A foot Shouldn't Look Like That!!! Angry Meme Review

A foot Shouldn't Look Like That!!! Angry Meme Review

Angry Cops

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@davel202 - 06.09.2024 17:46

CODE ZULU CODE ZULU HE FOUND THE Overstock comment section

@davel202 - 06.09.2024 17:52

I’m pretty sure sometime they told me not to tease the British about need us to win the last war. Well gloves. Are. Off.

@deadjester2770 - 06.09.2024 22:33

Love the Wendigoon reference. Those two would make for some fun videos....maybe some military spooky stuff

@shaemuscarr4492 - 07.09.2024 02:01

DS liked to wake us up with Arty Sims 😅

@kellytolliver2390 - 07.09.2024 05:10

I thought we learned the stupidity of the pet Rock in the 70s

@je2848 - 07.09.2024 11:45

>doesn't want to appear to support terrorists
>supports Israel's literal war crimes

Not your best look, AC.

@jasonnix1423 - 07.09.2024 12:38

I wish I had a computer so I could do some of these things for you cuz I have some funny ones

@EskimoActual - 07.09.2024 23:47


@housekilla457 - 08.09.2024 05:11

For the Rock, it’s not complicated.
End of the fiscal year, trying to justify next year’s budget.
All it says on paper is that $11M for recruitment wasn’t enough to get the job done and they need more.

@MegaKracka - 08.09.2024 12:24

AC, you know it's not just the officers that can't shoot. Makes me wonder how some of them made it through basic.

@lindsyfish6704 - 09.09.2024 00:46

The Hat Man just scared me becuase I didn't expect a living shadow of a man with a wide-brimmed hat to show up outside my bedroom. He just looked at me in bed, held my gaze with his eyeless face, then turned his head back to facing front and walked into my living room. Not the first time I've seen shadow people, but first and last time with the hat man.

On an entirely unrelated note, you can ask your allergist to put epinephrine in your allergy shots. If you're especially sensitive, like me, it helps bring the itching down to a level that doesn't require enough benadryl to meet the hat man and still be unable to sleep because you're hallucinating people in the walls whispering, and it's keeping you awake. This has been a PSA

@sealJomsviking - 09.09.2024 10:20

Holy fuck that first meme got me

@tristanconnolly5675 - 10.09.2024 04:49


@bobcat24 - 13.09.2024 02:49

Why the hell do you never review MY angry memes, you angry bastard child?!

@GuildofThunder - 13.09.2024 15:35

"Cooking fatigue"? Dafuq is that? That's a thing? Asking as a Chef.

@GuildofThunder - 13.09.2024 17:25

AC's "crack head" impression is getting meme'd next. Guaranteed!

@gunnolf2012 - 15.09.2024 00:19

You cant yell at recruits in the dining hall? This isnt the military I signed up for 😅😅

@bob1967-p6r - 18.09.2024 08:40

0 seconds ago
I have no idea who said that it wasn't me.
13 days ago
"Need some morale patches in the store." they spelled moral wrong.

@ds_the_rn - 19.09.2024 11:29

I can’t wait to hear AC’s coverage of the pager bombs. Very sneaky, Jews! (I’m married to a Jew. It’s okay ❤)

@guyrogers5758 - 21.09.2024 21:25

My smamag still smells of cordite

@JulesPerkins-e8q - 23.09.2024 23:05

The story about the Drill , who puts trash in the can, just to throw it down the barracks is pretty golden. Cold thing is ... thats all the trash from his car, office , and all his fast food from the day before. ( Dont tell him I said this... but was probably just to lazy to take it to the dumpster himself, thats what subordinates are for...) I had a coworker that would pull stuff like that, just laziness . And blame somebody else, we'd just all look at each other like "yeah right" !

@guardsmengunner - 24.09.2024 11:00

The immediate concern and fear when asking Wendigoon about the Hatman.

@NathanialRollin - 25.09.2024 00:57

The dark humor is why I’m here. It helps keep me sane.

@joshuabanks6818 - 27.09.2024 17:17

How are the crack houses going And do you still have basement Jesus?

@nate9133 - 01.10.2024 07:58


@tnexus13 - 01.10.2024 16:55

Why the hell do our police think they can get anyone extradited from the US? Couldn't even get a dependent extradited who killed someone after driving on the wrong side of the road. Hell, couldn't even stop her leaving the UK.

@KollinLove-z8o - 03.10.2024 16:56

I'm dead 😂😂 the last known position of his parents 🎉🎉😅 i can't breathe 😂😂

@patrickburns4821 - 07.10.2024 18:50

dealing with PTSD, insomnia, short term memory loss, the mem talking about "flexible def of OK" had me on the floor!

@mattmaser2126 - 10.10.2024 00:33

Wouldn't be nearly as funny if I hadn't witnessed similar stuff at RSP

@jaddokproductions2470 - 10.10.2024 00:43

Raygun looks like shes being jabbed with a cattle prod... She's an embrassment to my country

@analogludite9575 - 12.10.2024 21:16

I don't get this whole "dark" humor thing.🤔 My sense of humor was always this way, even before I enlisted in the USMC. My Parris Island training experience was much more R. Lee Ermy [RIP], but with woodland BDUs, 20" barrels with triangular hanguards, iron sights, and full stocks. I barely recognize this touchy-feely cream puff crap. A DI could be in your face anytime, anywhere: in the chow hall, sound asleep in the rack, while you were on the shitter at 0210 after deck watch. When did they decide stalls needed doors? Is that an ACU thing? Or is that the whole head/latrine thing? We were taught that a head has plumbing, and a latrine has an entrenching tool next to it.😂😂 ❤🇺🇸‼️

@davidrains6751 - 23.10.2024 21:20

its real as far as i could tell he said theyd bring us over and imprison us and even elon musk in a news interview it was all over twitter

@denen404 - 26.10.2024 20:55

i'm disappointed I never thought of sleeping on the shitter used to consider myself a shammer guess not....damn now dental nap time....I mean.....didn't we all? ROFL got caught once or twice too riiip

@masjuggalo - 05.11.2024 18:31

All right, I have to admit I know the difference between Pakistan and Palestine. I just sometimes get the two names confused. So I'll be thinking of Palestine and my brain goes Pakistan and vice versa

@natetubeo9505 - 17.11.2024 16:54

This guy looks like a white Dave Bautista

@scottsmith9334 - 19.11.2024 01:03

We no longer need you original medical records, because they have been digitized. Keep it because you’re going to need them. 🇺🇸👈🏼👀

@ScottHouston-f2i - 17.12.2024 09:40

Why would we spend hundreds of dollars for a meal prep service when we can steal the MRE's for free then spend half the work day on the toilet

@jeremyfortune8567 - 25.12.2024 00:04

Love the evil laughter it’s fittting D. S.

@Bosnian.Spartan - 08.01.2025 05:11

God can't just sit back and enjoy meme without, some unnecessary, interruptions/breaking the immersion.

Always gotta be something, an ad, spoiler for the intro, another intro, excessive explanation, another more excessive talking, some memes, some memes finally, winner meme with the same jokes, a bit more memes, the spoiler from the first intro, a bit more memes, then more talking all just to show some images as if it's soo hard to figure out what you're doing, as if you haven't been doing it for the last few minutes GOD JUST SHOW THE MEMES AND JOKE AND HUSH, so much waste energy, time and effort

@GeorgeKovachOfficial - 08.01.2025 14:42

It has been determined the injury isn't service connected

@batou486 - 23.02.2025 20:29

Here where I live now (Argentina) uses a 24 hours clock I just call it military time lol I also use it on my watch and my watch face is in the inside of my wrist.
