Selenium Python Small Sample Project | Page Object Model POM

Selenium Python Small Sample Project | Page Object Model POM

Automation Step by Step

5 лет назад

185,620 Просмотров

Ссылки и html тэги не поддерживаются


Abhishek Sharma
Abhishek Sharma - 21.09.2023 14:15

Great video as always Raghav, however I had a question, how do you test multiple UI (like buttons and creation of forms) in the site itself without logging out? do I have to write new tests scripts in which I have to login once again everytime? or is there a better way?

Suyen Khan
Suyen Khan - 28.08.2023 07:20

Hi @Raghave,
Another thing- sometimes when i work in the page that time auto-suggestion doesn't come
how can I fix the auto-suggestion issue when I work in a new page? Like driver. (after dot nothing come for suggest me)

Suyen Khan
Suyen Khan - 28.08.2023 07:05

Hi @Raghave, hope you are doing well.
I'm facing a problem when I pass the argument driver -
login = LoginPage(driver)
issue found like -
TypeError: LoginPage() takes no arguments
Can you help me, please?

El Mariscal
El Mariscal - 08.06.2023 00:29

Hi Raghav , thanks for sharing . In my opinion I would prefer : visibility_of_element_located rather than presence_of_element_located coz I first wait for the visibility of the object and then yes I interact with that element.

Tai Nguyen
Tai Nguyen - 12.05.2023 01:28

Wonderful tutorial! Btw I got this problem. Everything ran just fine in PyCharm but when I tried to run the test in cmd, I got ModuleNotFoundError and it indicated that when importing HomePage, it can't find module "SampleProject" (from what I have imported: from SampleProject.POM.Pages.home_page import HomePage). I hope you see my comment and maybe give me some recommendations. Many thanks Raghav !

Test Baltech
Test Baltech - 01.05.2023 16:23

This video is very very helpful for me I learned from here about POM and how to define class in main file , Thank you

Luis Emilio Ogando
Luis Emilio Ogando - 28.03.2023 18:41

Amazing quality, eventhough is old version of selenium if you know how to set up new on this will give you a complete Idea how to work with each topic, If you a have some projects we can practice this topic please let me know.

GP - 27.02.2023 09:56

Raghav, how to do same unit test set up in VSCODE IDE ?

JJun M
JJun M - 02.11.2022 08:34

ecture well.
For example, is it down?

Łukasz - 26.10.2022 00:08

i can somehow call out method from another file but the code isn't running saying that it doesn't find the module despite the fact that I've changed directory of module package either by import sys ... edit enviroment in windowds or run launch.json and settings.json. I'm kinda hopeless at this point. I rly want to finish this project but i cannot go past this problem in VS code.

Ajith KV
Ajith KV - 16.10.2022 14:03

I exactly followed this for my project but while login test am getting attribute error, it is not allowing me to have a 'driver' as an attribute. Can someone help me.

Tapas kumar Khandai
Tapas kumar Khandai - 15.10.2022 15:14

Great tutorial. Completely understood. The only thing is that ,for me in loginpage, homepage class if i do self.driver. ,then no option for find elements was showing, i have done it manually and its working fine. This is strange.

Harsh Bhawsar
Harsh Bhawsar - 15.09.2022 16:37

I was baffled about POM, But you make it so easy Thank you so much ...

Fawzi Ridwan Supiyaddin
Fawzi Ridwan Supiyaddin - 14.09.2022 13:05

Hi Raghav, i tried to generate html report, but after running on mac os, this report can't generate?

testRunner=HtmlTestRunner.HTMLTestRunner(output='/Users/fawzi/PycharmProjects/pythonProject1/reports', report_name="Login Report", report_title="Login Report", add_timestamp=True))

this is correct?

Durga - 01.08.2022 10:28

Yes Sir, it is really helpful.
Thank you very much 😊

Jeffrey Phillips
Jeffrey Phillips - 22.07.2022 00:05

Do you have an example of how get the size of Table and dynamically create a path.

Raja Sekar
Raja Sekar - 05.07.2022 18:54

Good presentation very good luck
