A Guide To EFT Tapping for Emotional Healing | Carol Tuttle

A Guide To EFT Tapping for Emotional Healing | Carol Tuttle

Carol Tuttle

4 года назад

8,971 Просмотров

What is tapping and how does it work for emotional healing? Learn more at https://ct.liveyourtruth.com/start-here/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=healwithcarol&utm_content=eft_emotional_healing.

Tapping, otherwise known as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), is a healing method that's been practiced for over 20 years. It was originally created by Gary Craig, whose website I was fortunate enough to be published on back in the late 90s.

Gary is retired but his methods continue to be taught and practiced by others, including myself. I have a lot of experience with tapping and am here today to transfer some of that experience to you.

In this video, I'll share with you the background on the tapping experience and why it works. I'll also take you through a brief tapping session so that you can get started today. And you'll learn the 3 things you need to make tapping work for you.

You're probably familiar with accupuncture or accupressure, right? You might have seen a practioner in the past. These are both incredibly helpful healing techniques that take a long time to master.

Tapping uses a similar methodology to accupuncture or accupressure. But you can learn to apply it quickly and start healing from emotional trauma.

A tapping experience uses your fingertips to tap on very specific accupressure points that are located on your energy meridians - your energy highways. When stimulated, these points will open up your meridians to create a release and shift of energy.

We have a lot of hidden energy that we're not familiar with - it's in our subconscious mind and repressed in our emotional body. The goal in tapping is to release that repressed, trapped trauma energy that has been pent up for years - often since childhood.

Tapping is an incredibly powerful tool that helps us heal. Our minds and bodies WANT to heal. We just get in the way. But tapping removes the blocks that we carry and that keep healing from happening.

You can learn more about tapping and get access to over 100 guided tapping healing sessions in the Carol Tuttle Healing Center. Learn more at https://ct.liveyourtruth.com/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=healwithcarol&utm_content=eft_emotional_healing.

But the best way of getting started is by going through my free Energy Healing Basics Guide. Go to https://ct.liveyourtruth.com/start-here/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=healwithcarol&utm_content=eft_emotional_healing and you'll learn how this all works, why it works, and after a short self-assessment you'll receive a personalized healing map.

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Checkout https://youtu.be/1y-_RHHIPfU for all of our Heal With Carol Live videos. And go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rxWDx5ATRM&list=PLi7by4JQjmqoTXbKQ2BbzW9WUHZUre-5k for more videos on Energy Healing.


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