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You are being LIED to about inflation (here's the REAL cause) Abundantia 482,159 1 год назад
The biggest threat to our financial freedom - CBDC Abundantia 287,041 1 год назад
Jeff Bezos' ugly prediction for the 2023 recession Abundantia 291,021 1 год назад
Why the economy really sucks (blame Goldman Sachs) Abundantia 138,809 1 год назад
The most secret bank in the world Abundantia 279,528 1 год назад
Your carbon footprint is a LIE. Abundantia 207,318 1 год назад
We are officially in an oil war (USA vs OPEC) Abundantia 174,472 1 год назад
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This company owns the world (and it's our fault) - BlackRock Abundantia 8,681,185 2 года назад
What's really behind "The Great Reset"? Abundantia 1,610,542 2 года назад
A terrifying prediction for 2030 (the Great Reset) Abundantia 2,388,762 2 года назад
The most evil financial lie of our time Abundantia 2,744,130 2 года назад
Every single way I make money (15 METHODS) Abundantia 388,763 2 года назад
6 ways I healed my relationship with money Abundantia 77,243 2 года назад
9 Bad Money Habits Keeping You Poor (And In Debt) Abundantia 545,815 3 года назад
Invocation of Goddess Abundantia for creating abundance Szeretjük a Tömegmeditációkat 338 1 год назад
The biggest threat to our financial freedom - CBDC Abundantia 287,041 1 год назад