopping me from learning Unreal engine. Can i make a car race game in Unreal Engine for all mobile devices ?.

@Rishikhar_ - 05.12.2022 18:30

You will make tutorial on unreal

@Valiant600 - 04.12.2022 00:36

Career wise which is the best option? Especially for tools dev.

@joey546 - 30.11.2022 11:16

The whole ironsource thing has got to be the most missed reported news in all of game dev, and it's still an embarrassment how so many game devs still get this wrong. Also, I'm unconvinced that Godot's 2d is better than Unity's. In fact, I'm willing to bet if there was an actual test of both engines 2d capabilities that Unity would come out on top.

@nhanimaah786 - 30.11.2022 10:05

I will never understand why people who code in unity c# are scared to code in unreal c++. They are pretty much similar

@mrCHRONIC128 - 29.11.2022 20:48

Can't look at Unreal engine at the moment as I don't have a system that can handle it. I wanted to use it since 2016 and the system I had then couldn't handle it. I started Unity in 2021 (2020.3) and it ran on the system I had then, and every new version I have installed ever since then still runs on my system and so dreaming of unreal especially unreal 5 don't make any sense for me

@zikitamon - 29.11.2022 17:56

Great video!

I myself have used Unreal Engine for about two years now and have liked it a lot. The workflows feel smooth and the engine has had hardly any bugs.
I'm glad you made the Unreal Blueprint vs C++ thing clear, since I pretty often see people strongly believing how in Unreal you either use Blueprint or C++ but never both.

@DarkDao - 29.11.2022 16:45

As nice as all those shiny features of Unreal 5 sound, hifi graphics is out of most indie teams scope and Unity is much more developed community and support wise. Asset store is insane too. Unreal for indies should be considered if you hope for EGS exclusivity deal or really want some specific features of it. And don't forget that Unreal becomes much pricier more money you make with your games. Both engines got their problems, and both can do whatever you plan to make, but, IMO, Unity is far more versatile for indies, while UE is more robust for AA and AAA.
And to add to all that, a hot take: UE games look more and more generic, as many devs use mostly default post processing and lighting settings. Every time I see a new game made in UE my first reaction is "ugh, this again?".

@oussamaelazhari8222 - 29.11.2022 15:05

I have MacBook pro 2016 what game engine should I start and thanks .

@sharpenednoodles - 29.11.2022 04:28

Both suck, use Microsoft Excel

@abalorias333 - 29.11.2022 00:56

I haven’t tried unreal yet. But I have so much experience with Unity I don’t see any cons other than the lack of a proper consolidated realtime GI

@luaykashef - 28.11.2022 23:45

Hurts me to say this, but Unity is an embarrassment.

@jeffmccloud905 - 28.11.2022 23:43

if you want to do 2D, AR, VR, or mobile, use Unity.

@therebelliousgeek4506 - 28.11.2022 23:39

If you have the pc then definitely unreal. Both Unity and Unreal are good, but unreal has better and more mature tooling. The issue with unity is their too much reliance on the asset store,it's similar to how bathesda expects their community to fix basic issues and add features which should have been there to begin with(like a visual behavior tree graph, which is there in UE). Doing visual stuff is also easy in UE and games look better by default because the way it's set up.

Unity also keep changing names and locations of the options, so tutorials get outdated quickly, UE doesn't do it.

I use both btw.

DO NOT WORRY ABOUT C++, if you chose unreal. Just use Blueprints, make games, and fail fast.

@adamodimattia - 28.11.2022 23:25

I've been dabbling a little in Unreal in past couple of years but I started using it really strongly starting this year and I didn't do almost anything in Unity (apart from work because Unity developement is my "day job"). I still wouldn't recommend Godot over Unity, please, it may be nice but it doesn't seem yet scalable enought and really multiplatform. I really like Unreal because a lot of built in tools especially animation tools. It is my first choice for any 3d game. Istead of Godot I would recommend Bevy, it is still in very intense developement, but if you have a need to do some more hardcore coding on the side in Rust, this is also a great choice. But if you want to finish and publish a polished game that would possibly earn you some money then I'd recommend Unreal for 3d and Unity for 2d or any really non standard game project.

@itsvoxx2211 - 28.11.2022 23:19


@Peak_Stone - 28.11.2022 23:06

My favourite kind of video
