"Weird Stuff Started Happening..."  --  (Awakening Story)

"Weird Stuff Started Happening..." -- (Awakening Story)

Simply Always Awake

1 год назад

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@5dcrystalpath295 - 04.10.2023 22:16

Just listening to this video makes my head feel spacey!

@Insanity889 - 15.10.2023 16:07

I'm sitting here watching this just dieing. I experienced all that she's saying but at the time i didn't know what it was. Or how to go further.
Make it permanent or what ever. And so eventually got drug back into the thinking mind. Trying to make since of it. I guess
To make it worse. My wife did it a couple weeks ago. Just blew the doors wide open.
Frustration doesn't completely sum up mt feelings. Lol

@lynnhunter4493 - 17.10.2023 01:33


@Jensterkc - 24.10.2023 04:09

Yep. This was a great interview. Sasha did a great job articulating it and conveying the general feelings of the experience. It’s so hard to put into words.

@user-re8tu5jr7u - 30.10.2023 04:05

Amazing discussion on paper thin beliefs as being the truth. Your sharing is beautiful. Thankyou ❤

@OohsAndAhsBros - 06.11.2023 20:32

The transmission comment is so real. One of my friends does not give any shit about spirituality yet I always found him captivating, like the way he carries so many paradoxical beliefs so effortlessly. He will make the darkest jokes & laugh at the face of tragedy & controversial topics yet he's the first to act & show compassion when someone is suffering, & after he's done he just leaves. I don't know whether he's "awake" or not but he's certainly the most awake person I know, & whatever it is that he "has" I always found more enticing than whatever crystal gurus & sages claim to have.
I think it's because he never claims to have anything & never tries to dictate truth, like one time he gave me a bunch of books & majority of them were about anti-natalism so I asked him if he was an anti-natalist & he was like "bro I just exist"

@youtoo8075 - 06.11.2023 21:58

it feels so good to listen to both of you!!
Thank you, great video!

@geoffschmidt1944 - 14.11.2023 19:43

This is so good but I’m so in my head over this stuff. What do you mean “ALL beliefs are false!”? We can prove things, empirically. Ty

@maryrosemitchell9682 - 16.11.2023 21:39

I don’t know , but source just comes through us and I don’t think we need to play to any particular audience. Just be authentic. It’s not like you’re doing it anyway, but basically whatever is arising is allowed and it is itself so what emerges does so without micromanaging.

@niallbourke7963 - 20.11.2023 09:11

David Bingham never stops talking about 'the neutral space'..

@niallbourke7963 - 21.11.2023 14:22

All these non dual experiences Sasha is talking about are actually pretty common place, especially during a Kudalini process. There were times when I could actually. feel the grass growing around me, see energy fields around squirrels and super clear clarity like she mentions. So what?

@thekellygates - 25.11.2023 18:44

This conversation led to me dissolving the body for a beautiful expansive instant. Wow!

@tyvrymch - 17.12.2023 23:17

Dio 🤘🤘🤘

@tyvrymch - 18.12.2023 00:23

In my mind a thought is an idea
Any idea any conclusion
Anything I think I know
It's not real!
It's all the Boogeyman lol
Or maybe it's not
Dont know don't have any idea lol

@NewNow4u - 27.12.2023 00:14

Haha! What a good way to say it - about the Neutral Space, well I am here, where is my prize!! That is kind of how I felt, and then recently I got the POP I was Like OH!! WOW - It is that simple!

@LightandJoyDesigns - 08.01.2024 21:46

Curios Sasha and Angelo do either of you still write plans or goals out? Is there anything unenlightened about that? Thx Kris

@LightandJoyDesigns - 08.01.2024 22:52

Learned so much including that I know nothing. ❤❤
Thank you so much Sasha and Angelo. This was so valuable. Thank you thank you. ❤❤❤

@LightandJoyDesigns - 08.01.2024 22:58

“What am I afraid to learn ok at right now?”❤

@chiarabellesi - 22.01.2024 04:24

thank you for this beautifull interwie, like a dance in the consciousness. much love and gratitude to help me to see the thinking process as it is soo clearly <3 <3 <3

@NonDual1799 - 05.02.2024 23:17

Im watching this now and can relate to everything she is saying..This was a very powerful video....she is validating experiences I have seen and felt too...NO confusion but clarity to everything she is sharing...So beautiful

@NonDual1799 - 05.02.2024 23:28

loved her expression, so beautifully expressed...Yes, very hard to talk about because it is so damn simple

@KatmaiBrownBear - 09.02.2024 09:02

What a fun interview! Thank you both :)

@kundaliniandnonduality - 11.02.2024 13:17

she's brilliant!

@denise1176 - 13.02.2024 06:13

Great interview!! When you were talking about the messages in art I totally agree with you. If you look, the messages are everywhere!❤🙏

@HolisticHealthWithHarry - 13.02.2024 18:32

so so good interview ty both! im here to watch this first before part two with sasha ! :)

@Pamela_Sinai - 14.02.2024 08:06

HOLY CRAP. That visual HD thing happened to me last night. Hello, synchronicity :)

Also, insomnia saved me after college. It forced me to realize that I wasn't being true to myself in what seemed to be my "respectable" career options. I went way off on a tangent that made absolutely no sense, yet resulted in the most incredible adventures. Part of me was disappointed I didn't get rich and famous too, haha, and I'm nearly done writing a novel about that aspect of the ego that can stow away in the back of your psyche and then pounce in your 30s. I wrote myself out of caring about that kind of stuff. This nondual pathless path is further entrenching my understanding that it's just not about status, wealth, etc. It's just not. In fact, any of that stuff can be a nuisance. Life just is. Whatever it "looks like." It just is.

@lukystaify - 16.02.2024 01:04

today i was watching a tiktok made of disney pocahontas song, it made me cry, indeed the reality of that is just heart shattering. exactly animism -
you think you own whatever land you land on
the earth is just a dead thing you can claim,
but i know every rock and tree and creature
has a life , has a spirit, has a name
- from song - colors of the wind

@LizB55 - 18.02.2024 07:35

Loving this! Can you answer this old question that ‘spiritual’ teachers differ on…..what comes first, the thought (belief) that elicits a nervous system response, ie an outburst that seems to have a will of its own? Or, the nervous system stores old patterns and traumas that when poked can elicit a thought that becomes a negative belief reinforcement.
You interviewed that Doctor who does TRE (trauma release exercises) that implied the trapped energy of trauma in the body comes first and we can release that without the thoughts of a ‘because’ (although the old patterns tell a story of why it’s trapped in the first place).
What’s your interpretation of all these modalities that work on different parts of addressing the patterns that keep us stuck?
Hope this makes sense 😅

@peterparke2977 - 12.03.2024 22:49

I have heard it often that the thoughts and emotions that are believed are like clouds and need not be held onto because of what I really am, this vast presence,... today it went deeper especially with things coming into being and disappearing simultaneously, not worrying about what to leave in and what to leave out...thanks to both of you ...will be sharing this excellent sharing.

@heatherwall9571 - 15.03.2024 20:42

I have, at times, been totally free of all beliefs!! It’s beautiful !! And it’s the real reality …your in total totality !!! The eternal realm that cannot be described or put into words!!! The ego IS the illusion!!! Return to our innocence before we became conditioned to believe anything. Just pure experience 🙏💙

@heatherwall9571 - 15.03.2024 20:56

Just living in pure existence!! I recall that place and you can’t grab hold of anything as it just comes through you!! You don’t retain anything any longer!!! 🙏💙

@heatherwall9571 - 15.03.2024 21:03

Being totally with the divine. 🥰🙏💙

@heatherwall9571 - 15.03.2024 21:48

Pure unconditional love comes flowing through and you FEEL it. 🙏💙

@darfish5040 - 28.04.2024 12:29

Can't believe I missed this. Thank you. ❤

@michaelhodgeofficial - 29.04.2024 20:46

Amazing to hear someone who taught from the LOA arena and then continued forth. Very helpful.

@AnneLi236 - 09.05.2024 19:12


@Adubz84 - 13.05.2024 12:54

I totally resonate with sashas comments on the strange syncronicities regarding films, comments made by strangers unknowingly seem to be the story of my life. Either someone on a higher plane is trying to get a message to me, or, there is no me and other and this is all one happening

@gabyinoz3868 - 14.05.2024 22:04

So grateful to both of you for this interview!!!

@Aquarius77 - 28.05.2024 17:55

So are we to drop all beliefs?? And are we not to believe in the law of attraction?? I feel like being neutral is being in denial and avoidance

@RamSamudrala - 08.06.2024 12:50

You are speaking to yourself, we are all speaking to ourselves/each other. And there is no you or me or ourselves but only speaking. Former is solid but latter isn't there yet.

But "much more real than your mind could ever begin" - isn't mind also part of Nondual?

@nolanrheinish1904 - 08.06.2024 21:26

Three separate times now, I have had an experience that I can’t describe while listening to your content. It truly is remarkable. I don’t think I’ve ever directly received a transmission from a teacher before. And yet it keeps on happening with your stuff. Just incredible. And I’m so thankful.

@jonathanreader228 - 12.06.2024 21:47

This is helping me so much. Maybe I'm not going crazy after all.

@robsmith588 - 08.07.2024 21:10

What you call the neutral space is emptiness. When we look inside, we see nothing, which we perceive as a lack of anything. I think it is helpful to not be afraid to contemplate this emptiness, to perceive it as "something" with qualities. And contemplate its nature. There is no end to emptiness, and it grows larger and more spacious as to contain everything. A Zen monk was asked what Enlightenment was like, he answered Empty but full.

@robsmith588 - 08.07.2024 21:16

I think from experiencing the natural state, I would wonder why everyone could not see this. I think the fundamental reason is a sense of unworthiness. I think this is beaten into us by society from a very young age, starting in school.

@youarewhatyourelookingfor4496 - 09.07.2024 18:09

Absolutely wonderful talk!! ❤😊🎉
I got absolutely “nothing” from it 😋

@Tammy-zf2jb - 12.07.2024 20:03

What about being a parent? I have a fear of losing my love for my son and relating to him in non duality and have a relationship? How is it possible. Maybe these are fears and limiting beliefs holding me back from letting go fully?

@FearlessSleep - 06.12.2022 23:33

It is such coincidence to see Sasha on this channel! Three years ago her book on insomnia (Effortless sleep) was so helpful on my recovery journey. And after I overcame insomnia (which isn't the right word, as I had no other choice but to completely and honesty surrender trying to fix my sleep and the whole insomnia just fell apart) - I realized that in this life I don't really have control and that realization felt strangely liberating. And since that insomnia case falling apart I started to question all the things I thought were true. After that I found about the non-duality/awakening topic (this summer) because it was just like that micro realization in sleep area but at a scale much much bigger. But I can see how the brain's attempts to protect its beliefs got trickier and uncatchable - I'm still to see through my mind's garbage. Great and profound episode! Thank you!
