15mm British Napoleonic miniatures side by side

15mm British Napoleonic miniatures side by side

Studio WGS

2 года назад

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@worldhistoryminiatureshous9757 - 28.09.2021 17:59

Nice video with this British .

@leebearfield1405 - 30.09.2021 17:40

Amazing level of detail you have painted on such small figures!

@gkspain1 - 03.11.2021 00:17

Very nice I used to collect 15mm but as I've got older my eyes aren't what they used to be so I've moved over to 28mm, all the best, Garry

@jasoncollis949 - 18.11.2021 12:58

Hi, thanks for the video. Just to let you know TTG Napoleonics are now available through Alternative Armies as they bought all the ranges.

@shadowcat3163 - 22.12.2021 14:47

Been playing with 15mm Napoleonic's since the late 1980's (AH Napoleon's battles 1st ed). So have both mini fig box figs and the mini fig blister ones. After gathering dust for 20 years have been pulling them out and touching them up (while looking at large numbers of Old Glory stuff I never got around to painting).

So here is my take on it.

Minifigs were clean but all were the same pose except command.
TTG were much bulkier and had more detail
Old glory were earth shattering when they came out with so many different poses per bag. Down side was they were a bit cluttered on detail and rough to paint at times. Line degraded a bit when the original sculptor had a fatal accident.
Essex was another line sort of like minifigs
Then there was Jacobite which were larger and VERY rough in detail.
In the process of playing with Wargames new sprue of Napoleonic's. At first glance they are maybe 16mm but all I have at this moment is Cavalry and really looking forward to getting my hands on a Infantry sprue.
