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@abdulazazimazi5664 - 18.10.2022 07:57

in another there at now be there at go ming to be my the filing do God ti nid in San Allah gife me they st nt be they st ntvbe therecst nt God ti bebmybib gife me ti by nid they st nt ti the filing so anud gife me want ti do in flay nutid in San gife me they st nt be there st nt be there st nt gife me they st thing do youvdlioe ti si nid gife new youvre they st nt be they st nt becthere si now gife me they si nid they st nt ti the filing gife me they start be there are nt gife new they st nt be they st be there st nt gife me ti you

@abdulazazimazi5664 - 18.10.2022 08:09

by the what the at nt ti the filing si I nud gife MeV theyvst nt be therecst now be there st now be there at now be there st now for you drive st gi ti by nud sd ti the filing do I nud thatcat file what ti fo in sane day wgatcdo you file git ti by nud thstcst nt th they si nt gife me they st nt be there st nt gufevme they st nt be they st nt be there st nt gife me your time in snithere st nt be ti raining sd filon si si nud gife me they at nt gife me they st ntvbe they st nt be there st nt be they start be this is nt be therecst nt home to right now ti be my editing to efriting I nid then st nt this going they st nt ti thecwevin do you ting gife me day st file day st nt be they st nt be there gife new theyvst nt ti Bev mine in gufevme ti by nudes filing di day st filing gife me day st nt be therecst now to be my in snderstan if gife me they st nt be therecst now ti gife me they si do ti snid thstcst nt be there st cing ti file lage small file di di in gife me ti be my in gifebme they st nt gife me theyvst nt bectheyvst nt gife me ti Sunday I be long gife nevti humid ad gi to by nid they st nt be they st nt gifebme they nt be my in and no there gife me to you thryvatbnt be they st nt be they ti God small nt be my in so ti the chip in flaynitid to gife in setting ti nud gife me they st nt ti the filing di nutid gufebme bring humid st nt gife nevtheyvst file thud gife me ti humid st nt be live thstcst file in setting ti by nid then

@abdulazazimazi5664 - 18.10.2022 08:18

so following in gife me ti by if nt be my in gife me ti the Sunday st nt be they st nt becthere st file gufevme v there st ntvti be they st nt be theycst file do going they st nt be they st nt be they st gife me they st nt be there st nt gufebme chat ti fo small filing gife new they another ti beci filing did say ti the small nt I this govtovrsi you nid st nt there stvbevthey gife me they st ti hoe si nid they st nt be they st nt gife me to by nid sd to the isn do I nid thatvst nt to be my in gife mevto away do hiw si nid then st file what to fo in flay thud gufevme to hundred st ti the st nt be therecst be they st nt gife me they st nt be there st nothing ism file gife me theyvst file what ti for me in gife they st nt theyvst nt bectherecst nt be therecst now be this campaign file what ti fo small file gife ti by nud st nid to be hiecsi nid st nt ti be my in gife nevtheyvsi nt hi nevtheyvst nt be they st nt to they st nt gife me ti sunday in nt gife me ti you you ndk thid gife me they st file gi ti by nud they st nt gifevme ti they st nt to giling in ssndsy st nt be there st now be there st now to be mysterious in gife ti these file

@abdulazazimazi5664 - 19.10.2022 13:39

it did take be they at nt gife ti be they at nt be there I am nt be is gone to business in if filag these it nt be they I nt gife me this is nt God to by ney is saying are chivilage is change in answer to lope me they at nt be this it is nt time

@abdulazazimazi5664 - 19.10.2022 13:43

by the way gife me to aware in flay during in Sunday at nt gife me they at nt be they at nt be they at this Spencer go is to going tranif Nolan in if go to the winner in so little gife me in your right st to the filing in naw they st nt be they at nt be there are nt to arena in and one of for name

@abdulazazimazi5664 - 19.10.2022 13:45

in whait time this is nt God to day in sooling gife me your right in fileliying to by nid at nt be her I now to honger hungri it file you

@abdulazazimazi5664 - 19.10.2022 13:47

file during ing sawer nt man is this to filing in San it nt be there is the in the word in his nt be is human right to the at nt gife me in your time editing this a ti flisce one here afwan noting file go

@abdulazazimazi5664 - 19.10.2022 13:50

yes she walk this is nt God to by nid at go on in flay editing ti so how am nt gife be they at nt God to by God is nt be doing come frome is fromius in not be is plan

@abdulazazimazi5664 - 19.10.2022 13:52

by adit to editing to ngedit shave in God to buy it it easy nt ti iten is good am nt gife me they at nt be they at nt gife me to line am file God am file I do to heart in same day I filing gife me to did it he her his name is my konkrite

@abdulazazimazi5664 - 19.10.2022 13:55

be by buy to ly ne in say go to woning am nt gi to go to wing in file they to at me they if gife to in say is left go to in life file ting to ady ting to every morning

@abdulazazimazi5664 - 19.10.2022 13:57

sun of time girl to left me go is that in word to this is the median of tangen in flay di ting to cross the country music is nt

@abdulazazimazi5664 - 19.10.2022 13:59

hert in setting is to by nid at the is not froblem in filing gife me they at nt go to by nid I'm frestigasi the same filing at home in hert you it me and now ti buying rolanza

@abdulazazimazi5664 - 19.10.2022 14:00

in day stimulus response in at to at file this is nt be they told is it ti not marry in cemon white me

@abdulazazimazi5664 - 19.10.2022 14:03

by the way is nt to file in isn't nt to in setting any many to have has in his nt gime to play to it nt God to is nt be they is it nt to gife me in water to too toot oders

@ariefaji9818 - 19.11.2022 00:50

tetap semangat, teruslah berkarya

@ahmadnatsir9196 - 05.12.2022 10:08

Tiada yg ku cinta perempuan selain drm di dunia ini.

@ahmadnatsir9196 - 05.12.2022 10:08

Krn seumur tiada kutemukan selain drm.

@ahmadnatsir9196 - 05.12.2022 10:09

Krna aku masih punya HR dari jjur dlm hdpku.

@ahmadnatsir9196 - 05.12.2022 10:10

Slgi manusia tiada yg mampu mngatur khdpanku.

@ahmadnatsir9196 - 05.12.2022 10:11

Krna aku siapa plihan hdpkku.

@ahmadnatsir9196 - 05.12.2022 10:13

Jjur di bilang snak2 gila tak apa yg pnting setianku tak ada yg bisa mngubah pilihanku.

@ahmadnatsir9196 - 05.12.2022 10:14

Jjur selain Nisa sabyan tiada plihan dunia akhiratku.

@ahmadnatsir9196 - 05.12.2022 10:16

Keinginan hrpku SDH ku serah kan SM Allah segalanya trmasuk hdp matiku.

@ahmadnatsir9196 - 05.12.2022 10:18

Krn nyataku sprtimu bidadari akhiratku nantinya slmnya.

@ahmadnatsir9196 - 05.12.2022 10:27

Yang nyatamu tak prnah kutemui di Sumbar...Sumut Jakarta.......bhkan didunia ini selain drm slmnya akhiratku.

@ahmadnatsir9196 - 05.12.2022 10:29

Tiada yg mampu mluluhkanku slainmu slmnya.

@ahmadnatsir9196 - 05.12.2022 10:30

Krn Sholeha sholawat mu...itu lah anugrahku dan hidayah slma ini.

@SyahmaSy - 17.12.2022 16:06


@SyahmaSy - 17.12.2022 16:07


adem bangat saat mendengarnya.....👍👍😇😇

@addyalexander7724 - 26.01.2023 14:22

Salam sayang salam kasih salam rindu dr saudara mu di Malaysia buat saudara ku di Indonesia😍😍😍

@anayoufana437 - 28.01.2023 03:34


@Iqbal-ll3ql - 11.02.2023 12:50

Sllu kuputrkn lagu2mu diwarung kopiku🥰🥰
Alhamdulillah smpe skrg penikmat suara mrdumu Nisa 😘😘

@dudimahpudi8902 - 07.04.2023 00:06

Nissa always is the best.❤❤❤

@bitesma-fm1xd - 12.04.2023 08:13

❤❤❤ subhanallah Masya Allah

@jamalmamayan9016 - 26.05.2023 05:01


@maulanasyadadmaulana9821 - 29.05.2023 06:36

Nisa bikin lagu nasehat untuk anak2.
Supaya patuh sama org tua.

@cartypouran4529 - 14.07.2023 13:26

lagu sapu jagat masih ada masalah

@cartypouran4529 - 14.07.2023 13:32

Neng sabya ini teman mu masah dulu oke mantap joooss masih mendukung mu ❤❤🎉🎉😂😂

@agungaja-yu4dj - 12.10.2023 01:01

Sukses terus kaka nissa

@rikadamayanti2969 - 26.10.2023 07:29

Masya Allah

@sitisudahngaksabartungupen4051 - 02.02.2024 09:50

Terimakasih.solawatanya yang bisa di dunlut. Tiada hari tanpa solawat .sabian .gambus paling top👍👍👍👍👍👍❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

@skeboconscio5837 - 29.02.2024 06:32

Tidak bisa di download, tolong di like komentarku biar bisa ingat 😅

@pakmat3173 - 21.03.2024 23:47

sehat selalu mbak dan banyak rejeki nya aaamiiin

@pakmat3173 - 22.03.2024 00:05

semoga mbak sehat selalu banyak rejeki aaamiiin

@Art_mobilegames - 18.04.2024 20:34

Assalamualaikum semangat menujuh masa depan cita2 bangkit lagi😊

@subahunurnur6787 - 08.08.2024 01:15


@sitisudahngaksabartungupen4051 - 07.10.2024 04:51


@ratnokarno7559 - 23.10.2024 21:10


@NISSASABYANofficialchannel - 28.08.2021 09:58

Hallo apa kabar semuanyaaaaaa
Yang lagi nonton ini siapin cemilan sama kopi yaaa hehehehe
