Path Variable and How to Change it - Linux

Path Variable and How to Change it - Linux

Linux Leech

5 лет назад

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@hootis8 - 03.05.2019 00:22

thanks, never had a concrete understanding of $path before

@thatoneuser8600 - 07.01.2020 02:35

Yeah but this doesn't explain how to change all Path variables at once. Like how "echo $PATH" outputs every path, I want to be able to access every path and change them at once.

@SnekNOTSnake - 09.04.2020 01:55

3 hours of finding out the problem just to realize I only have to basically logout then login :')

@yarweiss - 13.05.2020 09:47

Very good intro to PATH.

@arpit9163 - 12.06.2020 18:09

Great Video !!!

@vero0992 - 20.06.2020 19:58

I'm working on a hack challenge and I'd figured out that I needed to modify my PATH variable but wasn't sure how. This gave me everything I was looking for and more. Thanks, and thanks for showing when the PATH edit didn't take even after sourcing. It's important to show the quirks too. Cheers!

@daryazat8049 - 22.11.2020 17:34

thank you!!

@jimbo149 - 16.03.2021 10:44

Thank you much appreciated!

@bersi3306 - 24.08.2022 13:40

Fun fact,
before watching this video I've changed the $PATH variable in the "~/.profile" file without appending or prepending the new path, so I've replaced the entire content of $PATH.
I've restart the pc to apply, and then "Login Loop" (insert credentials in GUI, then ask for them again endlessly).

I've fixed it by switching to TTY (with CTRL+ALT+F5) and manually commented my $PATH variable in .profile file.
I've opened the file in nano with command "/bin/nano ~/.profile" since only 'cd' and 'pwd' was working.

@mr.libluckiestinfinitebene2589 - 30.12.2022 04:24

Please, continue this tutorial 👨‍🏫📓 🙏🏻🙏🏻😢
