train wreck - james arthur (slowed down) & reverb

train wreck - james arthur (slowed down) & reverb


4 года назад

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@lucivaniaalves9783 - 14.04.2024 17:55

hellos bis dsns

@unknwnprn4878 - 15.04.2024 11:06

Raises my hand up to the heavens to my grandpa please come back I don't want to be here..

@Beingmu7sa - 24.04.2024 12:19

I wanna stop feeling

@documentary974 - 01.05.2024 20:09

I'm tired of living life like this

@bernardosilva302 - 02.05.2024 17:12

Sofrer por amor,n vale apena enxugue suas lágrimas e siga em frente pois o que te espera tem a te oferecer do que seu passado,😢por mais que doa chore pra desabafar pra si,mas pare por que o significado de amor e carinho,cuidar,ser fiel,amar,ser amado, confiança,planos para o futuro perfeito isso é amor

@SweetS0ulzzzz - 06.05.2024 18:04

(Im in year 6) my teacher embarrassed me and everyone was staring at me when the teacher asked me to answer, I was almost crying. at breaktime I called myself pathetic and my friend comforted me. I felt like i was making a fool out of myself, i was so upset. (It happened on Thursday ) and ruined my whole mood..also one of my friends said "it's happens to everyone,you have to understand" it's hard for me to understand though my mind works differently than other people's and when everyone was staring at me I got more overwhelmed, anxious and I was panicking,my heart was racing so fast,I couldn't think straight and it took long to process when everyone was staring at me and I thought they were going to make fun of me and I was stuttering.. so I said "25" and it was wrong and I was almost crying and I didn't know what I was saying so I accidentally said "25" again and then the teacher said "you already said that and it was wrong" and she used a angry tone at me I don't know what I did wrong and then I got the answer right. I knew my teacher was annoyed with me. my partner said "I was saying the answer to you!" but I only heard "25" not "15". I was trying my best, it felt like something was wrong with me, why am I so sensitive about little things! my heart was aching so badly,it felt like I was drowning not being able to speak. sometimes I go quiet sometimes and it feels like I was forced to speak. I don't know why I'm still upset about this it's sinking in my mind,it's making me overthink.

@Doctor_Enchanter - 19.05.2024 19:08

Laying in the silence
Waiting for the sirens
Signs, any signs I'm alive still
I don't wanna lose it
But I'm not getting through this
Hey, should I pray? Should I pray? Yeah
To myself? To a God?
To a savior who can
Unbreak the broken
Unsay these spoken words
Find hope in the hopeless
Pull me out of the train wreck
Unburn the ashes
Unchain the reactions now, not ready to die, not yet
Pull me out of the train wreck
Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out, ah
Pull me out, pull me out
Underneath our bad blood
We've still got a sanctum, home
Still a home, still a home here
It's not too late to build it back
'Cause a one-in-a-million chance
Is still a chance, still a chance
And I would take those odds
Unbreak the broken
Unsay these spoken words
Find hope in the hopeless
Pull me out of the train wreck
Unburn the ashes
Unchain the reactions now, not ready to die, not yet
Pull me out the train wreck
Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out, ah
Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out
You can say what you like, don't say I wouldn't die for you
I, I'm down on my knees and I need you to be my God
Be my help, be a savior who can
Unbreak the broken
Unsay these reckless words (find hope in the hopeless)
Pull me out of the train wreck
Unburn the ashes
Unchain the reactions now, not ready to die, not yet
Pull me out of the train wreck
Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out, ah
Pull me out, pull me out, pull me out

@Lundamusyangi1_x - 28.05.2024 00:13

Free Palestine🇵🇸❤

@BadreddineMounib - 09.06.2024 11:34


@Legenda-yj5yo - 11.06.2024 08:04

2024 and this song still hits

@Loniclovederacer - 16.06.2024 21:17

This song effect hits hard
Like if you agree

@neqv - 22.06.2024 11:35


@Ysv77.077 - 25.06.2024 21:07

я не хочу умирать.

@phychx_9 - 04.07.2024 02:26

"Unbrake the broken"

@MagestikQueen - 02.08.2024 00:34

Proverò a rendere domani il mio ultimo, 2004-2024 non suona poi così male 😏

@MagestikQueen - 02.08.2024 00:35

I più forti rimarranno in vita, buona fortuna a voi vincitori

@MagestikQueen - 02.08.2024 00:35

Addio Allah

@NFfan33091 - 02.08.2024 18:55

I am putting this comment so i can get reminded of this song

@uzziahplays1159 - 06.08.2024 04:14

i always thought this song was sercretly a cry for help and nobody knows about it😐

@pozzsot3122 - 06.08.2024 09:57


@BenjaminCheramy - 16.08.2024 06:29


@jenniferluciana2628 - 16.08.2024 12:31


@sharkyplayzyt4428 - 19.08.2024 06:07

I just wanna go... Screw new beginnings

@rylanstonelashmar - 21.08.2024 05:30

i wanna escape this evil world

@NdeyeMaty-if6oy - 22.08.2024 15:42

I’m a survivor

@samuelshardanund4198 - 27.08.2024 00:22

If depression gets the worse of me...its because its gotten to the good of me

@JustCallMeBrandi81 - 11.09.2024 00:49

September 2024 anyone?

@sime_q - 11.09.2024 15:14

I'm not depressed i just like depressed songs

@Caleb-mc4pm - 19.09.2024 13:03

Jesus loves you. God bless you

@DSFanForever2 - 13.10.2024 02:03

The fact this was made by James and he slowed it l down shows how good he is❤

@R-ALDEEP - 16.10.2024 01:50


@akshansh_sri - 02.11.2024 19:52

I just wanna disappear from the face of this world

@Saskiaschoenke - 30.11.2024 00:06

Dear reader, Jesus loves you he is alive! We can repent from our sins, we can become free from sin through Jesus Christ, Jesus died on the cross for us because of our sins and on the third day he rose again!🤍🤍🙏 We need him as our lord and savior🙏

@MJJJ-w1l - 13.12.2024 23:27

I feel the pain fo the song😢😢

@AalyahRodriguezAlmanzar - 30.12.2024 10:54

I love it 😭😭😭❤

@ywetkaBadzova11 - 20.01.2025 01:41

Song 1%🥀
Memories 99%😫

@devaluedlove - 25.01.2025 12:24

i miss her

@RONISM-7 - 10.02.2025 16:29

I just wanna end my suffering

@ELLIAN276 - 12.02.2025 20:22


@OctavianAlexandro - 14.03.2025 14:30

