How The Witcher Destroyed Itself

How The Witcher Destroyed Itself

The Critical Drinker

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Makojuice Daniel
Makojuice Daniel - 18.09.2023 02:54

No henry cavil no interest left. I was hanging by a thread on each episode. One slap in the face after another. Now netflops is permanently canceled and abandoned. I wont allow it in my home by anyone. I dont even want it for free.

Makojuice Daniel
Makojuice Daniel - 18.09.2023 02:45

Netflops, they had a perfect concept and threw it down the drain for pedo money.

Ese - 17.09.2023 12:41

Why is when (mostly) women get involved as producers/creators of a beloved show they butcher with diversity and inclusion BS?

Vladimir Putin
Vladimir Putin - 17.09.2023 06:32

Why would one believe that a bunch of people from the USA California succeed in creating a good screen play, based on novels about Slavic mythology? The very idea is just absurd...

Martino Masolo
Martino Masolo - 17.09.2023 00:46

Hey, I liked the 3rd season

Giannis Christofor
Giannis Christofor - 17.09.2023 00:09

No idea what Blood Origin is. Go play the video games though.

MrClebophd - 16.09.2023 23:38

No 6. The Yennefer fuckuppery. In the books and games, Yennefer has many features, but the most core aspect of her character is that she would protect Ciri with her life. Yennefer would do that because she (a) sees her as her daughter together with Geralt, and (b) is intelligent enough to understand that Ciri is the most important individual in the world. So, what did they make Yennefer do in season 2? Of course, betray Ciri. Yennefer would rather marry and suffer through a life-time with an abusive husband than betray Ciri. Yennefer is also very intelligent, and would never, ever, in a million years sell out Ciri to an entity who would most likely not keep its word.

You can use creative changes, but you need to keep your core character with the core attributes. Stan Lee put a Norse God into the Avengers. That's crazy comic. However, Thor is still strong, basically immortal/invulnerable, wields a hammer, and is the son of Odin. Thor might not be very intelligent - he's. Stan Lee only removed one core characteristic with the Norse God: Thor has a terrible temper in the old tales. This would be tricky because Hulk is featured - and he has only one feature - anger. Fans of comics and Norse mythology find this a bit iffy but acceptable. What they did to Yennefer, however, was utterly unacceptable, and the first draft of the script should have been rejected with a simple argument: It breaks Yennefer's core character.

Modern screen writers sometimes forget that the fans have feelings for our most beloved characters; Star Wars fans rooted for Luke and enjoyed his story and transcendence into one of the most powerful individuals in the Galaxy. We don't want him to exile himself because he failed as a Jedi Master, and sulk away as a moron on a deserted planet.

Ragen Grace
Ragen Grace - 16.09.2023 18:01

6 episodes into first season I asked if anyone knew what was going on. Everyone looked at me and said "no clue, IDK, kind of and nope" were the responsive.

Kazik Majster
Kazik Majster - 16.09.2023 17:51

I am developing more and more respect for GoT's ability to actually follow source material.

iamrathercool12121 - 16.09.2023 12:51

All they had to do was follow the story. Easy work 😢

ehulbert5 - 16.09.2023 04:01

Are you kidding? That shit was stillborn.

Senorte - 15.09.2023 14:13

I think is anoying how everybody thinks cavil is a bastion of nerd culture defender, i mean, hes nerdy alright, but hes not standing for anyone, he was just saving his carreer. The witcher show was clearly in a downhill and producer and writers were hellbent on changing the source material when clearly people dint like. Add the fact that the show is called the witcher, and cavil saw his character more and more becoming a secundary character and that was not why he sign for. So yeah, any smart person would abandon that ship. Not because high moral standars, its just self preservation. I mean hes probably a cool dude to hang with, but hes as human as everyone else, hes no saint and he is definitively not fighting for need culture, he like lots of people os profiting on something he loves, and thats not a bad thing at all.

J Mace
J Mace - 15.09.2023 13:46

Point 1 and Point 3 can be aimed directly at the Witcher books. They are so bad at world building that they don’t even have an official map. And unfortunately over the course of the books you realize that Ciri is the titular Witcher. 🙄

Jimmy Little
Jimmy Little - 15.09.2023 06:42


IC 680
IC 680 - 15.09.2023 05:04

The yennifer chick isnt hot… thats her whole point being super hot

Maksim Nikiforovski
Maksim Nikiforovski - 14.09.2023 19:58

Am I the only one who finds the utter disrespect for Slavic and specificially for Polish one of the reasons for its downfall? Hollywood finally gets their hands on a non-British inspired fantasy and they butcher it.

Holly Melon
Holly Melon - 13.09.2023 22:28

I find it so funny how they focused on diversity in casting but also cast a 23 year old in a role that could easily be played by a youthful-looking 40 year old.

No hate to Anya she's gorgeous and was tbh the main reason I even sat through S1 but let's not pretend like she makes a convincing mother figure to Ciri

Mark Tony
Mark Tony - 13.09.2023 18:06

you have fireplace in front of you... need to use it to help the you need to use fire magic

Lewis - 13.09.2023 14:04

I just wanted to see more of Henry Caville beating the shit out of monsters. I played TW3 again recently and immediately went "wait... there's not very much monster hunting in season 3 and a small amount in 2. Can we have that instead of a season of politics"

Lapin Blanc
Lapin Blanc - 13.09.2023 05:11

Narnia 2 had a better world building and better Nilfgaardian army

Cutlet of Cthulhu
Cutlet of Cthulhu - 13.09.2023 04:13

Despite the 'brownwashing' of the character, I think the actress that played Yennifer did a pretty good job.
At LEAST they cast someone good.

Sheddy - 13.09.2023 01:17

Season 1 is rly good!!!

Rafael Garcia
Rafael Garcia - 13.09.2023 00:30

All good netflix shows are those that do not have netflix writers.

Sin Overlord
Sin Overlord - 12.09.2023 08:38

The minute the show went away from fighting monsters to focusing on some female, that was pretty much it for me

Mr Murdock69
Mr Murdock69 - 12.09.2023 05:03

Cavill is fine as Gerald. The problem with Netflix Witcher is everything else.

John Hou
John Hou - 12.09.2023 03:00

Yennefer is not hot enough.

Kindred Malise
Kindred Malise - 12.09.2023 01:42

I stopped at Witcher one. Geralt was made to be like a woke complainer. Not strong enough to battle solo, but strong enough to complain every single time!

Rawd the Former Virgin
Rawd the Former Virgin - 11.09.2023 16:25

I had a conversation with Lauren Hissrich before season 1. I told her all my concerns. She assured me I was mistaken. I said ok. I was not mistaken.

Thebeanman99 - 11.09.2023 10:12

Call me sexist, but at this point I just don’t trust female directors/producers

J Anonymous
J Anonymous - 11.09.2023 04:14

All they had to do was have each episode be Geralt (who was superbly cast as Henry) slaying an intersting monster in a believable non-woke medeval Slavic setting. The monsters from the Witcher are intersting and most people wouldn't have heard about a lot of them before because of their Slavic origin. Do that for a season or two, then introduce some (better cast) supporting characters and a more overarching story after establishing Geralt through more episodic tales.

Uber Huber
Uber Huber - 10.09.2023 21:37

I'm a pretty consistent judge on overly PC behaviors, but if actor diversity is something that elicits an emotional really, really, need to do some serious self-reflection and figure out why. Actors swap races and genders all the time, for well over a hundred years now, in fact. It's pretty common in most creative spheres and actually considered somewhat of a flex, because you are showing you can act outside of your own societal boxes and perceptions. Have you ever seen Sir Patrick Stewart play Othello or Denzel Washington play Macbeth?

A E Robinson
A E Robinson - 10.09.2023 17:25

Well building, I totally prove number one I was just like what the hell is going on. There’s no clear definition of when things happen because of the timelines there is no sense of time passing and with geography there was no sense of okay where where is everything to everything else? I’d 100% agree And yeah it is a model where there’s a lot of betrayer. There’s a lot of political agenda going on Henry Cavill is such a useful resource. He knows the Witcher books and the game, and it was just like you’ve got fantastic source material that you’ve got a fantastic resource in someone who is a fan of the series cause. He wants it to do well because he sees it as what we with a fantasy it has so he’s got our best interest at heart and we’ve seen where Game of Thrones failed down. There was with the show runners not liking a magical element and frankly just not using a lot of the abilities and everything that happened in Game of Thrones because there are so many plotlines left and why did certain people change so much with no obvious explanation. And for me that was really sad because it had such a good start when I started to read the book of Game of Thrones, I was like okay I’m officially confused because I got I was kept on flicking backwards this one okay so that’s the sky you can visually see it kind of thing and it was very confusing for me. Madhi, me schmillion in the Lord of the rings franchise. Did the first characters yes but sometimes you could use that diversity to showcase. However they are trading a fine line because of the accusations of racism elves obviously be in the race. Yes there is diversity within that I am which is good but it just seems really sad that things are not being given for ability rather than certain characteristics. Unless it’s a reason why for a sample dress, her character drastically changed from season one to season two. Her red hair was Mysteriously appeared because the fans were like not Triss because she has this characteristic. I would mention Disney’s the Little mermaid, but I think Halliee more than prove her credentials .

Koray Asilioglu
Koray Asilioglu - 10.09.2023 16:20

Good review, just not enough witcher and more and more g.o.t wannabe. A Medieval European-like story peppered with racial diversity and female protagonists.

Alex C
Alex C - 10.09.2023 01:51

What I don’t get about liberals is they take shit we already like and then try to change it. Why don’t they just come up with their own original material? Why do they have to ruin everything instead?

Shodo Tashirov
Shodo Tashirov - 08.09.2023 22:07

This is better than the actual show. Thx!

Eff_Gee - 08.09.2023 21:04

Finally, a guy that has the same opinion as me. For years, I saw everybody jurk*ng off this show, I thought I was crazy.

john smith
john smith - 08.09.2023 18:38

Woke is the killer because woke convinces the showrunners that all that matters is the message. Now wokes will claim that shows have always had progressive messages in them. citing Uhura's kiss with Kirk in 1960's Star Trek as example.

What they don't get is shows use to earn the right to put across whatever message the creators wanted by being entertaining, funny, dramatic and generally well made. Now we get a bunch of showrunners who think the message is enough and lazily create rubbish.

In the old days they wouldn't have got away with that because the critics would have torn them to pieces and the audience would have walked away. The problem is critics are so terrified of being cancelled, they will give anything with the correct message a good review and the showrunners hate a large section their own fanbase.

So when the fans tell them they are making rubbish, they ignore the feedback because they are convinced that the fans must be evil racist/sexists who can be ignored.

Which leads to show after show tanking.

Stuart S
Stuart S - 07.09.2023 23:13

You would think that after repeated failures the DEI agenda would’ve been abandoned. If it was really what “the people wanted“ do you think they would be original material that was popular somewhere by the DEI “creative geniuses“. But they continue to need to hijack other material and try to insert themselves into it. Where is their sense of reality?

DHIKЯIS - 07.09.2023 08:09

And the writer got their hands on planned Naruto live action 😅

K B - 07.09.2023 00:42

I honestly liked season 1. No, it was not GREAT, but I liked it anyway.
Season 2, much less so...

I'm not even gonna bother watching season 3.

Saad サアド سـعد
Saad サアド سـعد - 06.09.2023 08:14

Why the hell do you talk like this?

Eric Malbos
Eric Malbos - 06.09.2023 03:55

Just like with the excellent Star Trek Continues or Star Wars Heir to the empire, it could be the sign that instead on relying on big network or studio with decadent or hysterical trend, it is the time to support and watch the work of smaller studio or team of talented individuals whom have a true respect to the source material. Crowdfunding, easier access to special effects, AI assisted work can even accelerate this evolution.

Robert Stenzel
Robert Stenzel - 06.09.2023 03:45

When the show released, I watched the first 10 minutes of the first episode, was pleased at how closely it matched the short story the scene was adapted from, and then never touched it again.

In hindsight, that was a good idea.

Jeffery Mosdell
Jeffery Mosdell - 06.09.2023 02:12

Once Netflix loses access to The Witcher, because they most certainly will, I would love to see Cavill come back in a new series or one-off movie as an aged Geralt training the next generation of Witchers. Cavill is far-and-away the only person who can play Geralt right now. Much like Ryan Reynolds is to Deadpool or Steve Downes is to Master Chief's voice.

farkintor - 05.09.2023 22:10

I'm glad this Netflix dumpster fire is being taken out back and shot dead. I'm more stoked to see Cavil in the Warhammer TV series as an executive producer! As big of a nerd as he's proven to be, it was awesome to see his intent for Warhammer 40K:

"To all of you Warhammer fans out there, I promise to respect this IP that we love. I promise to bring you something familiar."

That is one elegant and professional middle finger to the morons he suffered for the Witcher.

Alpha Dingo
Alpha Dingo - 05.09.2023 13:57

why do Hollywood keep hiring talentless writers to adapt these shows and shoehorn their silly agendas into their 'adaptions'? Seriously, why not create some original monstrosity and leave the beloved source materials of fans to those who will treat it with the love and care it deserves.

Mustafa Ali
Mustafa Ali - 04.09.2023 17:39

please we need translation to Arabic

bernsy45 - 04.09.2023 13:51

The Witcher is dead now. No Cavill no Witcher.
