Wilkinson Sword Intuition DE Razor | Omega Eucalyptus Shaving Cream

Wilkinson Sword Intuition DE Razor | Omega Eucalyptus Shaving Cream


2 дня назад

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@otakarpohl - 02.03.2025 10:25

Beautiful sunny Sunday morning Paul with a perfect shave with a Wilkinson Sword Intuition razor

@Tubarao65 - 02.03.2025 10:38

Beautiful flowers Mrs H. With a name like Florida Water they had to specify it’s not for drinking. I’ve heard stories of canned pet food companies having to specify on the package it’s not for humans because people in supermarkets were buying canned food with dogs on the tin, in the pet food ails & still mistaking them for canned human food 😂 there’s plenty of idiots out there Paul
Take care friend

@santaclaus179 - 02.03.2025 10:48

among my humble soap den of around 330 soaps I have this omega one , nevertheless the other edition of omega 3 aquae has nicer scent , the wilkinson blade is also very smooth, in my other humble blade den of around 7000 blades of 37 brand names , maybe the sharpest one is the feather , but in my opinion the most agressive blades are the ones called GEM stainless , for my GEM RAZORS , greetings

@MickeEng - 02.03.2025 10:49

Thats a classical for me, that Omeaga shaving soap is one of my first one i ever bougt...and i still have it!! 😂😂

@kostasintzes9958 - 02.03.2025 11:19

Beautiful shave Paul using this new "Wilkinson sword - Baili" razor. If you check the razor is the exact duplicate of the solimo Amazon razor you've used quite recently. Nothing wrong renaming or rebranding razors, Parker, The Goodfellas, PAA, Yaqi and so many artisans have done it, why not Wilkinson Sword😊.
Have a lovely day Paul with Mrs. H on that sunny beautiful Sunday❤

@conversationalshaving9805 - 02.03.2025 11:32

Lovely shave. Your videos are a welcome respite from the political and true crime stuff which I have been watching. 😊😊😊

@acsassmann4494 - 02.03.2025 12:16

Hello Mr. Paweł... 🙂 And I have a question. How is it possible that until now there was no The Goodfellas’ smile safety razor stainless steel Syntesi on your channel?

@mikloskedves1444 - 02.03.2025 12:37

Rebranded Seinz de razor 5-8 euro in DM

@rajansharmaadv - 02.03.2025 12:45

Hello Paul, this is basically a Baili razor made in China and marketed by Wilkinson Sword, this razor is exactly similar to the AMAZON Solimo double edge razor, these razors are deceptively aggressive as you can get a nick with razors very easily and you won't even come to know but feels mild with a minimal blade feel on the face, wish you a happy shaving 🙏🙏🙏👍👍

@joyghosh7239 - 02.03.2025 13:27

Great shave Paul and don't you think it's time for a haircut

@JonathanLewis-gf1lu - 02.03.2025 14:59

Good morning Paul
Very beautiful razor

@Jamie-p8j - 02.03.2025 15:37

Nice shave Paul and im going out for a Sunday meal and pint or 2

@purpleglitteruk - 02.03.2025 16:58

Great shave Paul💈 The razor looks really nice 😊 Gorgeous flowers Mrs H 💐 Have a great rest of the weekend both 💈💐💈

@seanstapelfeld - 02.03.2025 17:22

That florida water definitely looks interesting!

@andrewhill1965 - 02.03.2025 19:01

Good morning. Lovely flowers mrs h. And nice shave. The razor seemed to do ok. My own sotd, is a normal work day one, as i work Sundays. My variant, with a parker blade. And proraso green soap, skin bracer after shave. And finished with proraso green balm. Nice shave. Have a great Sunday

@mellymelshaves - 02.03.2025 19:19

Good morning Paul. Have a great week. ONE LOVE from Beautiful Pensacola, Florida ❤

@Carzone2021 - 02.03.2025 19:19

I thought u will say ..happy to report we had a baby 😂

@terrym1065 - 02.03.2025 19:35

A burst of color for Sundays activities, thanks to Mrs H for brightening up the day. Nicely done Paul🪒🪒 Yes, I believe that razor is a dedicated women's razor, more delicate in design, a Baili in disguise. SOTD: Tallow & Steel "Echos of Rain" limited edition/collaboration with Maol Grooming soap/splash, REX "Konsul" SS Adj Slant razor w/REX blade, Capt. Choice synth brush, alum, witch hazel and AV 5in1 balm ending...Stellar! Enjoy your day out in the sunshine.

@BriceZandveertje88 - 02.03.2025 19:54

beautiful flowers as always!

and another beautiful shave Paul.
keep it up! 💪🏻😎

@RobertsReviews1974 - 02.03.2025 20:24

Hello Paul great shave with basic products! Beautiful flower display in the background thanks to Mrs. H. to give the bathroom a special touch!
Have a great Sunday and week 👍🏻!

@CarolinaCheif - 02.03.2025 21:47

The razor seems to have a longer handle, which may mean it is marketed toward women. Sandalwood Sunday, SOTD is TOBS Sandalwood shaving cream, After shave gel and after shave cream. Stirling pre-shave with Henson AL13++, and a Wizamet blade

@jamesfirth2392 - 02.03.2025 22:21

re-branded Baili razor?

@BartBuzz - 03.03.2025 01:46

An exquisite and colorful bouquet by the floral maestro. I Googled that razor, and it is marketed for women. That explains why it is probably a mild razor. You did manage a close and almost nick-free shave 😉 My SOTD: Old Spice shaving cream (face lathered) and the Rockwell 6S w/ a Nacet blade (5th and final use). Post-shave was alum, witch hazel, Dove Men+Care Ultra Hydra Cream, and Aqua Velva aftershave. So, we both had a great Sunday shave. All the best in the week ahead!

@desperatedan3985 - 03.03.2025 02:53

Another fine shave, do u ever finish the shave with the alum block?

@steveramirez8270 - 03.03.2025 03:39

Great floral and musical pairing! Happy the weather was good there, love the trip on your Hot and Spicy channel. For some reason, I like rose gold and brushed metal for looks on my razors. Great company name for your razor, happy you used this lovely gift from another loyal fan. I used my Pearl with a similar made top part, mine was aggressive for me, I used a thinner lather, Cremo but helped it with the Cube black mint version. Loved the scent today, but not as slick as I like with my more aggressive Sunday shave(s). Not complaining on mine, I actually love this razor. I enjoy the work horse classic razor-feels a little retro modified-like the famous cafe racers-motorbike-some neat looking ones like the Royal Enfield varieties and some Triumph motorcycles....I bought a Triumph Speed 400, learning on empty back roads-slow speed and curves lessons-might sell it because drivers are too crazy with super large fancy and fast pickup trucks around Knoxville and Oak Ridge where I go when everyone is sleeping on Saturdays. I feel like this razor looks kind of 1980's or mid 1970's. My dad's days, when I could learn from him, Never saw that metal then but think it looks more exciting than over used chrome finished De models. Please forgive the waffle...very nice shave Paul, love the feedback and bet it does as I am a daily dude of sorts. Hope you can get the whipper blades on there quick and easy and no problems with your windshield/windscreen.

@OldSkool396 - 03.03.2025 04:26

Won't be at work to install wiper blades 🤣🤣🤣 Just as good of a reason as any

@fredhug85 - 03.03.2025 05:29

Thnx for your debication. One advantage of tuningimg in late is checking others comments. Mamba70 RazoRock razor w/Yaqi handle column ss. Timeless ss skittle,Sterling flat boar lather brush,Tabac(hard) shave soap&
Aftershave & balm. #2 use Crystal blade 👍

@AeolusIICB - 03.03.2025 05:51

I don’t have a woman’s intuition but if I did, I’d say that intuition is a lady’s razor. 🤔

@garyoxenforth9728 - 03.03.2025 06:53

Hi Paul I live in Canada and that razor was marketed under the Schick name on Amazon

@victorbogen1558 - 03.03.2025 19:36

u should start useing witch hazel daily it good for when u have black heads! it not just for after shaveing I use it daily and it has help me no black heads or shiny oily face

@victorbogen1558 - 03.03.2025 19:45

No allon block or styptic pencil for them nicks u had would've stop it

@okiedokie_cool - 03.03.2025 20:32

Nice shave Paul

@FreebirdAnthony - 03.03.2025 22:16

24 Quid on Amazon. Marketed for Ladies, but a Razor is a Razor for me

@PieroMarano-s7d - 03.03.2025 22:22

❤❤ assai assai assai bello......😅😊 KAPPERAGE... ASSAI ASSAI ASSAI 🎉🎉🎉❤❤
