How To Enable Or Disable iMessages On iCloud

How To Enable Or Disable iMessages On iCloud

Trevor Nace

1 год назад

21,090 Просмотров

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@mrglass3617 - 22.10.2023 18:48

To anyone wondering, This is fake. This lady releases videos of her class room of kids freaking out all the time. this guy is in a bunch of those videos

@dyanoconnor - 21.10.2023 09:00

I want my all messages on my iPhone and my iCloud. Why didn’t they transfer like they always have? Do I have to choose whether they stay in cloud or can all be on my phone?? And if so, do I keep the toggle off and hope they download?

@FloBee10 - 27.03.2023 02:05

Thanks! This has been exactly what I've been looking for. I've been wondering if tapping "Disable and Download Messages" would delete my messages on iCloud and the phone or just iCloud. Finally an answer! Just on iCloud!
