Are you a Data Analyst? Compete in Data Challenges: Best Platforms for Data Enthusiasts

Are you a Data Analyst? Compete in Data Challenges: Best Platforms for Data Enthusiasts

Data with Decision Essentials

6 месяцев назад

421 Просмотров

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@hannyashehu198 - 20.08.2024 13:34

Nice one, thanks for sharing.

@pawaniredde5574 - 22.08.2024 02:14

Please make a video using any ticketing dashboard like Created , closed and in progress , submitted , closed or resolve date or open tickets .. MTD, 7 days or last 24 hours tickets ageing wise and open tickets wise 0to7 , 7to15, 15to30 or 30 like that

@olatejuoyindamola1009 - 05.10.2024 03:24

Thanks for this... very insightful, I won't mind the tip for creating a working email for power bi, I've been confused on what to do for months
