The Cay | Espresso Meets French Press

The Cay | Espresso Meets French Press

The Real Sprometheus

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@matthewwilson9749 - 23.05.2024 19:16


@cheekster777 - 24.05.2024 19:04

Thank you my friend.

Enjoy your weekend. ☕️

@tristam. - 24.05.2024 19:16

Nice video! What happened to the Lagom 01 you were running for a bit? Curious about your thoughts!

@MWSJoey - 24.05.2024 19:17

At $200 I think it's a solid manual espresso entry. The Flair 58x clocks in at $400 to get access to the standard 58mm basket size and doubles the cost of the CayCay. If the portfilter quirks can be ironed out I think it's actually great at that price point for pressure profiling manual machines. The ergonomics of the plunger could be improved with a new larger knob and maybe an additional bearing.

@alanroderick7153 - 24.05.2024 19:19

Thank you for the video. An interesting addition to the entry point space. The portability and storability look good plus points. I wish Max all the best with the trails and headaches that will come with scaling this towards commercial success - keep going !

@sheanakale9502 - 24.05.2024 19:39

Compare this to the flair 58

@theHX11 - 24.05.2024 20:08

The design and price are good. the press leverneeds to be modified.

@jeffjones6667 - 24.05.2024 20:26

seems like there's alot of attempts by different companies to hit this price point and some just trying to make manual in next price bracket, i haven't been happy with any I've tried for one reason or another ( to much plastic, not great work flow, to tall etc) ...someone will get it right. i dont see having a external hot water source or preheat as that big inconvenience to work flow its just the design, control of flow and quality of construction if possible with cost of materials at this price

@mixswist - 24.05.2024 20:27

This is an interesting machine, I am looking to buy an espresso machine for while. With my budget its come down to Flair Pro2, Gaggia Espresso and Rok Robot. I hope this thing avaliable in my country soon.

@montanausa329 - 24.05.2024 20:58

I’ll always stick to hand lever at home. One thing is I’m the only one drinking coffee and second I can control the flow the whole time. Plus my flair takes up no counter space because in 5 seconds I break it down every time

@christopherschaefer8279 - 24.05.2024 21:01

So it's an at-home Handpresso with a 58mm basket? OK, I'll buy it!!

@jontpt - 24.05.2024 21:15

These things are usually more trouble than they're worth. A $200 electric appliance machine would do just as good a job and be far less hassle, imho

@c2329ra - 24.05.2024 21:22

The Cay Cay coffee press is a single Cay short of a marketing desister😅

@Horologiist - 24.05.2024 22:22

The separation of brew and boiler is a cool idea for home espresso because we didnt produce a lot of shots in a row like cafés. It makes temp changes easier than with boiler machines. But id like to see active group heating like Flair does. That would make me playing around with temp and pressure and grinds to find the sweet spot of the bean. (Disclaimer) im a bezzera strega user and like the forgiving nature of this system a lot. But i think ill get myself a Flair58 to test out other things than spring loaded lever.

@lazyac_ - 24.05.2024 22:33

vs Cafelat robot which machine i should buy?

@caycaycoffee - 24.05.2024 23:05

Thank you for the review Sprometheus. I really appreciate you taking the time to film and give it a considered insightful review. Thank you!

@the.real.bogdan - 24.05.2024 23:49

Why should you get this over the staresso mirage? Except for the basket/portafilter it's basically the same thing, but the mirage is way cheaper

@pimacanyon6208 - 25.05.2024 00:34

great review, thank you. $200 for a manual espresso machine is tempting. However, as you said, there are other $200 manual machines like the Flair that give the CayCay a run for the money.

@clovala - 25.05.2024 00:42

Yeah, too expensive for me for what it is. Pass. Thanks for the honest review.

@cussyrichards6121 - 25.05.2024 01:34

Is this and the Uniterra Nomad the only options with the larger capacity water tank for brewing longer shots manually?

@bbbo85 - 25.05.2024 03:30

I feel like that formfactor with nomad like seesaw will be a winner

@Bagels29 - 25.05.2024 04:31

I wish you had done a real time workflow/demonstration.

@gblan - 25.05.2024 05:46

Meh, Cafelat Robot works just fine and is built like a tank. I'll stick with it.

@JBLS9377 - 25.05.2024 11:13

I'd like to ask: are any parts of this machine made of plastic? And how's the cleanup?

@JanRobert - 25.05.2024 16:48

Do you use Gmail ? ;) Nice info, as always !!

@kaim4535 - 25.05.2024 19:56

Hey Spro, love your video ! What kind of app do you use with your Atago ? thanks =)

@_guillermo - 25.05.2024 23:51

Very promising. I’ll absolutely pick up a revised second model whenever it releases.

@PaulDominguez - 26.05.2024 15:43

The Cay is a cool concept minus the name for those of us in the US. I got recently a CO2 expressi maker from AliExpress but the broke. But the concept of not needing a cartridges is very appealing especially on a budget and environmental view

@jazzynotjeff - 26.05.2024 17:46

Great review. This is EXACTLY the kind of machine that speaks to me: small, elemental, innovative, no bells and whistles, effective, inexpensive. I particularly appreciated you showing what the average user would struggle with, like the basket getting stuck on the group. That's the sort of thing that would drive me crazy and have me thinking it was something I was doing wrong. I agree about the plunger too, why so flimsy? Thanks!

@Laugao - 26.05.2024 18:58

Where can I get it?
Loved it!!!!!
I'm in South America.

@0whitestone - 27.05.2024 01:58

How much preheating would you think necessary for lighter roasts? Are we talking 2-3 cycles, or is one enough?

@mikkisdiyobsessions3742 - 27.05.2024 21:10

Nice super simple solution! I like that it is 'silent' and does not produce any extra waste, like CO2 canisters. Compared to same price lower end electric pump machines, the convenience of 'pressure profiling' and 'pre-infusion' etc. should not be underestimated. For just around 200 USD!

@mwd6478 - 28.05.2024 01:32

The value you can get at "entry level" is pretty incredible! Very cool.

@darylfortney8081 - 28.05.2024 22:08

needs a needle valve to set the max flow rate.

@AnotherAnonymousMan - 29.05.2024 01:40

This machine is begging for a lever... 😅

@sussudioharvey9458 - 30.05.2024 00:52

As an older person with arthritis I don’t like the pump handle. I’d rather have a broader head on it. And the wiggle room on that rod could lead to breakage to some part of the machine.
Otherwise I like the size and simplicity. Especially since for travelers like myself. And yes, I’ve really looked into the Flairs and all the other more portable espresso machines out there.

@karigrandii - 30.05.2024 09:12

Now THIS is interesting. Wonder what the price will be in the EU

@CafèZelberto - 04.06.2024 16:15

Looking forward to getting one for my coffee shop

@adamharika269 - 13.06.2024 17:14

Waht is the overal dimension??

@hoongfu - 29.09.2024 02:49

I'd love a manual espresso machine. There's a sense of rawness and control I feel I am missing out on when using my Silvia. I'm thinking about getting a flair neo or a picopresso sometime in the future.
