Fatalis Medley - Monster Hunter World Iceborne

Fatalis Medley - Monster Hunter World Iceborne


3 года назад

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@FoolishPoppycock - 25.01.2024 08:32

I'll never forget my first fight with this beast. Well, my second. The first time was just testing the waters, and it was hilariously terrifying to see the very first time with this soundtrack blaring. The first part definitely nails the 'legendarily destructive dragon of doom' vibes. But the second time I fought it while a friend was in call. We didn't think you could co-op, so I was just going it alone with some company to chat with. It was my first real attempt, and it was amazing just how well I actually managed to do. I carted once during the first phase, but I managed to pull out some insect glaive shenanigans and danced around Fatalis in the air between diving attacks and triggered the cutscene. Was all very cinematic, loved it, it was like the story; just me alone, fighting this horrifying beast of legend against all odds. Somehow I got through second phase alright, it was a tough fight. Surprised myself and cemented insect glaive as my anti-Fatalis weapon of choice, because hot damn it was actually quite effective once I tried being safer instead of just mindlessly helicoptering. The gate scene was fucking amazing. I'll never get over how well cinematic the whole thing is, and imagine my surprise when it said SOS signals could actually go out after that! I was like, "dude, get in here!!" and my buddy hopped in to join the fight. It was as if the back-up in the story really had arrived, and the music swelled heroically as my friend joined me in battle: the research commission's best bravely facing the Black Dragon Fatalis in a heroic last stand. Amazing, couldn't ask for a more epic showdown.

We actually did it, too; it was probably the closest hunt I've ever had in my entire time playing this game. It was such a close fight, with my buddy dying once, and me as well near the end. But I don't think I'll ever achieve something cooler than mounting Fatalis in the final phase after a dragonator, knocking him down with time dwindling down and Proof of a Hero playing loudly, and afterwards slaying the downed Fatalis with a plunging glaive attack while my buddy super element discharges his face. The kill was at 2 seconds left in the hunt, with one cart left. I fucking lost it when I saw that, lmao. We'll be talking about that for as long as we continue to play Monster Hunter games. What an experience this fight is

@Tadpole12345 - 21.01.2024 19:03

See? The medley is only 18 mins. If it took you longer than that you disappointed the composer for this fight 😣

@josiahmccalla8406 - 19.01.2024 18:59

All monsters real gangster till proof of hero atarts playing

@annguyenhoang1720 - 19.01.2024 10:38

Now I know why I love the Fatalis fight even though I fought and died a lot. THE MUSIC!

@carltasticdrew9633 - 18.01.2024 02:16

Phase 1: I’m in danger
Phase 2: If it bleeds, we can kill it

@anhilliator1 - 06.01.2024 06:37

"There are many things I despise on this world; and yet, the ONE thing that stands above all else, the one thing that is the most deserving of my hatred is you weak, PITIFUL humans!"

"I remember the old wars. Of the atrocities your pathetic excuse of a species committed! Of how we lost what once made us great. For that alone, you deserve to be wiped off the very face of this world. Once I am finished avenging my fallen brethren, all that will remain of this world is ash and dust!"

@midgur - 03.01.2024 10:01

Proof of Hero theme plays
Me: hell yeah im pumped
misses TCS

@_Tzer - 31.12.2023 22:12

damn rathalos' theme got a glowup.

@Killys4234 - 31.12.2023 02:36

this ost scares me

@ggez2450 - 30.12.2023 20:03

It's crazy how developers were able to make the fight harder, by just playing "Proof of a hero." I had to run around dodging fatalis wiping my tears.

@mastergecko1178 - 29.12.2023 12:45

Monster hunter rule: The closer it looks to a generic fantasy dragon the more powerful it is

@hidda8291 - 18.12.2023 13:18

I like the odd time signature from this massive theme

@markplinski7354 - 16.12.2023 02:49

Save yourself! Fatalis has arrived,call EVERY hunter we have!May the sapphire star light there way.

@mauricedettloff3182 - 13.12.2023 13:59

No matter what you are saying but this fight felt more like an endboss fight the shara or xeno together if was difficult ist has powerful and epic musik which is also importent

@KingBrit-lw7jx - 02.12.2023 04:19

I had a penny for when a feared, godlike dragon had a song that was scared of it, i'd have two, which is worrying, because the world isn't ready fot fatalis and ghidora to meet.

@shibarski - 01.12.2023 10:04

검색하려 했는데 알고리즘이 날 이끌었다 ㅋㅋㅋ

@nut9800 - 26.11.2023 12:43

The nostalgia of the original soundtrack that plays near the end of the fight is just awesome I really hooe they do the same with any other mh game in the future. Hope to see the rest of you hunter's 👍

@luisspaziani8638 - 24.11.2023 05:04

I will play this theme when my DnD players fight their first dragon. Absolutely spectacular

@baldman4119 - 15.11.2023 21:53

one of the monsters ever created

@majinvegetaultrainstinct118 - 11.11.2023 03:02

Crazy mhw was my first game

@chrisf.b.1056 - 07.11.2023 16:01

Ok this theme along with white fatalis theme are my fav fatalis themes

@Magne_Starkson - 31.10.2023 22:01

I got carted aa countless time but then i managed to get to the First nova and fire a flare and WE slayed him First try in Multiplayer

@Chiphiroth - 21.10.2023 06:29

currently doing tobi investigations to farm afflicted shards just because i want to test a new weapon. killing it since lv 46. Its been a long run, hearing this made the hunt be the longest and most epic tobi kadachi extinction i ever did

@rama4315 - 20.10.2023 02:36

Just realized, they approached this fight with Fatalis the same way as Altaka with the wheel

@unclesloppy8518 - 18.10.2023 19:50

When the OG monster hunter trailer started playing when proof of a hero kicked in, i had the biggest smile on my face.

@m1sty033 - 18.10.2023 09:16

The beginning of phase 1 is literal ptsd and I haven’t even beat it yey

@bertatochips9088 - 15.10.2023 03:42

Phase 3: ... MONSTER HUNTERRRR!!!!!

@Valis-Vyndir - 14.10.2023 20:56

and to think a magazine is what got me into the original ps2 MH game, best decision of my life.

@hellhound9362 - 12.10.2023 03:17

Another badass dragon entrance. Why does this dragon remind me of dragons dogma

@TherealSTAR_BOUND - 04.10.2023 23:52

Some parts are from Rathalos old theme

@TherealSTAR_BOUND - 04.10.2023 20:17

The song is called the legend descends

@rastafrancespam - 26.09.2023 20:37

Don't forget the nostalgic quest clear as well

@zarodgaming1844 - 01.09.2023 03:36

trash game that doesn't deserve this music

@ShockInazuma - 30.08.2023 17:04

The fact you are able to mount the most dangerous and feared wyvern in the entire series proves how badass the hunter is.

Side note: I love how primordial the mount theme is. Really makes it feel like you’re fighting a god.

@TheTyrantDude - 18.08.2023 08:24

First fought fatalis in GU it’s theme was good but not as good as I hoped, a year later after I completed sunbreaks base game I moved to world and IB, this fight destroyed all expectations considering how high they were from what I’ve heard of a 10/10 fight, this my dear friends is the true final boss

@ar_ou2494 - 02.08.2023 08:50

Phase 1: This is Fatalis, You shall be terrified of this black dragon
Phase 2: Alright almost halfway there, here’s some encouragement
Phase 3: come on now, the feeling of goose bumps from this music, you are almost there, keep it up! just a few more hits

@Dallows65 - 26.07.2023 23:29

The original proof of hero makes me cry. Tears of joy for 20 years of Monster Hunter

@edwardburns7789 - 24.07.2023 22:37

I don't know why but I here little segments of the song that sound eerily similar to the jaws theme

@jiratsirirat732 - 24.07.2023 14:06

The first phase is literally the remix of the first monster hunter fighting and village theme

@FugitiveJarl - 24.07.2023 05:05

I been listening to this for a while every now and then, and I like to scroll through the comments here and read some stories. my own story about World is more of an upbringing of having the courage to face these monsters whose abilities I know nothing about all on my own, because my friends lost interest in the game rather quickly. so I pulled up my big boy pants, and jumped into the deep end with nothing but my sword and shield. by the time I completed every optional quest in World, I felt like I came out the other end as a full fledged Hunter. fast forward to Iceborne's launch, and 1 of those friends who lost interest decided to join me in this new adventure to uncharted lands and fight some more Monsters. we fought alongside each other and faced some challenges. I had to mentor him a little bit on how to fight Velkhana because he was having some issues, but by the end of it, we were rolling through them Elder Dragons. then, there was the post story fights. Alatreon was the first hurdle to jump. we were both 100% down to just jump in there and give it our all. I had an elemental build prepared, because I run Sword and Shield, and my bud didn't need to switch his weapon out because he was always running a dragon element switch axe with elemental phials. after countless tries, we finally managed to bag Alatreon, but in the final moments of that winning fight, we were about to be wiped by an escaton judgement that we hadn't been able to weaken and we were going to fail, had we both died. he admitted that he had opened his menu, ready to leave the quest and sacrifice his rewards so I could kill it. but we got it. then after the quest, I noted that the NPC said that there are far worse dangers than Alatreon out there, and I knew exactly what that meant. Fatalis was coming. I warned my friend of the danger right after that dialogue had closed out. fast forward to Fatalis' release. my friend is too intimidated by the overwhelming threat that Fatalis posed, and he told me he wasn't able to join me in the endeavor. so I sucked it up and faced the biggest threat I've ever seen all on my own. it reminded me of back when I joined the series on the base version of World. all on my own, tackling an unknown threat with nothin but my Sword and Shield. many days go by, me in a chat with everyone as I go in and get my butt kicked by a giant dragon, and then try again. one day, before going into work, I check the clock and figure I have enough time to get a single attempt in even if I run out of time in the hunt. so I jumped in, and through the scrambling of teeth, nail, and claw, I managed to down the beast. all on my own, with this butter knife and trash lid. I remember my body going numb as my mind retreated my focus from the game and back to reality. I had to recollect myself and steady my breathing. it was done. all before I went in for my shift that day. once I told the news to my friends after I got home that day, my hunting partner decided he would give it his best shot and join me. after a few days of struggling on his end, he got the ability to send SOS and I was able to join his quest for Fatalis. back in the saddle. I handled the siege equipment, he focused on dealing with the menace. this time, he never opened his menu for a sacrifice win. but we were on our last cart, final minutes. the end screen was beautiful. I was on the minigun ballista, he was keeping Fatalis in front of it. his end screen was nothing but an explosion that he was dodging with evasion 5, mine was me frantically hoping that the ballista was enough to end it and seeing him explode in front of me. it was a victory screen. after that one we took a long break, we deserved it. but, he had one more challenge he wanted to finish. AT Velkhana. I was ready to put my weapons down and give World the rest it needed. I was over 1000 hours into this save file, and all my challenges were done and dusted. but, it felt symbolic to him and if there's a good fight to be had I can't ignore that. turns out, AT Velkhana was a right good challenge because we had our work cut out for us. I had to hit the workbench multiple times to run the numbers on a few builds that I was theorycrafting to take on this final challenge, and he hit the workbench as well to optimize his numbers. that was the first time he'd done that. once I got to a dual blades build that I was confident in, it was made to specifically last as long as physically possible before needing to sheathe to heal, we took on AT Velkhana and came out victorious. that was the last time we played World, and the last time I played World on console. we've moved forward into Rise and Sunbreak, and I'm excited to see what's to come in the series. thank you to any who have read this whole thing, and I wish you all happy hunting :)

yours truly, Fugitive. Sapphire Star, Flame of Kamura, and many more to come.

@dafutureiznow32 - 23.07.2023 04:37

Amazing composition

@shunbatsu - 14.07.2023 20:03

i finally just beat fatalis. what a fight
