Step by step Hard Gel/Builder Gel Full Set of Nail - FRENCH TIP AND 3D FLOWERS NAIL ART

Step by step Hard Gel/Builder Gel Full Set of Nail - FRENCH TIP AND 3D FLOWERS NAIL ART

BaddLilThingz Nails

2 года назад

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@johnnaitri3675 - 28.04.2024 14:43

Does your builder gel burns when u cure in the lamp

@amandababajko3563 - 01.05.2024 19:47

Can you use acetone to clean up or just isopropyl alcohol?

@PlanetVirtualFun - 01.05.2024 22:50

Do you use a regular top coat or gel top coat? And great work btw❤

@joharold5330 - 06.05.2024 07:31

Very pretty well done 💖 Can I please ask where you got the brush from that you use for your acrylic 3d flowers?

@Sleenkana - 09.05.2024 13:32

💯 👌🏿💥

@simarai8022 - 12.05.2024 20:34

Wow is beautiful 😍 ❤

@nastassiadunkley4526 - 16.05.2024 02:15

Her real nails are beautiful and u did great ❤

@myshasuzana - 23.05.2024 18:45

Can you tell me which uv lamp did you use to cure the hard gel? 248W with 60 LED beads?

@DivanshiChawlaSharma - 25.05.2024 03:39

Hey which is the best hard gel brand in canada? which lasts for long

@CMOEUVRE - 28.05.2024 20:19

What brush are you using? I went to look for it on your supply list but there’s so much stuff. (Also sorry if you mentioned it in the vid.. I have to watch on mute)

@aggiesoeng4603 - 05.06.2024 03:10

You’re super sweet and such an inspiration!! ❤❤

@MulondoHenry-wl1sx - 15.06.2024 21:11

This is so nice

@RealisticMon - 19.06.2024 02:55

Is base gel supposed to be cured? If it does it is okay if it’s still tacky or should it be cleaned?

@raya74 - 02.07.2024 04:01

Hey love what did you use for primer? And what was the brand for base gel?
Last question what do you use to adhere crystals?
New sub here❤

@ebritzyessie2876 - 02.07.2024 21:42

Am a nail tech but am allergic to all the gel stuff doctors told me to stop using them but what should do

@yazminricitos1125 - 13.07.2024 23:57

Did you cured the base gel

@lucymoore403 - 08.08.2024 23:13

So you didn’t have to flash cure ?

@RG-kf9yp - 11.08.2024 17:09

Your technique using hard gel is AMAZING! I love watching you work. Thanks for sharing your talent with us. 💜

@kemjoseph2583 - 26.08.2024 01:38

What brand is the gel?

@ashleethorpe2165 - 26.08.2024 19:16

If we use full cover nails likw the btartbox ones what is the prep work to do before applying builder gel and after if we want to do some art

@georgiastanier9460 - 03.09.2024 03:12

Do you cure after each nail or do you do all 5 first?

@veronicakaur23 - 04.09.2024 15:54

Amazing 🇬🇧

@emilywyatt9340 - 05.09.2024 14:32

Unnecessary use of like .

@SusansStudio22Beauty-ss22b - 05.09.2024 23:04

Those are beautiful!

@4ng387 - 10.09.2024 22:07

Is the gel in the color "light pink"?...beautiful set❤

@Meret-e6x - 20.09.2024 19:02

They are so beautiful wich tips are you using?❤️

@Angelina-z6x - 13.10.2024 20:17

What brand of gel you used

@beatbythebean7549 - 21.10.2024 18:52

I loved this video I’m doing a nail research and came across your video stay working it’s paying off

@Imkryyy - 22.10.2024 03:46

What light do you use to cure her gel? I have a light but it burns me too bad even with a thin layer of gel. Also, (you probably mentioned this in the video but I didn’t realize) do you cure each nail after you do it or the whole hand once you’re done?

@MassielInoa-l4f - 22.10.2024 04:18

Thanks for the advice. Was about ready to quit lol

@JollofNails - 28.10.2024 08:39


@mansiratkaur5278 - 17.11.2024 00:58

What brand builder gel do you use

@HeidiRoos-kw8ne - 21.11.2024 13:05

Do you bake the base gel and do you wet your brush when using the gel

@shaeplaisance - 22.11.2024 07:31

What base coat did you use?

@ruthsmart8389 - 28.11.2024 19:07

Do you dry the base coat before applying the slip layer?

@hannamercedes1265 - 04.12.2024 23:30

I am new to nails and using hard gel. I hope with practice it gets easier 😨

Thank you for the video it helps

@TheCRYSTALLURE - 08.12.2024 01:20

What about building the nail with soft builder gel and then adding a layer of hard gel on top for sturdiness?? I hate that the hard gel is file off only (I like taking my
Nails off at home, and usually do my own nails for the past almost 10years but I pampered myself this year by going to a shop). And I just had some hard gel nails and I had to let go of my LONG NATURAL NAILS because the shop I went to (first time going to a shop that actually did builder gel nails with potted gel) but she screwed my shape up! I told her square & she did that but inward almost heading toward coffin.
When my nails grew out it looked skinny at the top and then the wideness of my new growth made the nails look completely off kilter. I grew my nails since September mind you! So now I chucked it, & am starting over butttt I was going to go with hard gel entirely until this happened.

@onthecrafttable - 08.12.2024 02:40

You sound like such an awesome person! You got a new sub out of me girl!!

@nailvana143 - 15.12.2024 21:27

Omg She has beautiful natural nails

@busimgbemena6510 - 16.12.2024 23:34

Beautiful healthy nailbed. So you don’t apply sticky bond and a nail hydrator?

@Kprecious717 - 19.12.2024 15:41

What brand nail lamp do you use?

@missmarleerivers1864 - 30.12.2024 07:25

That was very well said good way to look at life as an artist ,Thank you

@sheluvssmokedupeyes1 - 03.02.2025 10:19

I used to do acrylics for a long time but I had a hard time there’s a harder learning curve with gel I can take my time and work on getting my technique right Compared to acrylic.

@alyssalivingstone701 - 05.02.2025 06:02

do you cure the base gel?

@agabalauben4271 - 11.02.2025 14:31

That’s nice

@metube5789 - 17.02.2025 20:44

So pretty. Do you wipe the base before adding the gel?

@estherjuma864 - 27.02.2025 18:00

Beautiful.i have tried to do mine but the gel never drys

@Amtvenom - 28.02.2025 04:20

What brand do u use?

@MahiRani1 - 24.03.2025 00:01

Why not my gel is not dry
I tried it 90sec 2 times but it didn't dry

@toricollins6516 - 24.03.2025 07:40

It means a lot, actually, hearing the importance of following dreams. I earned my Nail Technician license in another State a decade ago, but was hired to a gov’t job a few months later. I chose the job with more security. I’m back now, 10yrs later, b/c despite the benefits & salary, it isn’t my passion. Deciding to return to a Nail Tech program in my current State & choosing to get back into nails is exciting to me! However, I’m out of practice & definitely intend to learn & practice before returning to a new program. Your words matter so much? Great prep & application! Thank you!🙏🏾 ❤
