How was "The Good Doctor" EVER on TV?

How was "The Good Doctor" EVER on TV?

Film Cooper

1 год назад

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datninja - 22.09.2023 19:13

Mary does not deserve those plushies >:(

alexander Mosquera
alexander Mosquera - 22.09.2023 08:58

I'm not a autistic person, i am neurodivergent but this is not my point, i have a autistic friend before and she says me that she was tired to being infantilized by everyone that think she is a little kid who makes a "Scene" when not everything was about her (she was talcking about someone who look at she having a brakedown in her Birthday party because someone invited a lot of unexpected people and some stuff happend and she have a really bad time in it) , and that's why i feel so bad about it, because this character doesn't change him mind, think he is superior, think he is the smartest and the greatest, in general with or without autism is a egocentric person and is being infantilized by this show making people think autistic persons are like that BECAUSE OF THEM AUTISM, and not, they are not like that, at least not all of them, because when a person is autistic they still a person who is multi-faceted (because is a human being) stop Infantilizing autistic persons, stop shoing them as "weirdos who just can not be like a normal person and are being mean all the time with everyone" because THEY ARE NOT LIKE THAT

Psycoxreaper - 22.09.2023 04:47

The funny thing for me is the fact that my cousin is autistic and trans and they like Batman😂

STOLITZ4L - 22.09.2023 04:15


Stop Jake productions
Stop Jake productions - 21.09.2023 22:07

As an autistic person myself i can say that a lot of other autistic people i know are trans or have a gender expression separate from their assigned gender at birth.

Shane Hisle
Shane Hisle - 21.09.2023 19:46

Youre missing the qhole point. A "type" of autism causes an almost ocd towards a specific thing, in this case. Medical learning. And can be stuborn on a topic. Can take a soecific type of learning before they take it in.

Shane Hisle
Shane Hisle - 21.09.2023 19:38

The show isnt trying represent people on the spectrum in a specific way. This characters specific version of autsim has him with the ability to basically have photo memeory which makes his ability to be a surgeon great. This character repsents my nephew on point. He can remeber things hes seen one time perfectly. Songs, photos, words etc.

Zell - 21.09.2023 18:55

Honestly I realllllyyyy appreciate the term autism spectrum because like, my and my buddy are both on it but also both have basically completely different experiences with it you know? Literally night and day, just with shared factors influencing it.

Alyssa Geiger
Alyssa Geiger - 21.09.2023 18:06

In the 7th grade I went to a seminar about taxes and one of the doctors was the speaker for it

Marcel - 21.09.2023 15:58

So, you're judging the show based on a few clips that went viral (maybe ask yourself why they did...). One of them (I am a surgeon) he has a breakdown and the other clip was supposed to be the first time he learns about trans people. (So maybe blame his education?) In most of the other episodes he is an excellent surgeon and knows everything about the human body. And in every other aspect of life he is more 'childlike'/lacks development. Isn't that what savant s6ndrom is?
The only problem I can see then is to market the show as "Doctor with autism" instead of "Doctor with savant syndrom" (although I think it even says 'savant syndrom' at least in the description on amazon prime)
TLDR: Dont judge something you have only seen a few viral clips of

NotUrSeb - 21.09.2023 15:55

As a trans autistic man, I really hope this isn't how my family views me.

Радмила Нафикова
Радмила Нафикова - 21.09.2023 13:22

My friend's little brother is autistic and she says that this particular moment of the series is waaaaay to close to home and accurate

Wildthorn 23
Wildthorn 23 - 21.09.2023 13:01

The episode where Sean uses a bat to physically intimidate Lea into going out with him and its brushed off totally because she gets with him like an episode later 💀

Ferc Polo
Ferc Polo - 21.09.2023 06:40

In the case of the XX v XY, he's right. Even if you understand that Trans people exist...'changing gender' is about pretending's not ever capable of actually changing your gender. Gender is dictated by the gametes. Do you produce small, mobile gametes? Dude. Produce large, immobile gametes? Ladies.

Sophie - 20.09.2023 16:26

My big brother has autism (75% invalid) and my mother fought her whole life to give him a proper education and good memories. We started watching the good doctor because my mom would often see clips on tiktok, and she, as a nurse, was really interested in this.
Needless to say she cried ALOT, lol. The show is very accurate, i’ve seen shaun’s movements and reactions actually quite match the ones from my brother, it is pretty good, especially if you’re interested in the medicine department.

R. Caroline Cherniss
R. Caroline Cherniss - 20.09.2023 08:39

Rip Dr hahn he was a king

Taylor M.
Taylor M. - 20.09.2023 01:23

Something I don't understand is that it's called "The Good Doctor" but not "The Good Surgeon" if bro is so adamant that he's a surgeon.
"Excuse me? Are you the doctor?"
"No! starts crying I"M A SURGEON."
Dr Han in the background with his blank stare

Man who is missing two toenails
Man who is missing two toenails - 20.09.2023 00:58

Your grandma fit ate no cap.

NAEEISB4EE - 20.09.2023 00:08

my mom used to watch this the only reason i like it is bc freddie highmore is in it.

Damien Wylaz
Damien Wylaz - 19.09.2023 22:17

So I just want to say, I don't disagree with you but I'm autistic and lots of my family study autism. It's not he was supposed to be a dick in the trans scenario so much as it's a lack of situational and emotional awareness. I had issues understanding it too I am boy you are girl. Science says we are different, but you don't conform to your biological gender, so you say you are boy as well. How? Is it ever possible to do that? You can undergo hormones, you can have gender reassignment surgeries. But will you ever have the biological strength as a male? Or a female? If you say you are a woman, but you are born as a man, will your brain shrink? As females have sightly larger brains than men. Will your muscles wither? Men and women are capable of almost identical physical peaks, but it's substantially harder and even unhealthy for women to gain too much muscle. There are biological factors that change who we are by nature, and to be candid being transgender is changing nature. Not a "crime against nature", not "going against nature", changing it. It's an imperfect science. I'll end this off by saying I have no issues or feel any right to tell anybody to change themself. You are entitled to your identity and you have the right to your beliefs, I have no issues against trans people. If you read all this thank you.

Ana Claudia Lopes
Ana Claudia Lopes - 19.09.2023 08:13

I mean, just look at Dr. Han's face. He doesn't need to do anything, just stand there existing with his beautiful face despising the Good Doctor LOL

Something_Strange - 19.09.2023 00:25

i hate how the "good doctor" portrays autistic people as all transphobic because they just "cant understand" mf IM AUTISTIC AND TRANS STFU AUTISM SPEAKS SHOW

kpopisntjustfortheyouth - 18.09.2023 20:51

Still like the show, loved the actor in bates motel, too 🎉 and I'm glad he didn't have just those outbursts. 😅

goddammit alana
goddammit alana - 18.09.2023 19:38

Stating biological medical facts isn't "Hateful"

Royale With Geese
Royale With Geese - 18.09.2023 11:49

Nah. Nah honestly this is bullshit. A lot of low maintenance self proclaimed autists are so out of touch and disconnected from the real world that they think high maintenance autists don’t exist. It’s not even that he’s entirely super high maintenance, BUT THEY EXIST. I stg half of you who say you have autism definitely aren’t even anywhere near the spectrum. Tragically, it’s been over diagnosed, as well as adhd, therefore interfering with people who actually have it BAD.

K1llj0y - 18.09.2023 10:16

as an autistic person i dont think theres anything wrong with the representation, some of it rubs me the wrong way but my biggest issue is just that they used an actor who isnt autistic, and not even consulting autistic people themselves and instead 'autism professionals'. Theres a lot of ableism against autistic people in the acting industry, and this would've been a good chance to actually hire an autistic person

Loki Lockness
Loki Lockness - 18.09.2023 08:44

Murphy ends up accepting her no one shows that clip

Madisen Crapo
Madisen Crapo - 18.09.2023 08:04

I’m the weird kid that watched criminal minds and all of those from middle school😂 glad I’m old enough that you guys think I’m old 😅 I just turned 30. Sad

L0o0ser? - 18.09.2023 05:16

As An autistic person I can confirm we are all either super genius surgeons or depressed losers /j

Amber Buzick
Amber Buzick - 18.09.2023 04:33

If that person.. A boy has gender dismorphia and believes that he is a girl... Therefore hes a girl? Doesnt that make them a boy with a mental illness? Just because he believes he is a girl doesnt make him one. If you choose to dress in clothing intended for the opposite sex... Go for it. I totally support that. I have a question tho. Whats the difference between a schitzophrenic. Isnt it the same as telling them the voices are real because they feel like they are? How is it different? This is a genuine question. ❤

ᴄʜᴀʀɪ♡ - 18.09.2023 02:20

Im autistic and i feel i could've played/written that show better than them, and i don't know shit about medical school let alone am i old enough to be a surgeon, or a writer for that matter.

Creative Trash
Creative Trash - 18.09.2023 00:10

This is entire show is "hey. Not ALL austistic people are assholes... and even if they are. They might not be forever. But he... hes an asshole"

Rumer Priestly
Rumer Priestly - 17.09.2023 23:45

So many of my autistic friends are also trans, I'm pretty sure autism is more prevalent in the trans community than the cis community, per capita. So yeah, it makes no sense at ALL that they're playing this as "autism = not understanding trans people exist".

WickederOrc - 17.09.2023 21:55

as someone who is autistic I personally hate this show, not to mention some of the super transphobic scenes 💀

Void Start
Void Start - 17.09.2023 00:04

AUTISM POWERS! ACTIVATE--START SINGLE WORD REPETITION! sounds cool, no one will have a problem with this, right?

July - 16.09.2023 23:19

My autistic best friend is trans 😭😭😭

July - 16.09.2023 23:13

My mum loves this show and as someone with a lot of autistic family members (plus being someone currently awaiting a diagnosis, same with my brother) I find that very concerning.

carapaced - 16.09.2023 04:17

I feel like it’s also worth mentioning the large percentage of autistic people that are trans. Much of the time having autism can mean you don’t inherently get social norms such as gender roles, and end up being non-binary, trans, or agender.

GreyDoesThings - 15.09.2023 20:16

As a trans woman with AuDHD, I have some interesting insight; Autistic people tend to be some of the biggest trans allies ever, because they learn the new thing and as soon as the logic makes sense, they update their world views to fit the facts presented.

Tobin Rogers
Tobin Rogers - 15.09.2023 03:13

I believe strongly that I am autistic. My therapist, as well as many autistic people I have spoken to, agrees.

I watch The Good Doctor. I enjoy the show despite the inaccuracies. However it pisses me off because my parents always use Dr. Murphy-esque caricatures of autism in popular media as evidence that I can’t possibly have autism.

Yes, I am female. I believe I would have been diagnosed if I were male.

Radley or Zachery
Radley or Zachery - 14.09.2023 22:24

As an Autistic person that loves this channel and house md I can tell u that I FLEW out of my bed when I heard Cooper ref house and started jumping around like a child

Rose J
Rose J - 14.09.2023 06:04

And there are other characters with autism in the show who act EXACTLY like him. So the show's like, not even suggesting it's a spectrum. It's just showing one specific place on the spectrum over and over.

Bárbara - 13.09.2023 21:21

well i think freddie's acting was phenomenal

egg - 13.09.2023 05:04

all these friendly autistic folk in the comments making me feel so much more autistic than i think am is hitting an insecurity i didnt know i had
also: not understanding something and asking questions isnt ALWAYS transphobia, saying so would be alienating those who dont understand, and we all do that shit WAYYYY more than we realize. check yourself and remember that, trans or not, autistic or not, we are still human beings and we shouldnt assume more of ourselves and less of others, for ANY REASON. unless the target is an actual piece of shit, and not understanding things, doesnt make you a piece of shit. if you can learn and change, thats better than standing in your own shitty opinions. writers couldve done better, but i think these conversations are what the writers wanted, so good job. you got yourself and others involved in the conversation, which is only right (except you have an audience and an image so ig it would be different for a creator)
and you need to think about what is medically considered biology, and unfortunately transsexuality still falls under an mental condition, not biological, which he is an expert of (not mental aspect)

Dr Nguyen Van Phuoc
Dr Nguyen Van Phuoc - 12.09.2023 20:08

I have autism, and I used to despise these awful, awful depictions. Now I love them. Send this garbage directly into my veins!

cheyenne bowling
cheyenne bowling - 12.09.2023 09:17

“I am a spongebob” absolutely rips
