Automate and do tasks QUICKER on your MikroTik with Scripting! Basic Introduction

Automate and do tasks QUICKER on your MikroTik with Scripting! Basic Introduction

The Network Berg

3 года назад

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@Red1Wollip - 15.01.2022 23:23

I do have a need to build 250 VLANS from scratch on a Mikrotik RB3011. These will need to be for Multiple AP's on a Ubiquiti wireless network. IE A single tower with four Ubiquiti Station Transmitters to multiple AP receivers. Cold you go into such a scenario?

@ABUNDANCEandBEYONDATHLETE - 16.01.2022 07:13

Love the show!
Maybe if you have bandwidth (pun intended lol)
you could make a video of side by side of Cisco commands converted to routerOS terminal/GUI?
Just ran some cat6a at the house looking to setup the 10G-Base-T with the CRS305-1s-4s+, still looking for a 10Gb firewall, maybe a used Palo Alto Firewall or NexgGen Appliance

@oliver1121 - 16.01.2022 10:50

Thumbnail and Network Engineering game are on point, unlimited power. I had to create 250 VLANs, IP, and more the other day and used notepad++ to "script" it a bit easier, my way was neanderthal compared to this and I will have to have a play around. I can't wait to see your orchestration video with Unimus. I have been thinking about doing my orchestration with bash scripts and cron jobs on a Linus server, but haven't gone down that rabbit hole yet. Keep up the great stuff :)

@mremme - 16.01.2022 12:25

Great video and grat channel!
My first and only script running on a 4011 is a presence automation that will trigger some action in my domotic system.
I use to hook the DHCP lease bounding staus and it works like charm... Script framework is really poweful!

@hwy9nightkid - 16.01.2022 13:13

please keep the mikrotik content coming! I just got my first box from them and learning about RouterOS7, Zerotier.. but on the hunt for basic locking down for a homelab within a residental NAT'd network

@drumer2142 - 16.01.2022 19:52

Love it !!!

@jaccoonderdijk1777 - 16.01.2022 21:56

Great content, please keep doing what you're doing. I definitely learn and apply this learned MT knowledge in day to day ops!

@saadmalik9885 - 16.01.2022 22:33

aoa sir im from pakistan im your bid fan
i need your help im using 86x based payed 6 level os
but i have problem tha dx rx drops
alot off drps on wan and lan

@lydianajihah2523 - 17.01.2022 10:01

wow...just wow.Just keep it coming.thanks

@alleng8751 - 18.01.2022 01:48

Love your videos keep up the great work!

@nicolasbassano3697 - 15.02.2022 23:46

Is a "Script + Scheduler" video on the horizon? Im trying some stuff withouth any kind of success :(
Thanks again for the content!

@homemark22 - 02.08.2022 19:20

can you make video on script that can save hotspot user active/cookie the exact time before power interuption happen?

@andrei.avramescu - 22.03.2023 10:17

If I want to run a script (DynDNS script to update my Cloudflare account), what is the best way to run it once, only when the PPPoE connection is successfully reconnected? So I can disconnect and reconnect a couple of times a day, I want the dynDNS script to run after my PPPoE connection is up.

@nsb2375 - 03.08.2023 18:00

Hi there! I just wanted to say how much I appreciate your content. Your videos are always informative and entertaining, and I look forward to watching them every week. Keep up the great work!
I was wondering if you could provide some guidance on how to write a script that can send an email when a new Wireguard connection is established. I'm not very familiar with scripting languages, so any help or resources would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Ответить - 18.08.2023 17:54

How to write MikroTik script for setting up queues for a range of IP addresses in a /20 pool
