@bridget I wish you lived in Virginia area ❤️ your videos give me so much comfort. I’m 33 weeks pregnant, first time mommy God Willing, thank you for your optimism. ❤️
ОтветитьCan you do movements without ball. I dnt have option of ball in my hospital
ОтветитьCan rocking from side to side while sitting & bouncing on your ball do the same as curb or stair walking??
ОтветитьDear Bridget!
Just a few days ago, I welcomed a second baby 🍼 I had a quick, unmedicated, empowering labor, and a VBAC!!! The hospital staff that worked with us was amazed how fast and smooth it went. I've been very anxious about my labor, since the first one was rather traumatic, and I was going for a VBAC that carries some risks.
Watching many of your videos (on breathing techniques, exercise, VBAC, meditations, less painful labor, letting go of fear) is what really empowered me and made me believe I can do it!!!
Your meditations and breathing techniques is what led me through my early and active labor and the most powerful surges! When the baby was ready to come out, I was thinking of the RING ON FIRE 🔥🤣 and the next thing I knew was the weight and warmth of my baby on my chest.
THANK YOU! You are making an amazing difference for so many women. Much love and hugs!
Thank you for all your videos. 🙏🏻
ОтветитьLove how you point out the importance of being somewhere you can relax! Exactly why we are doing a home birth :)
ОтветитьGave birth to my 3rd daughter Oct 9 with out epidural for the first time ever. I cannot thank you enough for your videos! It was the fastest labor ever , painful for 5minutes that's it! ❤️❤️❤️
Ответить37 weeks and the closer I get to his due date the more nervous I get. But this video was very informative and helpful ❤😊
ОтветитьI wonder how many babies you have? And how was your labour?
ОтветитьIt's my third pregnancy and second time I watch your videos and they helped me in my former delivery. Thank you
Ответить31 weeks first baby! Praying for safe delivery and recovery of all women 2023 also congratulations on becoming a mommy 🥹❤️
ОтветитьIt's really so true about movement. With my second, I stayed mostly in bed (home birth). Partly because I went into active labor at 11 PM, and started off trying to rest. But the contractions were so intense I couldn't do anything else (he was OP, and hands and knees didn't help). After pushing for nearly 2 hours, my midwife suggested pushing over the toilet. I found that position just awful, and got in the shower instead. That's where my son was born! I think getting up and changing positions just gave us the push we needed (pun not intended, but always appreciated lol)
Ответить39 weeks pregnant now and hoping for unmedicated vbac, trying to learn as much as I can for it to go well!
ОтветитьComment for support!🎉
Ответить41 weeks and no signs of labor here 😅
ОтветитьDo you do this exercises before or after your water breaks?
ОтветитьDoes anyone know if this can be used even if your being induced? I'm going to be induced this is my 5th kiddo and with the other 4 I was induced as well. I have only had 1 good experience so far and I'm hoping this one will be good. Trying out the birth ball and exercises for the first time to hopefully have a better experience.
ОтветитьCan the pelvic tilts be done while on hands and knees? So hard to do on tge ball like that, because of my huuge belly it feels like I'm suffocating. 37 weeks
ОтветитьDo you suggest the same thing for a vbac?
ОтветитьIn 2018 I had to be induced earlier at 31 weeks due to pre-eclampsia. I was not allowed to get up out of bed for ANYTHING. It was honestly a very very long and hard labor but thankfully my son was born and although small he was able to come home after 6 weeks in NICU. I really wished they would have let me get up and walk around, I feel like things would have moved a lot quicker
ОтветитьVery good
ОтветитьI spent all this time watching your videos preparing for labor and then when it finally started for both of my babies I ended up skipping early labor and having precipitous births lol. With my first (3hr labor) it was most helpful just to know that the moment when you think "I can't do this" is usually in the home stretch and it's probably the worst you're gonna feel. With my second (45 min labor) I just needed to know it was go time and to call my midwife (and then wake up my husband, in that order hahaha) and that was about all I had time for before I was pushing out a baby in my living room 😅
ОтветитьWhy did I never have early labor with my first? Contractions happened every 5 mins when it first happened and quickly got closer together. 21 weeks pregnant now with my second and am very worried as my first birth was long (58 hrs) and started really powerfully and rapidly.
ОтветитьPlease I'm having a bit of going to the rest room every 10second interval
ОтветитьMy parenting class midwife said curbwalking is an absolute no, that you could damage yourself and your pelvic bone
ОтветитьAfter watching this video few hours later I have my baby girl in my arms. I was on contractions while watching the video and went for a walk, come back had a shower and the active labor started. Rush to the hospital less than an 1 hours the baby came. Allhamulillah Allhamulillah Allhamulillah
Ответитьplease do a video follow through labor workout, which mean a workout I do while I am in labor pain. This is my first pregnancy I have a lot of concerns
ОтветитьSo when is it time to go to the hospital?
ОтветитьYou’re like the Pretty, wholesome, non problematic version of just pearly things 🤣
ОтветитьGreat info! But maybe slow down a bit! It’s hard to note take cuz you speak so quickly with so much amazing info! 😅 thank you so much for making these videos ❤
ОтветитьLove all your videos! So informative and helpful! Thank you for making it easier for us, new moms, to survive this confusing period 🙌🏻🥰
Ответить37 weeks. Getting induced at 39 weeks if I don’t go into labor sooner. Hoping to use movement to help reduce induction interventions
Ответить38 weeks pregnant, soon to be 39. Been watching so many videos. Hoping for a beautiful labor like ive read many mamas have!
ОтветитьWhen are these exercises encouraged?
ОтветитьWhat if you don’t have a birth ball
ОтветитьIs there any way opening tail bone on ball no ball
Ответить❤ very useful, perfectly organized step-by-step information.
ОтветитьYou are such an inspiration! Thank you
ОтветитьWhen does cervix start to open?
ОтветитьCan I start those movement in 31weeks?
ОтветитьHow to know if it is early early labour or active labour?
I am 6 month pregnant
35 weeks here❤❤❤❤
ОтветитьWish you’d been around when I had my kids in the 70’s!
ОтветитьI have to mention something, if you can't afford a ball like me, use the edge of your bed or the sofa. It's what I do, and it's the best I've got that isn't a ball.
Ответить38 w and 2 days, with 4 th baby. I had ok, past experiences, but im always willing to learn more tips. :)
I would definitely least like to try this time to have the baby on a different position than pushing in bed.
I would also hooe this time I wont have back pain during the contractions...althow i dont think im the one who can control that. Those are really painful.
Also hoping for a faster labor all together...from 22, 12 to 7 hrs with the first 3.
Me and my partner just decided to switch to a home birth and are so excited that we have theses videos to reference 🙏🏽💛
Ответить39+4 days today ❤ I'm wondering if I should start doing Miles circuit or just wait
ОтветитьShe’s so true, I was a couch potato all of early labour and it ended being three days long! It sped up a lot once we had to go to the hospital, because of all the moving !
ОтветитьI just want to say that I believed in this program whole heartedly. Purchased the built to birth course did all the breathing, printed affirmations, had a tub ready to go for natural labor. Believed I was built to birth until I wasn’t. What happens when the body simply won’t open for a natural birth, when the baby just won’t move down the canal? Breathing techniques, a wonderful setting ,and even the will to do it only goes so far sometimes. My body and my baby were not made to have a natural birth after three days of labor and four hours of pushing. I wanted to believe it was but the reality proved differently. The sentiment and words are pretty but my body and baby simply were not able to birth naturally. My baby is healthy and here. My body did do amazing things,natural birth was not one of them. I just want to say that you may not be able to birth your baby the way this program leads you to believe and your body may not be built to birth, but you are still amazing and one way or another you will have your baby.
ОтветитьMotion is lotion ❤