Easy Raspberry Pi Projects for 2023!

Easy Raspberry Pi Projects for 2023!

Crosstalk Solutions

1 год назад

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stee1rat - 26.11.2023 19:13

Its nice that you blocked the country where I live for your step-by-step tutorial, otherwise I would have done so many bad things with this pi-hole adblock. The problem is there are similar tutorials (or maybe even better, I will never know) on raspberrypi official website.

Dave Durfee
Dave Durfee - 20.11.2023 04:33

just finished an allsky camera

irregular mana
irregular mana - 18.11.2023 21:57

I got 2 when they were hard to come by. I used one for retropie. The other is just sitting in a drawer but I don't want to let it go

TheShootingHen *
TheShootingHen * - 16.11.2023 03:17

didn't pre order and I got my pi 5 in a few days

T TEcH - 13.11.2023 00:55

Sean Hamty
Sean Hamty - 11.11.2023 00:15

Does rpilocator website ship their products outside Europe?

…k - 08.11.2023 00:26

This is actually a pretty dope page

Ihatecooking - 03.11.2023 01:31

what pi(s) can i use to make a vpn? i dont want to use a super expensive pi for just a vpn

Mykyta 123
Mykyta 123 - 28.10.2023 01:56

get ready to grow your fat butt even more with home assistant,
although it's a really great things technically.

Elusive62 - 25.10.2023 23:31

I actually want to install a pi in my car as a fully dedicated, built in, dashcam, like the Tesla having cameras all around, I want to cover all around my car, so even when I’m not there, if I come to my car and it has a scratch, I have a big storage devices to browse through all the recordings since I was away from my car. Plus thinking about it, I wouldn’t mind having a live location tracking of my car too.

Erick Gonzalez
Erick Gonzalez - 24.10.2023 10:09

Half of your video was about how to find a pi. Many people who are searching for this kind of video already have one. 😢

you166mhz - 23.10.2023 21:51

7 yrs of good luck ? .....

Raghu Gundlapalli
Raghu Gundlapalli - 16.10.2023 08:28

Some of these new manufacturers like Orange Pi are Chinese companies so Chinese vendors have to prioritize supply to Chinese companies as per CCP directives ?

Best Reddit Stories
Best Reddit Stories - 15.10.2023 22:51

I’m relatively new to IoT and Raspberry-Pi projects, but I think it’s really interesting stuff!

Distro99 - 08.10.2023 20:44

Could i get all of these to run on 1 pi or should I get multiple

Jeffrey Simonson
Jeffrey Simonson - 06.10.2023 09:34

I want to run Kodi.

Šimon Říha
Šimon Říha - 24.09.2023 15:13

Would you suggest to run PiHole, PiVPN, Home Assistant on a single RPI 4 4GB RAM?

Tyler Webb
Tyler Webb - 24.09.2023 03:34

My top two pi projects are retro pi and using the pi as a cheap nas. I eventually bought a dedicated nas, but it was a great low cost solution.

Patrick MacDonald
Patrick MacDonald - 23.09.2023 22:59

$138 cad on Amazon for 8g

Ken - 19.09.2023 17:16

anyone recommend a good how to for projects that assume you know nothing and have a step by step getting you to a working project.

uunreaal - 19.09.2023 12:54

Hahaha. We have an infinite stock in Australia

dick castle
dick castle - 16.09.2023 12:56

Missed opportunity to say easy as pi... fail

ChrisGainze - 15.09.2023 21:33

i feel you missed an
opportunity to say easy as pie

Rashmi Agarwal
Rashmi Agarwal - 15.09.2023 14:26

It is Smart Home assistant

Jose Cintron
Jose Cintron - 12.09.2023 19:05

Top project for RPi in 2023 should be find an RPi...

Roy Perkins
Roy Perkins - 11.09.2023 02:50

Was interested in building a commercial product around a Pi3 B+ but it seems they are not recommended for new designs however I have lagacy code that will only run on a Pi3

Litehamer - 24.08.2023 11:16

New to this idea and considering getting a raspberry pie to learn about hardware. Do you require a case? Several starter kits available with case, power supply etc . Are these worth while ?

Nottsengineer - 18.08.2023 11:37

What a crap video , with poor projects

Georgia Reload
Georgia Reload - 17.08.2023 12:11

Does everything need to go up my pi-hole?

Jerald Lifsey
Jerald Lifsey - 07.08.2023 02:32

I have an idea that could probably use a Raspberry Pi and a "That was easy" button. This would be for senior citizens that live alone. A button that flashes and makes noises at least once per day that needs to be pressed to turn off for that preset time. If the button is not pressed within a couple of minutes, it sends emails and text messages to their family and friends to warn then and check on them. This is different than the "call button on a lanyard" if they've fallen and can't get up because if they're not conscious, they couldn't press the button.

3D RTS - 31.07.2023 19:12

I see that Raspberry Pi 4 is finally back in stock at retail pricing. However is this too late for the little board to compete with the likes of Orange Pi5?
I have both and looking to get another SBC but is the Pi4 enough?

Sagara Kun
Sagara Kun - 26.07.2023 17:36

1pi down...went with Adguard instead of Pi-Hole

Pierre Ruwet
Pierre Ruwet - 22.07.2023 11:31

Hello, my favorite is IOTStack, a special docker configuration, running on RPI4B with a SSD combining piHole, WireGuard, Nodered, influx DB , grafana , unify controller, samba server for my music library for Sonos player, Nextcloud . this could also include Home assistant that I did not yet installed preferring Openhab running on a separate RPI3B.

lucian kristov
lucian kristov - 18.07.2023 21:13

I picked up a pi 4b 4g for 75$ lol not really that bad but not good either. I waited until they become more available and less scalp

F C - 18.07.2023 12:24

Foreword: Create a product like this, and the Video community will shower you with eternal admiration!

Backstory: My desire is to use my Sony VX-1000 Camcorder without relying on tapes. The most straightforward approach would be to connect a Sony HVR-MRC1 memory recorder to the camera's Firewire OUT port. Regrettably, these recorders have been out of production for over two decades. Although they can still be found, I am reluctant to spend $400 on outdated technology. This led me to explore alternative options, but it appears that no modern memory recorder with a Firewire port is available anymore.

Consequently, I thought about building my own solution, but I lack the knowledge in electronics, programming, and coding required to do so. The only viable option is to assemble a makeshift solution using existing hardware. During my search, I discovered SCB's (Single-Board Computers). While they don't come with a Firewire port, they can be customized by adding one. My plan would involve installing Windows 7 on the SCB and connecting a mouse, keyboard, and screen to it. Then, I would run an application like WinDV to record the incoming Firewire stream.

Clearly, this setup is far from ideal, as it necessitates carrying around a lot of additional equipment. It hardly compares to the convenience of simply purchasing an HVR-MRC1. However, I remain hopeful that someone reading this might come up with an ingenious solution. Perhaps, by writing a script or firmware, the SCB could be made to operate without the need for Windows 7 and the accompanying hardware. I am not well-versed in this area, but I'm curious if such an approach could be viable.


P.s. Do you mind if I post this in other videos of yours so as many people as possible can see this? Maybe someone can help me out? : )

Baxter Rose
Baxter Rose - 17.07.2023 06:11

The coolest project for a rpi4 is scoring one at suggested price

Ethan Kremer
Ethan Kremer - 15.07.2023 23:23

@LinusTechTips desk pad lol

Diego Lista
Diego Lista - 13.07.2023 00:44

You don't need to spend that money to have Pi-hole server. I'm using a FrienlyElec ZeroPi (Allwinner H3 / 512Mb DDR3 / 1 Gbps) that cost U$S 26
Load: 0.03 0.07 0.01
Memory usage: 37.5 %

Kotsa - 09.07.2023 19:18

Do you install all of these on one pi natively or are you using something like docker?

Christopher Lodge
Christopher Lodge - 29.06.2023 17:32

Did you just call out my city?

Denis7947 - 26.06.2023 19:57

Btw how much ram has the rasberry pi?

Michael Paloschi
Michael Paloschi - 26.06.2023 08:55

Are you in Duluth Ga?

hazel - 24.06.2023 21:40

Fav project: Lightning node.
