Project Zomboid Crafting Stations In Build 42! Project Zomboid Development Updates & News!

Project Zomboid Crafting Stations In Build 42! Project Zomboid Development Updates & News!


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Namewasstolen Stresslevel
Namewasstolen Stresslevel - 29.04.2023 16:45

any more updates 3 months later??? i hope this game lives. It has huge potential.

TheodoreCHill - 31.03.2023 06:54

The NPCs are all I really care about when it comes to updates. Particularly NPCs that work with multiplayer. One of the most exciting driving motivators for me to get this game were the raiders and friendly NPCs I seen from mods which I presumed were already in the game. It was extremely disappointing to see that it was a singleplayer mod only. One that seems to no longer have updates or management.

It's what made Arma II DayZ so much funner than the newer DayZ titles, whereas the newer titles just had the better graphics facelift to support it and its immersion. That, along with predators and comprehensive hunting this game would probably be the all time greatest post apocalypse zombie survival game. Far better than anything any triple A company has ever released. As it is now, the game is currently still one of my all time favorites. I hope they continue their development and it never gets heroes and generals 'd.

ValenciaJr_ - 23.03.2023 20:18

It would be awesome to do a fish farm in a pool. Maybe adding some economic system between survivors to do a trade or sell rare stuff, like Fallout series with caps.

A Tiger-Shark
A Tiger-Shark - 19.03.2023 02:01

Thanks for being my source of Zomboid News

Ivan Tria
Ivan Tria - 15.03.2023 17:39

I wonder how many of the mods will stop working when the new update arrives?

J L - 11.03.2023 04:32

I just burned down West point and made my friend rage quit.

DiscoBaby - 07.03.2023 21:54

I dont like that its being given the crafting system that every game seems to have now

Ethan Gatenby
Ethan Gatenby - 27.02.2023 03:21

For all that they mentioned removing fish from pools, I think it would be cool for after a certain amount of time/erosion fish can actually spawn in swimming pools- maybe not all of them, but it would certainly be a cool representation of nature reclaiming civilisation.

R - 23.02.2023 03:57

The fire looks weird, to realistic for the game.

John John
John John - 23.02.2023 02:33

I’m looking forward to leaning it all again

Barbed Head
Barbed Head - 19.02.2023 11:57

Surely, most of these updates would make a positive influence to aesthetical and gameplay side of the game (especially animals, it is really necessary part), but what about... taking doors off the hinges? or falling/sitting on furniture/holding corpses and items animations? Imho, polishing little troubles like these should be more prioritised than new mechanics...
(maybe I don't know something, correct me in this case)

Symon Kaine
Symon Kaine - 18.02.2023 03:26

I hope that was a purposeful Dragonforce reference

iconoclast_rain - 17.02.2023 22:44

supposed to be npcs in this build, right?

Pokey - 17.02.2023 09:53

I don't know about that new fire look. It doesn't look right.

Maicon Wissmann
Maicon Wissmann - 13.02.2023 20:00

When this update of build 42 will be release?

Audra Verela
Audra Verela - 13.02.2023 03:39

I’ve been hearing turkey noises in the game n I’m like where are they?! Lol I’m really looking forward to expanded crafting n wildlife.

issac thompson
issac thompson - 12.02.2023 19:13

The idea of using Metalworking or another apropreate skill to forge your own Katana seems like something that would be a great add to the game. If they were to do that I would however want them to make it a multistep process for the best items with high skill levels to even attempt key parts.

B' Zu
B' Zu - 11.02.2023 14:27

I hope the new fishing system is a toggle that doesnt punish you for not using it. I really hate active hassle minigames on fishing :\

Papole - 11.02.2023 14:21

I Hope craft from the crafting station wont be cheap, if a katana is 8 nail and 2 plank it will break the entire meta

Some person
Some person - 10.02.2023 04:38

Fire looks a little too realistic in comparison to the game, other than that looking forward to the updates

Loy - 08.02.2023 01:01

It would be cool is pools could have some fish after like a couple in game years.

TopHat - 08.02.2023 00:01

is there a time etsament for the release of 42?

MrLama - 07.02.2023 00:17

Okay, i'll propably burn a hole March Rigde when the update comes out

Sodaoczy - 05.02.2023 22:42

I always wanted to have someone to learn game together but no1 wanna play it from my friends bcs graphics Sadge

Magne M
Magne M - 05.02.2023 22:25

more crafting and stuff to make is what this game needs, and some middle working station

mj dub
mj dub - 05.02.2023 16:24

I'd love to play one of your server wipes! How often do you wipe? When is the next?

NalkCZ - 05.02.2023 12:34

Where is the area at the video start? Can anyone link pz map link?

Nightbird Games
Nightbird Games - 04.02.2023 23:48

With the workstation being implemented does this mean you can't craft on the go now? Or is crafting items separate from items crafted from a work bench?

Thomas A.
Thomas A. - 03.02.2023 22:14

Thank you for your video MrAtomicDuck !!!🤩

Wolfe Wright
Wolfe Wright - 03.02.2023 17:19

This game needs to just... finish already. It's getting too old.

Kierox Man
Kierox Man - 03.02.2023 15:03

I hope with the fire update they make ash piles wash away with rain or make it so they disappear after a certain time. Also for burnt grass to return to normal after a while. Thoughts?

Nathaniel H.
Nathaniel H. - 03.02.2023 09:45

I wonder if new fire system will change how fast player dies if set on fire. It should be much longer than what we have now.
Instant combustion is so much unrealistic.

McDiezel - 02.02.2023 22:17

Everyone's tlalking about npc this, farming that. Man I just wanna do some post-apocalypse industry

Crimson Spirit
Crimson Spirit - 02.02.2023 19:35

I wonder if wind affects fire direction

P40805 M4R5
P40805 M4R5 - 02.02.2023 18:04

Devs should literally focus on adding weapon mods and vehicle mods and other various most used mods without which is vanilla game unplayable. Because at this point game is still total trash without those mods. Not even mentioning map is quiet boring without maps from modder community. Npcs and bases such is something that is missing. Quests would be also nice so ppl can actually play this alone, because personally i dont like multiplayer in any games because of other ppl that is trolling or either exploiting or ruining your experience in general. I dont see any additional value in some stupid fishing feature or cattling. I literally will have to wait 1 year after this update to play this game again because of above mentioned things because of incompatibility of old mods with new update. This is my opinion as player but also as sw developer. This game has so huge gaps and it has so much more to provide to players but then someone would have to fucking use their brain.

William knight
William knight - 02.02.2023 17:50

i appreciate all the update videos you do on PZ

TinkerBobV8 - 02.02.2023 17:34

Being able to craft various tools or parts without the need of a specific work bench I find very convenient and noncluttersome. Now introducing new "recipes" with said work benches would be cool but it'd have to be simpler than say, minecraft. We don't need 30 different crafting stations where you can only craft 1-2 recipes at each.

Realistically most things can be done at one work bench if one is needed at all.

Not David
Not David - 02.02.2023 17:19

So PZ is gonna turn into factorio based on what I'm hearing? I'm not against that honestly.

Andrew Williams
Andrew Williams - 02.02.2023 14:46

I think Pc requirements will be more demanding with build 42. It would be nice to add settings that lower the quality for low end PCs.

Wakkawakka - 02.02.2023 14:36

I hope the crafting system isn't like other games. Meaning the way you set and forget and come back and boom you have crafted something while not being present. Which the exception of maybe smelting ores, but actually making the ingots would require work to be performed. I just feel if it goes the other it'll be just an isometric basic zombie game. My main appeal is the realism in the game(as much as can be in a zombie game).

RamaLeu - 02.02.2023 14:35

it may just be me, but at this point it looks like the actual zombies are becoming just a fleshbag that ruins your experience and stuff, dont get me wrong i love the new updates but how are they going to work with actual zombies following you around and stuff, i can already see myself just casually draging a cow, not being able to run with her and zombies just congalining after me either when they see me or the cow makes noise and stuff, i love it but i just fear its going to become survival sim with zombies as just an obstacle/game ender for your base building needs. I love the new bits but i would like to see the update videos with actual zombies happening around responding to animals or something

Arthaius - 02.02.2023 11:33

- Not gonna lie, and I know I'm probably in the minority here, but I kind of hate everything about pretty much everything shown here.

I 100% hate the crafting stations idea, it in MY opinion, is a really bad idea that changes the game into something it currently isn't, which at the moment is an awesome game.

The fire spreading thing, well until I see it can't say for sure, but perhaps it makes it so one single fire wont destroy an entire town, forest map but rather I am assuming it means at most most fires will be stopped by roads or dirt or pavement, so just a smaller area will be affected, which would probably be an improvement.

The fishing will be like the fires, it may work well, would have to experience it in action, however I think the way it currently functions is fine so in MY opinion an unnecessary change.

As far as the animals thing goes, I dunno, seems minorly interesting, but honestly would be happier without it, I think the trapping is already good, and hunting would be interesting if they added wild deer or other type game options, however Cows and Sheep, I most likely wouldn't keep them I'd probably just shoot them for meat, although I admit, making cheese would be the plus involved here, cheese is life. However on this point it then makes me ask, if they are looking into Cows and Sheep, then where are the Chickens? Using Chickens for Eggs would go hand in hand with Cows for milk, can't have Cows but no Chickens, in MY opinion.

This is generally all that I gathered from this video, if there was another change coming that I forgot, my apologies, I guess that means it didn't make enough impression on me to remember past typing out a 5 minute reply, so I guess if there was one, then it doesn't seem that it was very noteworthy.

MrErizid - 02.02.2023 11:07


BailableBody - 02.02.2023 10:48

With the addition of fletching doesn’t that mean bows and crossbows will be added?

Valhallen - 02.02.2023 10:05

Oh man, i hope there's a "Medieval" mode. So we can be knights n shit in castles against zombies.

Rattus Rattus
Rattus Rattus - 02.02.2023 09:55

Im exited about the fire spread and I hope some items can be still crafted in the go like spears insecticide/mildew spray replace fishing lines etc etc

Colby Wydner
Colby Wydner - 02.02.2023 07:27

Does anyone have some sort of release window for this because no matter where I look I cannot figure out if it’s coming this year or the next at this point

HeartOnMySleeves - 02.02.2023 05:42

I never used pool fishing, but wouldn't it still make sense to work if humans added a male and female fish?

Zelith Fang
Zelith Fang - 01.02.2023 21:38

I was giving the official map a look around the official map and found a farm with a Chicken run, the shelter for chickens (for the life of me I can't think of what it's called) and a feeding troof, which doesn't make sense for chickens but whatever. Let's say there's a bunch of them scattered around the map, I'm sure there is but haven't seen em, and let's say we can find the corresponding animals that belong in those areas. Let's continue with chickens for example. Let's say the checks can sustain themselves on grass and bugs in the grass so they'll be there indefinitely so the player doesn't need to worry about trekking all the way out to a farm to find dead rotting chickens. The chickens can live off of the grass and bugs found in the area that they are located but if the space is too small or you have too many chickens the area won't be able to sustain them and either the some chickens will die off but the remaining ones would be fine since their numbers had dwindled to a point they are able to be sustained by the area they are in or they overfeed on the area taking all the grass and bugs and then all starve due to lack of food. If you meet the resource to live stock requirements on grass and bugs let's say the chickens will do pretty good there but since they are only feeding on grass and bugs they won't produce a lot of eggs or good quality eggs, they won't reproduce fast and their meat won't be the best (as in not having much meat on their bones) resulting on less calories. But if you go to a feed store you can find different types of feed that "buffs" the chickens in different ways. Like get a feed that fattens up your chickens so you have more calories per chicken. Or once that gives you better quality eggs. Let's also have it so you and find rare magazines in feed stores that give you recipes on how to make animal feed for different animals and what benefits each gives because eventually you gonna run out of animal feed from feed stores or they gonna expire so this gives the player the ability to make their own.

Rob - 01.02.2023 11:02

Zomboid will always be amongst the best games ever.
