ОтветитьThanks mate! worked like a charm
Ответитьtq man <3 it's really works
ОтветитьBonjour, Geekrar. it is a beautifully particularly video. thank. :)
ОтветитьSimply you did it the BEST!!!
ОтветитьThank you bro. All the other videos were outdated and no longer working. This one did the trick
ОтветитьI’m did every step and still comes right back on every time I restart my computer.
ОтветитьI also realized that I don’t have windows defender antivirus option. I only have Microsoft Windows defender.
Ответитьhey this doesnt work for me it doesnt show a windows defender antivirus, only shows windows defender smartscreen.
Ответитьat the moment its microsoft defender antivirus
ОтветитьI dont have the Windows Defender Antivirus file in my group edit
ОтветитьI did every step but still window defender is on nothing's working
ОтветитьWhat do I do I can't acess gpedit.msc
ОтветитьIt didn’t work I cant download certain apps, it says windows cannot access the specified device path or file you may not have the appropriate permission to access them
Ответитьi love u man
ОтветитьDoesn't work anymore
Ответитьcan not find gpedit.msc please check the name and try again.
ОтветитьI logged in as administrator but changes i made in group policy editor changes after i close the editor. How to make it permanent? Please reply
ОтветитьOn a older desktop or laptop this will take up 50% of the cpu and it will suck up resources for no reason i don't understand why microsoft has yet to fix this problem with defender.I find that windows defender does nothing for me but use up resources that i need.
Ответитьi dont have windows defender antivirus on local group policy editor
ОтветитьFor good measure I always follow this up with heading to regedit-HKEYLCL-software- policy- Microsoft-Windows defender. Add new Dword= [DisableAntiSpyware] =0
ОтветитьI used this video to do the opposite, some pretty shitty things happened online recently and even though i already have another antivirus, it wasnt able to detect the newest malware scam thats out there, so i wanted to turn windows defender back on.
ОтветитьHey GEEKrar can you make a video on how to remove a virus with the windows command with-in Windows.
Ответитьfinally somethink that worked, much love
ОтветитьAlso go for "gpudate" command on cmd after all the above mentioned procedure 🤝
ОтветитьI hate windows defender, it's pretty much malware that deletes your apps without asking for permission first. I've had to reinstall Steam 3 times now because windows defender kept deleting it without even asking and it was seriously pissing me off.
Luckily I won't have to deal with that annoyance now thanks to this video.
Still showing 174.1mb usage in memory after following these steps. Do i need to fresh restart or do this in safe mode? I madde sure tamper was off