Are All Men Pedophiles?

Are All Men Pedophiles?

The Documentary Channel

4 года назад

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@daisybuckley5846 - 31.12.2023 02:12

12 mins in and this documentary is soooo bad. Seems like someone is just stating their opinions not actually based on facts
I also don’t think it’s normal to find teenagers attractive, most look so young.

@kiemi39 - 22.12.2023 09:10

All men are.

@GiannaMavroudis - 08.12.2023 12:47

1 a young girls body can not handle pregnancy and child birth
2 a young girl can not handle an adult relationship
3 a young girl can not handle motherhood
4 a normal man want to protect and nurture children not have sex with them

@EmpressEther - 06.12.2023 06:17

You all are showing your true colors making up fairytale scenarios trying to justify pedophelia btw

@MaestroStefanoPetrini - 05.12.2023 17:18

1/3 to 1/4 of the population(men and women),according to research

@masondissick698 - 28.11.2023 22:12

What the actual fuck is this "documentary".. it's pedophile apologist bullshit. This should be removed.

@tarshanaaselvam7386 - 25.11.2023 10:38

I just wanted to say one thing only...MICHAEL JACKSON IS NOT A PEDOPHILE...

@cleo1819 - 21.11.2023 07:44

God, the amount of pedophiles in this comment section making MULTIPLE comments trying their hardest to justify the attraction. Sickening. 🤢

@JuventinoDOC33 - 21.11.2023 03:19

The paradox is that the age of unset of puberty has become lower and lower, but still most people want a higher and higher age of consent. The opposite would be more logical. So people seriously thing that people who go into puberty at 11-12 should wait until 18 to have sex? That´s almost a kind of torture ;) Today most people tend to think that it is pedophilia just to have sex with a 16 or 17 yo teenager. I think that this is really stupid and shows a lack of basic knowledge about teenagers and sexuality. Men have always been attracted to teenagers that age, but only after the feminists came to power the world has started to see this as completely evil and bad. I remember that when I was a kid in the 80s it was totally normal for my uncles and other men I knew to talk openly about how sexy and beautiful 15-16 yo girls were. And nobody cared. If somebody says this today, he is instantly labled as pedophile and a potential child molester. I think this is totally over the edge and very exaggerated and hysterical.

@christophergoodwin-qo7tg - 20.11.2023 08:10

As somebody who grew up in the system in the US, i can confirm, the vast mojority of pediphiles in institutions where women.
Why do you see so many teachers sleeping with male students?

@Dennis-nc3vw - 13.11.2023 22:22

People who want to normalize the sexualization of pre-teen children, and people who want to pretend pedophilia is attraction to anyone under 18, are two sides of the same coin: biology deniers. They all want to make you to ignore the obvious will of nature. If you side with one, you side with the other.

@freedomforall3695 - 12.11.2023 11:28

I get the feeling that most men are pedo's for example a man will refuse to have sex with a female that is one day away from her 18th birthday because she's deemed a "kid" but 24 hours go by now shes considered an "adult" i can do her now. Not much biologically changed in that 24 hours when she was a day away from being 18. Also note that most men when watching adult action like seeing that title of 18 years old, or virgin. If girls were considered an adult at 16 years of age, i am completely positive that many men would be having sex with them in great numbers because society would deem it as acceptable, Or maybe not who knows.

@itsthealiarose - 07.11.2023 19:47

This video isn’t discouraging enough it’s almost as if it encouraging and hopeful disgusting

@brentlybennett357 - 05.11.2023 17:17

The Khazar Jews have deceived the world most of history plus the control of the nations has given rise to these phenomena around the world, pedophile x child marriage type culture is their creation, they used false scientific deception to justify evils and sow lies as historical facts to normalize evil, pedophile/child molesters are in control of the earth ladies and gentlemen and the men and women in power push this nonsense under their masters.

@GabrielleTollerson - 01.11.2023 19:47

the modern beauty standards is rooted in pedophilia,and a lot of men are angry that those standards are changing. That says a lot

@eigelgregossweisse9563 - 01.11.2023 14:50

Shamefully all strangers or men are now seen as pedo's if they wanna genuinely just hug out teens, or give affection. Yes usually it shouldn't be that way- everyone just straight zips to oh no, he's thinking about "SEX" = pedophilia. They're the disgusting ones. What those individuals needed was love, the fact to change their rewiring to adaptable and correct socialization.

@tony-wm7lx - 20.10.2023 22:11

An ongoing attraction to prepubescents from ages 3-10 and in some cases up to 13 depending on the Tanner stage of the Tanner scale of human development being used. (Many 14 or 15-year-old's would not be pubescent/reached puberty, i.e., in stages 2 or 3 of development; many would instead be in Tanner stage 4, and a few might appear to be in stage 5.)

It may surprise one to know that most adults who engage in sexual contact with prepubescents or pubescents aren't even pedophiles/hebephiles or primarily attracted to them.[9][10][11]

Also, most pedophiles never actually engage in sexual contact with prepubescents; the rate of how many do varies but many journals put an estimate at 5-20%.[21]

Additionally, few NON-pedophiles and non-hebephiles engage in contact.[21]

Furthermore, most contact is with permission, not forceful in nature.

Finally, most contact (either with "permission" or forceful) with prepubescents/pubescents is from people with antisocial traits/opportunistic individuals on power trips (ex: sociopaths - people with low empathy who commit crimes). These opportunists are primarily attracted to adults but engage in sexual acts with youths because it is easier.

The in-built personality of the contactor has more impact on whether they are more likely to contact than their age. All of these contactors were likely to make contact as children and teens as well.[6]
There are other chronophilias like pedophilia to denote attractions to other age ranges.

Chronophilia - a sexual attraction to people of a certain age range. The term was coined by John Money.[1][2][3]
Chart of chronophilias (also called age-based paraphilias):

Chronophilia| preferred age range | prevalence
Nepiophilia | infants 2-3 | 1% or less

Pedophilia | prepubescents 3-10 (in some cases up to 13) | 3-5%

Hebephilia | pubescents from ages 11-14 | 16-20%

Ephebophilia and Teleiophilia | post-pubescents 15-17 (sometimes up to 19) and young adults in their 20's and 30's | 75-86%

Mesophilia | middle-aged adults in their 40's and 50's | 48%
Prevalence rates are only for males and are based on a combination of studies and phallometric research.[1][4][5][6][7][8]

These refer to attractions to people of a certain age range, not the act of sex or romance with people in those ranges.

Technically, chronophilic labels do not relate to age itself but to preferences for human sexual maturity stages(body type, muscle development, etc.)[1]

There is no evidence that preferred ages among men change as they themselves age, but for older women this may be different.[18]
Each of the chronophilias is based on a stage of the Tanner scale of human development which defines measures development based on sexual characteristics of human beings from childhood to adulthood. Physical features may not be the only measurement. Ex: some pedophilic males have reported "playfulness" as part of what they find attractive in prepubescents.[1]

The term minor-attraction has been used as an umbrella term to group the chronophilias in the lower age ranges. Any person person attracted to someone in these lower ranges is said to be a minor-attracted person (MAP).[19][23] The use of this term has been rapidly growing since 2017 and has drawn a lot of controversy among academics.[24]

These can also overlap; people can have more than one chronophilia:





So just like some people are equally attracted to both males and females, some are equally attracted to post-pubescents and young adults, etc.
Note: while youth-based chronophiles are more likely to seek romance and/or sex with someone in their preferred age range they aren't any more prone to 'seeking' for sex or romance in general than teleiophiles are. Having any of the lower range youth-based chronophilias does not imply one is a sex-crazed animal whose sole urge is to seek these things out in the same way that most higher range adult-based chronophiles aren't normally addicted to these things. Just like how most teleiophiles naturally meet, fall in love with someone then gravitate to sex later in the relationship, most hebephiles are the same way. Thus, other than having different attractions, their drives are really no different than those of teleiophiles.[1][12]
More on prevalence:

Studies using phallometry have found that most men show at least some arousal to prepubescents, with a significant minority demonstrating a clear preference. We do know that when expanding the definition of pedophilia to encompass attraction towards ages as high as 12 or 13 (i.e. "pedohebephilia"), phallometry consistently suggests that around 20% of men are equally or more aroused by "children".[4] As James Kincaid says:

A recent study of ideal desirability using a computer program called FacePrints found that "the ideal 25-year-old woman ... had a 14-year-old's abundant lips and an 11-year-old's delicate jaw." that small lower face providing also the prominent eyes and cheekbones of prepubescents. We are told to look like children if we can and for as long as we can, to pine for that look.

Further, the number of preferential hebephiles and ephebophiles is likely to be at least 10 times that the number of pedophiles.[1] According to Michael Seto and the DSM-5, the actual prevalence of Pedophilia is unknown, with an estimate of up to 3-5% (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).[4][8] Evidence concerning women is for all practical purposes, absent.

Cross-cultural, historic and species literature appears to suggest this, as put forth by Rind and Yuill. Further, present-day modeling studies display a hebephilic/ephebophilic Minor-Attracted optimum for male heterosexual attraction:

"For example, Johnston and Franklin (1993) had subjects "evolve" a beautiful female face over iterated generations on a computer program designed to simulate natural selection. In the end, the most attractive versions of females' faces had proportions typical of girls aged 11-14. Braun, Gruendl, Marberger, and Scherber (2001) used morphing software to vary female characteristics and found that facial shapes of girls of about 14-years-old, with smooth, pure skin, produced the highest attraction ratings. They found that even the most attractive mature female faces could be made more attractive by morphing into them greater and greater degrees of immaturity. [...] The foregoing considerations suggest a range of female ages, which most typically are capable of producing adaptive attraction responses in mature males with respect to reproduction. This range extends from puberty, when reproductive value is maximal, into the 20s, when fertility is greatest, and beyond while fertility lasts. Within this range, male preferences may typically peak, for example, at female ages of 17 or 18, a compromise of highest reproductive value (ages 12 or 13) and fertility (ages 22 or 23) (cf. Williams, 1975). Depending on local social and cultural conditions, this peak may be shifted (i.e., recalibrated) to younger or older female ages (Buss, 1989)."[7]
Corresponds to Tanner stage 1. The rarest of the chronophilias.
This term was coined by Bernard Glueck in 1955[14] but didn't become widespread in literature until it was popularized by Ray Blanchard the 1980's.[15]

The age range of this chronophilia typically corresponds to Tanner stages 2 and 3.

More about hebephiles - a lot of these people are only hard-coded to form pair bonds with younger teens right around middle school age. Many adults may get bored of listening to a 7th grader talk for more than a few minutes but thoroughly enjoy lengthy discussions with other adults - however this is the design of people primarily attracted to 18+ YOS. Hebephiles, on the other hand, could listen to a 12/13 year old talk for hours on end without getting bored. They are endlessly fascinating to them, but older females bore them. Their hearts just don't resonate with older females. They just don’t click with them; it doesn’t feel right. It’s only ever when they are interacting with middle school aged teens that they feel a sense of belonging. - this is the design of teen attracted adults.[12]
An ongoing pattern of sexual attraction toward post-pubescents youths from 15-17 (late teens) and sometimes up to 19. Some experts say this corresponds to tanner stage 4; but this is highly disputed as the age of puberty appears to be decreasing.[13]

Sex between adults and individuals in this age range is legal in nearly all countries. It is legal for 16 year old's to have sex with anyone 16 and up in 32 US states regardless of the age gap.

Also considered "normophilia".[20]

Some experts have considered reclassifying ephebophilia as teleiophilia, combining them, or even declassifying it as a chronophilia due to the fact that many elements of ephebophilia do not match up with the definition of a paraphilia(atypical sexual interests). Ex: post-pubescents are as reproductively viable as middle-aged adults.

@Nattapong69 - 20.10.2023 03:00

Is this news to westerners? This is just yin and yang. Yang/masculine energy = strong, mature, and old. Yin/feminine energy = immature and young. Yin and Yang attract. Duh? lol.

@Susan-kd3rv - 14.10.2023 09:38

Some of these people in this program especially women are trying to normalise teenage child abuse , I was sexually abuse at 15 and it’s damage me for life , just because your going through puberty does ent make it ok , wether your 5 or 12 13 14 15 it still causes damage to that child , just because past history has done it , it doesn’t mean we have to go back there , we don’t live in caveman times or medieval time , we’ve come along way since then , so stop that excuse romans done it , I don’t care it’s wrong period!!! Gays are totally different from pedophiles , pedophiles damage children’s including teens , but gays do not , stop trying to lower the legal age first it was 18 then 16 now teens , bit by bit pedophiles are trying to lower age limit , so stop trying to normalise it .

@stripey7303 - 08.10.2023 01:17

Dan Savage turns 59 today. The sex advice columnist and gay rights activist has a reputation for not caring whom his opinions might offend, even when they might be assumed to be politically aligned with him.

One of those times was in 1998, when he weighed in on the public hysteria over the scientific paper "A Meta-Analytic Examination of Assumed Properties of Child Sexual Abuse Using College Samples" by Bruce Rind, Philip Tromovitch, and Robert Bauserman, stirred up by right-wing bigot Laura Schlesinger but joined in by politicians and pundits of all stripes. Savage wrote:

"Why is this controversial? Speaking as a survivor of CSA at fourteen with a twenty-two-year old woman; sex at fifteen with a thirty-year-old man – I can back the researchers up; I was not traumatized by these technically illegal sexual encounters; indeed, I initiated them and cherish their memory. It's absurd to think that what I did at fifteen would be considered 'child sexual abuse,' or lumped together by lazy researchers with the incestuous rape of a five-year-old girl.”

Despite there being no methodological flaws in the paper and its having passed peer review, Congress responded to public pressure and censured the American Psychological Association for having published it in the Psychological Bulletin. More shamefully, the APA in turn also acted like politicians by officially retracting the paper and stating that "political and social implications," instead of only scientific ones, would be considered in deciding whether to publish papers in the future.
In response to an APA request for a re-review, the American Association for the Advancement of Science stated that they saw no reason to second-guess the peer reviewers' approval of the paper.

@dwightkematch7081 - 06.10.2023 10:11

Aw why do they have a whore in the beginning

@user-pk4nr6dy9g - 28.09.2023 05:34

The underlying importance of neoteny continues to get ignored. Y’all are uneducated on the science of attraction.

Are women all pedophiles too? They are proven to be attracted to themselves.

What brings attraction to women is their neoteny. There is no pseudo femininity phenotype that people are attracted to in women post-puberty, men are the people that actually have their facial features mostly changed during puberty, not women. (Disregarding the body) It also implies fertility.

Men are not actually attractive. Anything deemed attractive on them is a metaphor (excluding facial disharmony), all they do is perpetuate status. And that was the entire evolutionarily point.

This is why for example two lesbians kissing is okay, but two men kissing gives the same feeling as maggots.

This is a oversimplified explanation, but delve into research and you see everything points towards this observation being correct.

Please reply

@ghmh - 13.09.2023 16:48

I only watched the beginning of this bullshit. To begin, the prefrontal cortex development is not complete until near the age of 25 years, the brain continue to develop the whole life. More important, taste does change, so does the taste for partners. But anyway sex is not limited to partners. People can have sex without attraction, because drunk, bored, stressed, oppurtunistic, urge, obsession, idk. Men differ from women to have more urge for sex the whole life, where for women this is limitied to certain periods of the life.

@worldpeacebrian - 12.09.2023 16:39

My suggestion to all pedophiles is, if you truly love the girl, you should wait till the age of consent and meanwhile give the parents some kind of dowry for consent to be granted if parental consent is needed.

@Susan-kd3rv - 12.09.2023 01:02

Some of these comments are trying to justify sex with children sick 🤮 I don’t care whatever the reason !!! LEAVE THE CHILDREN ALONE !!!! If you don’t want someone as a adult then I suggest you stay celibate for the rest of your life , it’s evil you damage children for life , I don’t care about caveman or in the past , I care about children today , hands off !!!!!!!!

@stevehightower9155 - 10.09.2023 12:01

For me a woman has to be at least 30

@mathildaflower2388 - 07.09.2023 12:11

I never considered that girls also develop much quicker because boys are developing slower due to being taller and bigger, thus needing more time to mature. That makes a lot of sense as to why men seek younger girls also as mentally younger girls are often on the same level. I think this concept can also be quote embarrassing for men sub or unconsciously which is why they find much younger girls attractive, its almost like a ultimate jackpot that the man is fully mature and in control both physically but most importantly mentally. Pedos is a mental disorder. it's All about the mentality. They like younger girls ie. Age 13 or 14 let's say because of the power dynamic, they know they can not outsmart them and that is the sexually attractive part. A woman could be 21 but look 14, but the man would not be attracted unless the woman lies, and SAYS she is 14. This means it's not so much physical but much more mental.

@mathildaflower2388 - 07.09.2023 10:40

I feel like its wrong to say that a pedo is someone who is attracted to anyone below the age of 18. People below the age of 18 dont always look that way, i dont think its right to judge peoples age based. On their looks in general. İ think that a pedo is attracted to a person because of their age specifically, not looks.

@MaterMatuta-vm6lu - 06.09.2023 21:35

Thanks to porn pedo culture they are now yes. They are getting worse

@yomomma8237 - 06.09.2023 12:27

My thing is. If ur attracted to say 13,14,15,16…. Physically? Cause other than that why? They are annoying as SHIT. And what would u have in common if ur a grown man? so that tells me ur just wanting to use their body. That’s the problem. That’s abuse.

@pasteldelmar - 04.09.2023 05:23

This is just another reason to remain childfree. Too many out there want to prey on your kids.

@Dennis-nc3vw - 02.09.2023 00:20

Being a man over 30 is so difficult because you constantly have to deal with two competing instincts: your instinctual drive for youth in a partner, and your instinctual discomfort at dating someone far from your age. I wish I could have youth back so I never had to deal with these two forces in conflict. Women disingenuously accusing you of having a dangerous mental disorder because they can't wrap their brains around the concept of puberty is just salt in the wound.

@user-zo1tn4wu8z - 13.08.2023 00:52

I don’t want to fuck a kid I mean sure I like teenagers because I’m fucking 16 I am a kid don’t all men are not fucking pedo just like not all women are fucking misandrist like you

@Wtfbrooo_ - 07.08.2023 04:36

Men in the comments just proving the point of the video 🤦‍♀️

@Wtfbrooo_ - 07.08.2023 04:26

Yea they are, every single one of them

@JoyandPeace777 - 24.07.2023 05:33

Yes they are

@jamieklein-vp3jy - 19.07.2023 04:23

You know... I have met girls all over the world underage on snapchat and every single girl says I am the first man on snapchat not creepy to them. This world is horrible and pedophilia is the most lied about subject on the planet.

@pippy52 - 12.07.2023 02:28

There was a male who was caught videotaping himself molesting a newborn with the umbilical cord still attached.

@codyzimmer9257 - 10.07.2023 22:15

Just because someone is sexually mature doesn’t mean it’s ok to see them as someone who is sexually mature if that someone is seeking sex. Protect the children!!!!

@FirstLast-qf1df - 05.07.2023 10:47

I don't care if someone is over or under 18. If you're a 53 year old and you're attracted to an 18 or 19 year old, you're a creep regardless of what the law says.

@Dennis-nc3vw - 30.06.2023 21:08

The arrogance and intellectual dishonesty on this issue reminds me of a quote from Deus Ex: Human Revolution. "Before today people believed we should steal fire from the gods and redesign human nature. But human nature is the only thing that gives us a moral compass, and the social skills we need to live in peace. Destroy it, and you destroy our very species."

I'm 33 and I'd feel a little weird dating anyone under 23, much less 18, but the way we disingenuously ignore biology and delude ourselves into this quasi-religious worship of the number "18" is just sick. The alphabet community has made us afraid to talk about natural vs. unnatural and convinced us "consent is all that matters" but that's insane. Yes, LEGALLY speaking and BETWEEN TWO LEGAL ADULTS, I believe consent is all that matters. But morally? Hell no! That's like saying giving a tiger a steak is no different than pouring acid down its throat because either way it's just a dumb animals who can't make informed decisions about what it ingests.

Sex traumatizes and messes up prepubescent children because its what nature doesn't want. It's not because they're stupid. Animals are stupid. They don't get traumatized by mating. I don't think people in their early teens should be having sex because they're not the best at handling risks and the emotional attachments, but that's far from being traumatized by the act itself.

@sarahalderman3126 - 29.06.2023 16:08


@hrvatskicetnik - 26.06.2023 18:59


@Kris-hw9ib - 23.06.2023 19:26

Yes they are and if they aren’t they are called boarder line pedophiles !!! Sick sick so the old gross man sleeping with a 25 year old yes your a pedophile truth hurts I’m 22 that shit sick and demonic! Even a 40 year old with a 20 year old like you were 20 when she was born I hope they all get exposed

@xfreespirit1979x - 11.06.2023 02:17

The female p*d*ph*l* is completely blacked out with a voice change... I question if that is really a female, is it a "transwoman"? This whole documentary just sounds like XYs trying to justify their lust for children (those under 18).

@cbearx - 20.05.2023 11:41

Did u seriously just ask me what the difference is between me and a pedofile and say that people are still attracted to children as an adult bruh no… no that’s not normal

@michellehunt6510 - 20.05.2023 09:36

This is disgusting just with the title it
has, they are trying to make it seem normal…

@sarahalderman3126 - 15.05.2023 15:26

all healthy adult men are pedophilic attracted. The difference between a good man and an evil man is that good men CONTROL their lust. Therefore a good man may find younger girls and women (as well as young boys) attractive however they will refuse to even think about them in a perverse or sexual way. Evil men will first allow themselves to fantasize about young people which invariably leads to acting out their disgusting and perverse lust filled desires.
