Birth Position

LABOR POSITIONS FOR EASIER BIRTH | Open Each Level Of The Pelvis Bridget Teyler 335,942 2 года назад
Best Labor Positions For Each Phase Of Labor (REDUCE LABOR PAINS) Pregnancy and Postpartum TV 158,099 1 год назад
HOW TO GIVE BIRTH | Top 3 BIRTH POSITIONS To Give Birth In Bridget Teyler 302,001 4 года назад
8 positions to ease labor pain BabyCenter 3,140,733 5 лет назад
Birth Positions | Beaumont Labor and Birth Corewell Health in Southeast Michigan 184,192 5 лет назад
Active birth and positions for labour North Bristol NHS Trust 17,919 3 года назад
Best Birthing Position To Prevent Tearing During Childbirth! Pregnancy and Postpartum TV 113,409 1 год назад
My labor routine | best labor positions to ease pain | positive birth stories Pregnancy and Postpartum TV 158,368 4 года назад
Mechanism of Labor Explained MBBSFinals 101 2 дня назад
What positions are best for giving birth? | NHS NHS 115,681 12 лет назад
Birth Stations of Presentation (-5 to +5 Positions) Medical Legal Art 747,255 14 лет назад
How to Use Positions for an Easier, Faster Labor | Sarah Lavonne Sarah Lavonne 138,396 3 года назад
How to PUSH during labor | Best positions to push baby out! Haley S 2,660,482 4 года назад
Pros and cons of side lying birth position The Pelvic Health Lady 1,406 2 года назад
Birth can look like THIS (CALM PEACEFUL WATERBIRTH)️ #birth #shorts Pregnancy and Postpartum TV 10,311,261 2 года назад