today's sims update is a flop (in the nicest way possible)

today's sims update is a flop (in the nicest way possible)


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@DianaKuao - 20.05.2024 03:41

The only issue with the sims that Ive been having is the group cooking, where one person does it instead of everyone doing it

@Theidk-123 - 11.05.2024 00:36

I can’t buy kits for some reason

@jageenperson - 09.05.2024 11:27

My sims can't cook or eat since this update..... They can order take out, but that's it. Am I the only one?

@jazzamatazz1407 - 09.05.2024 03:07

I've stopped playing the sims and just play baldurs gate 3 now (which is absolutely phenomenal). EA is so disappointing and it's so clear that everything they do is for the money or its just pandering. It's so boring now. After playing BG3 and seeing what playing a game by people who truly put the effort in, I think more people should explore different games that aren't such money grabs to feel how amazing gaming can actually be.

@fastertrackcreative - 09.05.2024 00:06

"Again these are not all of the bugs. Just the ones they are hoping to have in this update" did you say?
Your cat is super adorable!

@MayLnn-wd3bl - 08.05.2024 06:33

Girl the time played 8292 hours is insane you’re so devoted

@iAmBritneySpears - 08.05.2024 01:31

New swatches in the base game is all i wish for! Bedrooms are so hard because i made too many of the same bedroom now..

@TheN00bmonster - 08.05.2024 00:32

Booted up the sims for the first time in like a year and tried the plantsim challenge scenario. It was so buggy, how have they not fixed plants and gardening yet??

@DADDYSGIRL450 - 06.05.2024 18:30

Everything the sims does lately is a flop. You can be honest.

@darth_meadow9744 - 03.05.2024 13:25

I know i'm way late to the party, but as of today the "Yipee" is simply gone, you have been heard

@_tyrannosaurus__ - 02.05.2024 18:27

over 8 thousand hours is WILD

@kimma2626 - 01.05.2024 12:53

Since the update, my sims can't Leave the household and move out 😭

@deadname3350 - 01.05.2024 01:55

they should just add a few things to base game and announce it (like swatch refreshes, bg verions of popular pack only items) and trickle it out while they fix a giant landry list of bugs in the game for like half a year. maybe release 1 kit and gamr pack and thats it while they fix the fundamental issue of the game being bugged out 😭😭😭

@andyv2209 - 29.04.2024 08:18

I haven't opened the game since they added the shopping cart. Guess im still not going to.

@noreenaaaa - 29.04.2024 02:43

Am I the only one on mac who updated origin and origin is all fucked up and just looks like a list!?!?!

@ultimatequeenofdeath666 - 28.04.2024 04:03

those patch notes sound like they were written by chatgpt tbh

@wesell-qw5lc - 27.04.2024 14:16

The fact they giving us everything besides cars is insane

@atx_angellinagarcia - 26.04.2024 23:40

I’m so glad your cats doing well! Mine just died of cancer in November so it’s nice to know cancer isn’t killing more fur babies

@LowkeyMya - 26.04.2024 22:33

I'm so sorry to hear about your cat I'm glad shes feeling better🥺

@Mark-Rain - 26.04.2024 08:11

Best of recovery and health to your fur kid!

@calmhudie - 26.04.2024 03:39

AI wrote the patch notes?

@kryw10 - 25.04.2024 19:08

I am SO GLAD to hear the good news about Snap! Always praying for her improving health. She’s a good girl.

@eddastroutspear8314 - 25.04.2024 13:56

Omg the plants glitching back to the beginning is SO annoying 😂is there anything we can do?

@SarahAppifanie - 25.04.2024 02:53

Oh this is a great Snap update!

@AlexaPerryy - 24.04.2024 23:52

As soon as I downloaded the update I went into my game and it’s so laggy like it wont stop I can’t even turn around it’s super glitchy 😭

@bonkywonk - 24.04.2024 22:59

8,000+ HOURS???

@SevenEllen - 24.04.2024 20:21

My game won't even launch.

@marinan4816 - 24.04.2024 00:23

the gallery filters are pretty crazy. There's a few EA names that include things like "shit" or something that means a profanity in another language. They even banned an ethnic name THEY put on a sim, for containing profanity. So, it ends up with you being unable to share them to the gallery or if you edit the sim, you have to change their name or you wont be able to return to the game.

@avaoli9278 - 23.04.2024 22:23

does anyone know what it means if there is signs above your lot red, yellow, and green, they just appeared.

@YesItIsTrueIAmCrazy - 23.04.2024 12:45

You got me to play Sims 4 again. 😂 Or i got the motivation. I am sick, so i am nit playing Sims 4 for a little bit. 😢

@desireedominguez3431 - 23.04.2024 08:49

So glad your kitty is ok-and tbh I’ve been there right where you are with my dog of 13 years. He too had a mass removed (non cancerous thank god!) and his incision was large as well. Not sure why they do that…but anyway-the mom guilt is so real watching your baby go through something like that and like you said, you can’t explain to them why. Glad she’s doing better, and you too girlie! ❤

@xenon8117 - 22.04.2024 23:03

I usually just update then play but this time I haven't updated since I heard how bad the crystal creations update was. I'm still clueless as to how safe updating will be at this point, the game is broken enough.

@ProudAmerican1829 - 22.04.2024 22:51

I guess i just don't get offended easily, because that "Yippee" comment didn't bother me at all. I took it as, "It's working now. Yippee."

@saoirsevicteoiria2759 - 22.04.2024 20:26

Very glad to hear that your kitty is doing okay! Best wishes going forward, to both of you.

@Vendetta_s - 22.04.2024 15:51

I can’t play rn because I got no storage ☠️ have to wait to get more rip

@MAANTJE-ee5sj - 22.04.2024 14:56

The yipee regarding weight loss makes me so so angry. As someone who's a big sister to someone who struggles with weight loss and has an eating disorder makes me so mad! Weight loss isn't something to joke about! Having an ED yourself or having someone you know who has an ED changes your life forever and seeing a company (who has a lot of young people as an audience) joking about it makes me furious! I hope they fix it, apologise and thing twice when writing something like this again!

@lizzymandile2022 - 22.04.2024 06:18

Seeing happy snap makes me so happy. Within a few days range of this video going out it was the year anniversary of my “owned since 8” ‘s cats death. I was almost 21 when she passed, and I miss her so much every day. She passed away of cancer that was negligently misdiagnosed many times by our ex vet a few days after we found out about her diagnosis.

@allisonhandberg6484 - 22.04.2024 05:39

I haven’t been able to play sims in 6 months! I have a Mac and origin keeps shutting down. I am patiently waiting for the EA app

@bradleysmith7824 - 22.04.2024 02:25

Is anyone else having a problem with the EA app not opening? Mine keeps saying “App crashed unexpectedly,” I really don’t know what to do anymore, I’ve tried everything

@Suntaile - 21.04.2024 23:53

I loved this version of a video :D And the off tangent of cute cats :D Absolutely perfect!

@imperfectlyanna - 21.04.2024 22:28

has anyone else had problems with build mode? like i open it but none of the menus show up and i can’t go back to game mode. i have to save the game and force quit. any fixes?

@marshmallowweekly8575 - 21.04.2024 21:17

i just opened the game and don't even notice a change at all

@alaina5365 - 21.04.2024 19:41

All I want is a dine out patch 😭😭

@Lucy-Lullaby - 21.04.2024 18:01

Snap making biscuts its so cute❤

@wesimpforganji6647 - 21.04.2024 18:01

not to be devil's advocate but spell casters getting a human baby when an alien mates with them makes more sense than them getting an alien or spell caster baby. Imagine you're a spell caster and you're like okay whatever alien baby, and out pops a freaking muggle. You'll be shunned for life. Kinda like a human randomly having an alien baby, like what??

@mixedlagoona9566 - 21.04.2024 16:44

To be honest with how broken the sims is we need a class action imo… I want my money back

@pasiaomega3868 - 21.04.2024 14:58

The dream patch I’m waiting for: aliens now look like yodas and grogus 😂😭🖤

@Waterlemoan - 21.04.2024 14:53

I've literally installed some mods and have LESS issues playing sims 3 than 4 right now. I think i'm honestly just done with it since they never really fix the game and I don't want to pay more money just to have my game fricked up every other month with more bugs than ever (and that is without any mods too)

@dexmods8055 - 21.04.2024 07:21

best wishes to you and your cat!! 💗💕

@TiBunCosplay - 21.04.2024 06:56

I just want to say that I appreciate you and these update videos. I really don't keep up on sims news otherwise so you are my first source of any sims news.
