Custom Google Maps Tutorial – How to Create Custom Vector Map in 5 Minutes

Custom Google Maps Tutorial – How to Create Custom Vector Map in 5 Minutes

Kyle Sinko

2 года назад

187,538 Просмотров

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@houseofcommunications - 30.11.2022 12:50

but how about if you need streetview, exact address and surroundings?

@veevee7555 - 07.12.2022 06:40

Good video 😊

@treflu6113 - 27.01.2023 15:19

Thanks a lot, getting a proper map off of google is impossible, this helps a lot

@vicusdimarcolazzaroni1934 - 28.01.2023 16:56

hei man great video great discovery thank you. got a question though, do you have idea on how I can remove all the writings?

@GhostRecon_PT - 08.02.2023 03:34

Hi, I used snazzy too, but somehow my account disapeared or was deleted, what do I do?

@StuNankivell - 16.02.2023 01:18

Thanks mate! This was excellent!

@ShaelaCaines - 21.02.2023 02:54

will this work like an actual map? I'm wanting to create a map specific for my golf cart rental business so renters can enter in an address, and have a "golf cart" route to get to that location.

@emmaturner2558 - 09.03.2023 13:46

The download button isn't showing?

@anjaverlaan - 12.03.2023 13:08

It seems Ayatolla Google doesn't want us to download anylonger .....😐

@waxmaster-c - 25.04.2023 17:04

It would be much better if I could download it as vector. The auto trace feature in Illustrator isn't always the best.

@benyspensierijr.5973 - 05.05.2023 17:28

Given the title, I was under the assumption the maps were going to be downloaded as vectors. If you're going to vectorize it yourself anyway, why not just use Google Maps to begin with?

@Christopher_Hurst - 05.05.2023 23:37

Stupid, random question....are you in/do you live in Tasmania? Just curious....I've always wanted to go there!

@citycraftclub - 02.06.2023 05:50

If you want to search for a specific spot, there's a search bar in the upper right hand! Thanks for sharing this fab video! x

@ahassan5 - 16.06.2023 20:20

Why don't you just screenshot it and then image trace > expand?

@yulianaduquearistizabal633 - 12.07.2023 06:12

Thank youu!! Great tutorial

@estudiantes68 - 14.07.2023 02:30

I need to create the whole map of the city of Buenos Aires, in America. The problem is that the maximum resolution of 1000 x 1000 pixels is not enough for that purpose.

@un-solved276 - 06.08.2023 17:38

what is vectorized maps?

@tsmith1729 - 11.08.2023 05:38

Trying to download and its asking me for an api key ???

@ContractorGrowthNetwork - 14.08.2023 17:09

@Kylesinko Looks like Snazzy Maps has updated and removed the "download map images" feature. Here's a quote from their website:

"Can I export a high quality image of a map?
Unfortunately Google doesn't have a lot of options for exporting their maps to high resolution images for printing. You may want to look into other mapping platforms like OpenStreetMap and MapBox. I believe they have better support for exporting images that might better suit your needs. Hopefully Google will add better support for this in the future!"

@LilGeniusesinvestigations - 19.08.2023 02:34

Kyle wanna steal my mapsters and it's a very top secret service agent in fact not for sale I am unnamed owner of Google unnamed owner paperwork in Gina Marie Gordon's name. Not micheals not Kyle's who is not related and is stalking my sons and my sisters Vin number in another state where a murder had taken place and OUR sons are missing and hawiann just got on fire

@louiswch117 - 28.08.2023 19:54

Hi Kyle, Great tips thanks for sharing. However i am wondering if the image trace quick action is a plug in? I can see the actual image trace option in illustrator however not under what your interface looks like (under the quick action tab) also your tab of image trace seems a lot easier to use, did you customise it into a quick action? or is it a plug in? thanks!

@ui.ux_vanessa - 16.09.2023 19:33

This has been so helpful. Thank you and God bless you

@Jess-pg5xb - 20.10.2023 22:12

I am kind of confused because Snazzy maps doesn't let me customize anything!!!

@owenauer3406 - 25.10.2023 08:44

I don't have Illustrator, or any Adobe products, can I use Lightburn or Inkscape instead to finish the map?

@PeterLydon - 11.11.2023 15:42

Cool. Top right hand corner - search icon!

@natashagallie5807 - 14.11.2023 13:30

All roads form a compound path. How can I split it if I want to change the colour of only one road. For instance, if I want to show a hierarchy of different roads. Thank you!

@AliHashem-wv7xx - 21.12.2023 03:45

how to add alocation send to me to customize it

@cadvise2854 - 09.02.2024 18:10

Hi, thanks for the wonderful video tutorial. I like your presentation video. Can you please share which app / software you have used to create this screen share video? Thanks

@Dominus_s - 10.02.2024 07:46

i can tell this guy is australian in a second

@guillaumeaccari - 06.03.2024 13:35

How can i rotate the map on snazzy maps?

@dragonringwars383 - 23.03.2024 11:44

Umm, This had nothing to do with Google maps?? I'm trying to edit the style of Google maps.

@Kat-mi1dm - 10.04.2024 07:15

Thank you, what a time saver!!

Ответить - 16.04.2024 12:05

I wished Adobe Illustrator could detect straight accurate lines like in this example better. I am not satisfied with the quality of the result, been trying this approach with different settings many times. it has gotten better over the years but it just doesn't keep the quality of the original map lines.

@maartenvandenbosch9985 - 23.04.2024 11:11

It's not that Snazzy puts out the vector. So it's still traced, and you cannot just select a road (as it is outlined, and all roads touching each other are 1 object). I know there are options to actually download a vector. A road that's a line. Gonna search for it, and hope to get back with the results.

@JamesArndt - 26.04.2024 17:57

I don't see any UI for downloading maps. I believe it's been removed.

@PazEdry - 05.05.2024 23:39

Genius! thanks a lot! thanks to this video I might finish my work for academy in time! BIG THANKS!

@Dukelanovic - 09.05.2024 20:07

Hey guy - I have a question according the magnetic shift - Now we have the "holy city - maybe Jerusalem or Mekkah or Medina" where will be those cities if the north will be the south and the south the north? and what if according to this also the west might get to the east and the east to the west? - I mean this could be a diagonal place somewhere in the ocean - wouldnt it would be cool if there might be Atlantis?

@beepbeeblebrox3972 - 19.05.2024 15:30

just what I was looking for!

@DaveDRC - 19.05.2024 23:46

can i import these maps to garmin?

@ajsazdravkovic3127 - 21.05.2024 15:59

there's a little magnifying glass to search for the location in the top right corner ;)

@JoseJavier-fc9xk - 30.05.2024 23:52

Export button isn't available. SO I can't download the map.

@shannonhusain4694 - 11.07.2024 22:13

Hi Kyle, thank you for this video. For some reason, my computer is not allowing me to download a basic map off of Snazzy Maps. It is saying it is picking up Malware on the site. Have you come across this before?

@seans.111 - 28.08.2024 19:55

Great intro, our company is looking for someone who can produce custom Google layer/style to use in our mobile app. Please contact me if interested

@oxidan78 - 01.10.2024 07:40

Great 😊👍👍

@oalexmartins - 23.10.2024 21:25

Thanks a million!

@RBharadia - 08.11.2024 21:47

Does this work on a Mac?
Very important - how do you open a map initially to modify????
Please advise.

@prasandilranga9824 - 02.12.2024 16:42

Hey..What about the copyright issues if we use this for commercial purpose?

@errevusongs - 06.02.2025 11:44

it's not free

@MarkDave-y3w - 02.03.2025 19:05

wow amazing tool!!.. How can i turn on the houses?

@justinspencer4472 - 03.03.2025 23:32

Thanks, just used this in a project. Great time saver:)))
