How to create Executable JAR of Maven Project | Run automation by running executable JAR file [2022]

How to create Executable JAR of Maven Project | Run automation by running executable JAR file [2022]


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@lancewheeler4047 - 16.06.2023 16:04

@AJAUTOMATION thanks for this, really helpful! One question I have is, how can we include all the dependencies in the jar using Maven instead of exporting as runnable jar from eclipse? To include all required classes including the jar dependencies from Maven, and executing the jar from command line? I have not had any success using maven jar plugin even if I run as <goal>test-jar</goal> with all my classes in src/test/java and testng xml in src/test/resources. It seems I get only testng errors, noclassdeffounderrors

@bvlh - 30.03.2023 16:24

My question is I cannot able to open runnable jar file. Please suggest me what to do

@bvlh - 30.03.2023 16:22

Hi. This is very useful video

@HarveyYang-wq3pc - 21.11.2022 01:11

Nice video! You really helped me a lot

@chiranthamadusanka4063 - 19.08.2022 15:25

Is there a way to build up the executable jar file using maven for the TestNG project?

@gopinath-hq7br - 14.05.2022 10:06

Null Pointer exception while running the executable jar in cmd..running fine in eclipse..using testng in the project

@dhrusoni1 - 08.02.2022 16:25

@aj If there is test case like storing file on user directory. When executing test case using jar; where those file get stored ?

@katdareshruti - 04.02.2022 08:46

Amazing content!. Could you let me know if it is better to create jar file or run with mvn test? Up till now we used to provide our project as a zip file and ask testers to just run mvn test. My observation is that mvn test is very slow (we run appium tests on Android device). Is jar files a better approach?

@swapnilbodade1336 - 23.01.2022 21:41

Another great video
