I finally dropped iCloud and you should too

I finally dropped iCloud and you should too

Sun Knudsen

2 года назад

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Garret Cook
Garret Cook - 12.10.2023 17:48

I get it, but really, does the average person care if someone accesses their calendar of contacts? It's kind of a stretch to think someone would go through the trouble to access that info unless you're into some really sketchy stuff.

Raghu Gundlapalli
Raghu Gundlapalli - 13.08.2023 17:33

Before people go crazy here is the fact:
If your data is stored in USA then they should be able to decrypt the data and hand it over to law enforcement when asked by court.
Not doing so is breaking the law.

If you want to hide the data from government I don’t think there are any options available.
Even if you have your own server you have to give it to law enforcement if court approves the request.

DragonBoyTV - 30.07.2023 01:11

iCloud is stupid I only PERFER gmail

Jennifer W
Jennifer W - 16.07.2023 02:16

What about keychain, does apple do in-transit and on-server encryption or is at least that end to end encrypted? Apple really has access to all my passwords for every web site I go to?

DIY Crafty Queenie- I been hack on all social
DIY Crafty Queenie- I been hack on all social - 05.07.2023 15:17

I’m going through a very intrusive hack to my iPhone

Thomas Broker
Thomas Broker - 01.07.2023 02:45

Apple just increased the iCloud price by 25% without telling anyone! Seriously pissed off I expect these videos to get very popular..

Shivang P Swain
Shivang P Swain - 19.06.2023 15:32

Now with Advanced Data Protection, everything is encrypted!

Jamie - 10.06.2023 15:49

Hi sun , do u rate apple mail for privacy and security

Don Dikaio
Don Dikaio - 28.05.2023 00:33

One more reason to break up with apple you guys, from my personal experience I have close to 4,000 movies, countless apps and books that Ive bought with apple equaling over hundreds of thousands of dollars. We requested a refund on a game a member of our family played online though their app store which targets children and makes it extremely easy for them to spend online and apple has essentially frozen our accounts, that means all family members of the account can not upgrade or downgrade existing apps that that has already been paid for watch movies or read books for items already paid for. So to clarify, this will be resolved eventually but think about that for a second, you can have invested hundreds of thousands of dollars on apples services/software and they will hold your account hostage for a few hundred dollars. I'm already looking to replace my macbook pro with a linux computer. Have already replaced ios devices and working on the family to do the same. Id encourage everyone to move away from companies that can do this to you too.

Sue Palmer
Sue Palmer - 12.05.2023 09:19

Just found you. I love you I know you’re gonna cover exactly what I need to know. Wanted to get off of iCloud myself and didn’t have an alternative. Will you speak of cryptocurrency looking forward to all of your good stuff thank you very much.

T Murray
T Murray - 06.05.2023 01:38

Sun what do you think now that Apple has recently introduced optional ‘Advanced Data Protection’ which is end-to-end encryption for the vast majority of iCloud data types, meaning even Apple can’t access your data. Would love to see a video on this!

artel - 04.05.2023 16:49

Apple’s encryption service is still better than what Google offers though.
Google doesn’t even encrypt.

I’m concerned because Google privacy policy does not forbid Google from using my data, my photos, for things like teaching their AI.

Z Z - 03.05.2023 20:07

What do You say about the latest update with the extended Data protection option and withdrawal of Your personal apps from apple servers?

I moved everything btw to proton cause I didn't feel that comfortable anymore with icloud

Jordan - 01.05.2023 05:13

Sun I’m curious how your stance has changed since Apple announced Advanced Data Protection?

John Smith
John Smith - 10.04.2023 02:27

Now you can encrypted except contacts, this video is old now.

Jonny - 30.03.2023 23:33

iCloud is great. What are you babbling about?

Sam Joseph
Sam Joseph - 26.03.2023 23:24

None of this matters, sorry. I used to be like that too, but I learned my lesson the hard way. The single important thing and the only way is to completely hide your data. The police and border control officers will force you to fill in every password they encounter when searching the devices (unless you decide to deny them access and go to jail right-away). And believe me you have things you really want to hide — your wife's nude pic on your phone behind a password is enough for a prison sentence in Uzbekistan. Steganography is the only way. Living in a decent country and not traveling to the third world ones might help tho. Peace.

Brian Scott
Brian Scott - 19.02.2023 07:27

How does your view change with Advanced
Data Protection

Christian Mager
Christian Mager - 18.02.2023 14:44

Hi, this video is only 8 months old but would you rate this differently today?Now iCloud indeed has e2e encryption? They still don’t say emails, contacts, calendars are e2e, but isn’t that a „more honest“ description as you criticized Proton for that wording in other videos?

Jacques Tuber
Jacques Tuber - 16.02.2023 13:40

Honestly I don't understand why everyone hasn't stopped using the cloud of, the level of trust people have for technology is amazing sometimes

Web Master
Web Master - 14.02.2023 19:45

Does Apple supports end-2-end encryption now?

grandpriy - 05.02.2023 04:24

Skiff mail, drive, calendar.. thoughts?

미스 서
미스 서 - 07.01.2023 11:07

Just found this video and I'm already a fan, thank you for this video... Very helpful and I like it!

Mr. T
Mr. T - 03.01.2023 06:42

It’s on by default to save a backup on Icloud and it’s so they later can sell more storage for it, i don’t want it, i don’t care about it. But here i sit with a red exclamation mark bubble i can’t seem to get rid of screaming; alert alert! Pay up…

spalje vina
spalje vina - 02.01.2023 19:58

ok, marvelous , but why the fuck did you use icloud in the first place, you proclaim you should be knowing about security.

Rachel Balslev
Rachel Balslev - 29.12.2022 18:49

Hey Sun. Love your channel. :-) I would like to hear your point of view about the browser Brave?. As far as i know Brave browser belongs to Firefox..some people have told me that Brave is just as secure as Tor.. . I have my doubts.. What do you think ? Thank you.

nogardsiete - 17.12.2022 04:52

last update got "Advanced Data Protection for iCloud". then they say its not their fault: for contacts, calendar and mail...

iCloud Mail: iCloud Mail does not use end-to-end encryption because of the need to interoperate with the global email system. All native Apple email clients support optional S/MIME for message encryption.
Contacts and Calendars: Contacts and calendars are built on industry standards (CalDAV and CardDAV) that do not provide built-in support for end-to-end encryption.

Francesco - 08.12.2022 14:14

This is one of those videos I'm glad didn't actually age well.

Ibrahim - 08.12.2022 08:01

Everything on iCloud is now end to end encrypted as of today

lohphat - 11.11.2022 18:41

Why use iCloud to sync calendar and contact data? Both usually are provided by your email provider (Gmail, OFFICE, etc.) so all devices sync with the source provider for the data. Syncing it laterally via iCloud doesn't make a lot of sense and seems redundant.

Dany Van Vargas
Dany Van Vargas - 11.11.2022 02:50

So if use hide my mail, can apple watch my emails content, even if just redirect with the random emails to an account of protonmail?

Johan The Boneless
Johan The Boneless - 04.11.2022 09:36

That look like Eric Snowden

Ken Zauter
Ken Zauter - 02.11.2022 18:27

I absolutely love iCloud! It’s the best! I used to professionally support Windows products and all Apple products are way better.

sergzz12 - 02.10.2022 06:10

Curious what you think about pcloud? I've been searching for a cloud solution that is the 'safest'.

Neo - 11.09.2022 21:00

Nothing about this makes sense. Even when end-to-end encrypted, the email protocol still has a visible email address. Every server your mail passes through will record and collect the email addresses of you and your correspondents. Concerning "Calendar" and other iClou data: If your data is subpoenaed by law enforcement or the government, you have bigger problems on your hands than "what's on my calendar or in your emails."
Do you trust your operating system and your computer hardware? Your device's OS and hardware can "fetch" and record ALL information before it gets encrypted.
The only way to make sure that your data is safe is for you to design and manufacture your own hardware at home and write, from scratch, your own operating system and encryption protocols.

Pay lay Pay lay
Pay lay Pay lay - 09.08.2022 14:04

iCloud password

Susan - 26.07.2022 05:11

Sun, I think you may be on to something that can be big.
If you’re streaming from your place maybe you can offer a private “data storage” for people that are concerned about privacy. I’m not aware of the laws but I’m pretty sure you’re smart enough to do it!
Think big! What you want is what a lot of people want and will pay for it!!! If I got rid of my redundancy for my data storage, I could afford $186 a year and I have less than 1 gig of data.
I think you would have enough people that you would never have to work for someone else. IMHO

Susan - 26.07.2022 04:58

Looking forward to hearing from your posts about this breakup with iCloud.👍

Adam Dittrich
Adam Dittrich - 26.06.2022 12:48

Love how excited you get when you talk about "streaming from your lab" 😊

Psychic Engineering
Psychic Engineering - 12.06.2022 08:13

For my iCloud files, I use a series of Cryptomator vaults. Doesn't that solve the issue?

André Loibl
André Loibl - 09.06.2022 18:17

I went to fruux for my calendar and contacts last year. Went down the rabbit whole on contacts too. ;-) I just found out they run on AWS, so maybe it's not THE best solution ... Thanks for your sharing your voyage on privacy - I learned so much from you already it's crazy!

JACKJACKSON - 09.06.2022 15:12

Maybe NAS is the way to go.

Tom Gua
Tom Gua - 27.05.2022 01:41

can you explain all the good tips to instal Grphen please?

developer - 24.05.2022 07:45

I've been using SYNC based out of Canada - I like it so far - what do you think? Anyone else using it?

Abhimanyu Sirothia
Abhimanyu Sirothia - 20.05.2022 05:06

I’ve been looking for a video like this. Looking forward to all this info 😊✌️

Vaibhav Soni
Vaibhav Soni - 19.05.2022 18:23

E2E encryption requires 2 parties, doesn't it? Shouldn't it be zero knowledge encryption?

Leo - 19.05.2022 11:12

yeah right

Jay W11
Jay W11 - 19.05.2022 01:54

Looking forward to the alternatives. Good seeing you

kil roy
kil roy - 18.05.2022 23:53

When I decided to pull all my data off iCloud about 5 years ago, the most annoying thing was having to click on every image and video file and drag them individually in order to download them onto an external drive. Not sure how it is now, but it was clear to me then through this and a few other experiences that Apple did not intend on making leaving iCloud an easy task
