After Effects - How to Sync Animations to Music

After Effects - How to Sync Animations to Music

RockerDown Studios

7 лет назад

20,124 Просмотров

At 55 seconds, doo nott juge mee... I blayme our cue aye deprtmint.

Lots of tutorials on how to sync animations to specific points in audio. Unfortunately that relies on scrubbing the audio layer in After Effects. THERE HAS TO BE A BETTER WAY!!!!

Well, RockerRusty cut his multimedia teeth on Macromedia Flash! So he developed a way in Flash to quickly mark where animations should start and stop and has converted that process to Adobe Premiere Pro and, Adobe After Effects.

If I wasn't RockerRusty I'd say that guy was about as cool as cool can be. But since I am that guy, I'll wait patiently for you to stroke my ego for me. Because THIS.... THIS is some cool time-saving stuff right here that gets you back to rocking out!


#RockerDown #Rusty_Worden #Rocktastic #adobe_premiere_pr #adobe_after_effects #sync_animations #animating_to_audio #animate_to_music #animate_to_songs
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