[free] bon iver / indie folk (no drums) type beat - "see u tomorrow"

[free] bon iver / indie folk (no drums) type beat - "see u tomorrow"


1 год назад

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@0lig4rch19 - 09.01.2024 23:04

Hey velvet, I just wanted to say thanks. You make great beats with a ton of consistency, which we all appreciate. Everything you put out is pure art and on behalf of everyone that has poured their soul onto pages using your beats, thank you so much.

@Qazers - 09.01.2024 23:44

с этим битом мой вечер стал чуточку счастливее, спасибо тебе Егор :)

@webnet15 - 10.01.2024 00:34

VELVET this is BEAUTIFUL all the way thru.....like 12 1/9/24

@waves1088 - 10.01.2024 02:15

очень нравица ❤️

@adrianturner5473 - 10.01.2024 03:53

yo velvet, do you write songs at all?

@tfootball779 - 10.01.2024 20:13


@minniemehak2382 - 11.01.2024 13:26

This is the most beautiful beat I've come across, thank you for sharing it. Im definitely gonna write something on it

@TR4SH.K1TTYz - 14.01.2024 01:06

I made a song to this

@prodsk8miles - 16.01.2024 18:55

I love it <3

@jonahbru - 18.01.2024 02:32

this is beautiful

@Samounee - 24.01.2024 20:15

This is soo good i wish it was longer otherwise it’s beautiful ❤

@CrimsonTV3 - 26.01.2024 06:09

So nice

@EyesOn-Me - 02.02.2024 22:36

Here thanks to Willjum:)

@jamesmeyer806 - 05.03.2024 16:58


@Kingjay1255Music - 07.03.2024 04:59

I know we all go through things & to the one reading this right now and is going through something: I know it feels endless. I know it seems like there’s no light at the end of that tunnel. Listen, I know your tears seem to fall into the river with your bottled up feelings. I know where you should go with these issues. For 15 years of my life I had nowhere to go with mine. 2 years ago…. Jesus came into my heart. He encountered me and became the closest friend, brother, & father one could ask for! I promise you if you seek Him you will find Him. & In finding Him you’ll find perfect peace and joy that only God can give. It takes surrendering. It’s not easy. But it’s the answer. The only way.

@EaGerTYryhMe_-. - 19.03.2024 14:19

Go ahead and give it your best shot
It's all water under the bridge
And theres a clear cut
Case of favouritism
running rapid causing havoc
It's the source of all the madness
And ingonreing the method gets you the short end of the stick
What once was aint what it is
It pains me to say I think you gotta call a quits
But fear not cause if theres one thing I know Its that love goes through a shedding phase and tomorrow just might be the dreams of the present day

@xopoeyo - 27.03.2024 17:35

Crying on my way to work right now

@8mil_ - 02.05.2024 05:15


@feelpvm - 03.05.2024 18:55

Aún salgo por la calle
Aun recordándote
Y me pregunto
porque estuve que estar ahí
porque estuve que estar ahí

Las hojas de otoño me hacen daño
me hacen recordarte

La lluvia cae
Aunque no este lloviendo
No creo que pare
Sigo cayendo mee

Las hojas a mi alrededor
Algo me dice que
No vas a volver

Las hojas a mi alrededor
Algo me dice que
No vas a volver
(Algo me dice que
No vas a volver)

@RoyaltyZarrieff - 20.05.2024 02:28

@cbulocan2193 - 23.05.2024 19:28

@Krisma_2005 - 03.06.2024 22:44

I Loveeeee this beat definitely plan to make a song to this 💕

@boyinnabasement - 15.06.2024 00:48

I received a text
Which said “I want to die”
I sat there in silence before I replied , truth is I didn’t hold possession of the right words to say , honestly I was deeply afraid . Especially since i saw myself in her ,wondering if the shackles that chains me to this pain would ever break , I cried and said live , as selfish as it is .

@JustFactsLive - 31.07.2024 01:24


@SeanMangalla - 18.08.2024 14:11

Hey VELVET I just used this beat, my channel isn’t monetized but I’ve received copyright claims. How can I contact you?

@kamilaaraujo5155 - 01.09.2024 18:32

Looking at the stars above, underneath the moon's soft glow
Cherishing the moments, as the night begins to flow.

Silently we dream, closer to the dawn,
All our fears are gone,
Standing side by side,
Together we belong.
Every whisper, every song,
Love will guide us on.

Our hearts beat as one,

Every step we take,
In this journey we create,
Trusting in our fate,
Eternally we'll stay.

And as the days go by,

Memories will never die,

Our love will always fly.

Love, you light up my life,
Our hearts intertwined,
Vows we make tonight,
Eternally you'll be mine.
You and I, forever we'll fly,
Our love reaching the sky,
Underneath the stars, just you and I.

Living in this harmony,
Our souls forever free,
Victory in every breath,
Endless love until the end.

You and I, we’ll always be,
Open hearts for all to see,

And as the days go by,
Memories will never die,
Our love will always fly.

@jammermedia880 - 03.09.2024 16:20

Lost w/o you
Im trynna to find myself again

Where do I go
When you are gone

My only home
Was inside your arms

@Kingjay1255Music - 04.11.2024 05:30

Great Beat!!! I used it! :)


@monkeysocks3786 - 01.12.2024 20:27

I tried, i tried to speak my mind,
The words, the words they die in grave that is my throat,
I promise im not as brave as you thought, x2
I am a coward beneath this facade,
Im a fraud, im nothing but a fraud,
Fraud who hides, a fraud who hides from real life,
I fantasiste of a world where i couldve been born right
i make things difficult and people suffer,
I make things different when they could be so simple,
Why don’t you just sit still and listen?
Why don’t you help and be of assistance?
I don’t know why

@3mp4tia.real. - 08.01.2025 20:20

sai che la notte non porta le stelle
perche loro son sempre nel cielo
solo che il giorno ti sembrano spente
come il cuore che ha dato di matto
Dopo averti vista con un altro
ho ancora una margherita dopo pranzo
la fumavamo da soli nel parco

@davidnoonan1292 - 17.01.2025 03:06

Beat myself up - judo (krav maga)

@Aengelmusic - 14.02.2025 21:20

Berauschendes Gefühl
Explosiv wie Dynamit
Im Herzen Krieg
Doch nie genug
Für mich

Ganz gleich wie du
mich auch verletzten magst
Ich warte wenn es sein muss
Bis zum letzten Tag

Atme ein atme aus
Aber fühlen das will ich auch
Lüg mich an, wenn du mich brauchst

@Tyler-u2t - 02.03.2025 05:43

Do u make music for artist. Im intrested in doing something. Would like tou to reach out
