Didn’t bungie always say the games was above the books? Also credit to 343 for doing what I THINK is a great job to adding to the lore to try to make the book and game go together
ОтветитьHalo Reach was the arguably one of the best in the series. Story, gameplay, and multiplayer were all great. I’m glad I was able to play it at peak. What a time to be alive 🙌🏽
Ответитьfunny enough ive been through all those halo cycles when it happened only game that i wasnt there for was ce because i was born the next year it came out so i missed the initial halo release but ever since then ive been on halo since launch starting with 2s then working up
ОтветитьGetting Halo Reach a day after my birthday in high school 14 years ago has left a never ending high for myself it was soo cool coming home and running right to forge a mode I'm still running to for Halo, Infinites is a dream come true but still has the stigma behind it that Infinite made at launch by it should of been at launch and not a "dlc", it'll never lose that stink and I doubt Halo 7 or what's next won't neither 😅😢 because we "HAVE" to have modern gaming garbage
ОтветитьI still play my original copy of Reach, because Firefight's custom settings actually work, the waves are constistent and balanced, and I don't have to capture fucking hills.
ОтветитьLove love love halo reach top 3 halos Halo CE Halo Reach Halo 5
ОтветитьHalo Reach was the last time I preordered and the only time I spent $150 on a game 💚 I was always so excited to come home after school and play infection and also played a TON of firefight!! Great campaign and just as great multiplayer, I always loved it 💚
ОтветитьWhen you think about what Bungie wanted to do, coning to realization in Destiny.
I miss my Hologram.
I wonder if Halo Infinite's theater mode sucks because of how bad the desync is, it probably uses the same method of recording but because of desync in game the timing of the button presses might be off causing the lagging and stuttering, not to mention the desync when just playing the recording back.
ОтветитьI LOVE Halo reach multiplayer ❤
ОтветитьLook! These plebs are finally noticing halo reach is 2X better than halo infinite! Even their armours and customization, lighting, everything is better
Doesnt look dull nor plastic nor toystory-esque like halo infinite.
💚 As always love your content bro!! Always stoked for the next vid to release! Keep up the great work!!!
ОтветитьSo I played Halo Reach, 1, 2 and 3 storyline a few weeks ago. Out of all 4 of them. Reach was the best! Every level is different, and the other characters are great! Are you serious about calling Reach characters one dimensional! Master Chief is one dimensional character for all 3 games!
ОтветитьMy rankings for reach. Worst gameplay in the franchise with the 3rd worst multiplayer experience (I'm a ranked kid by the way). 3rd best forge/custom games. 4th best campaign. Overall it's the second worst game in the franchise just barely in front of halo 4.
ОтветитьBring back ARMOR LOCK for the next Halo. Bring back Spartan Locke and ground pound/spartan charge and loadouts
ОтветитьFor the multiplayer I feel like they should have just realised it as halo 3 2.0 so bloom and armor abilities wouldn't have killed off the competitive crowd
ОтветитьThat is amazing🤩 🤩🤩 I bought halo 3 Cheif Master running with his pistol and his energy sword🔥
Ответить💚 I grinded Firefight all the way to the haunted helmet. Wearing it and Inclement Weather gave me a lot of joy. Also the secret Halsey room was fun to do/explore with its music
ОтветитьI came into halo late starting with Reach and I became a halo fan ever since. The campaign, multiplayer, scores, design of the armor, customs and let’s not forget the machinima’s that were created from Reach. Halo 4 came out and I liked it as well. The game did feel like COD to me, but it was a hybrid of the 2 I could accept. Halo 3 was the second Halo I got into campaign wise and I missed out on those prime days. Multiplayer I hated, but it’s halo and I tend to keep playing(except H5). Got better at it and yeah the multiplayer is great. Reach is #1 for me.
ОтветитьNope not at all dated trash
ОтветитьHalos: reach is my favorite game right now
ОтветитьI always considered halo 2 to be the best, but honestly looking back Reach was peak Halo. I remember around 2013 everybody was getting bored of halo 4 and was going back to reach, haven’t been as invested in Halo since.
I mean, I got really invested in forge after the release of Halo 5. But I haven’t been able to sit and play a casual game of Halo since Reach
Halo 3 and reach reach theatre was based on a local record/record from your own system. Where as halo 5 and infinite use server based. So let's say you had a match at 100 ping. Your theater will be 100ms behind everyone else. But that also effects everyone else so if you had 100ms and someone had 300ms, shit goes crazy. That's why theatre is so janky as it's not your true pov
ОтветитьTeenage Kevinkoolx.
ОтветитьI wish I could play halo reach, campaign and multiplayer, because of hackers and cheaters!😢
ОтветитьThat one guy in every Reach video comments section: Nah hAlo REacH wAS actUaLl *HIT! NoThINg goOD aBOuT iT. JUsT aS bAd As 343 HaLO!!!!
ОтветитьMost players of the original trilogy are older and have moved on--and lots of people just left the series forever after Reach's controversial release. Then there's us who grew up with it, and we like it (people have even started praising H4 now since it's what they grew up with).
It's the one I play the most but I recognize that bloom, OP abilities, some mediocre 4v4 maps, and half the maps being grey forge ones harmed it. It's a good game. But can never be on the level of the trilogy and it started Halo's drop in popularity.
It's the one I play the most but I recognize that bloom, OP abilities, some mediocre 4v4 maps, and half the maps being grey forge ones harmed it. Good game, but can never be on the level of the trilogy & it started Halo's drop in popularity. Players who grew up with the trilogy have mostly, well... grown up, and moved on.
ОтветитьI loved halo reach. The campaign was phenomenal. The multi-player was great. Forge was insane. Fire fight was cool. Dude didn't like one of the greatest halo campaigns 🤣🤣🤣
ОтветитьHalo Reach is my favorite game of all time solely for the fact of custom games I can remember just everyday coming home from school the moment I turned my Xbox on I got a party invite from my Xbox live friends immediately and jumped into custom games with them and they will forever be my favorite gaming memories ❤
ОтветитьReach implemented certain mechanics that severely undermined the competitive integrity of the multiplayer, but the casual audience thrived because it was still Halo; Every MP Game on Reach was still fundamentally King of the Hill, the same way H3 and H2 were fundamentally King of the Hill the Game Flow didn't change all that much. Reach had more in common with H2 and H3 than it does H4,5 or Infinite.
It really bothered me when Infinite released and people were saying it finally felt like a sequel to H3, when in reality, Infinite has more in common with H5 than it does any of the Bungie Games.
Ahh Reach. It was certainly the start of the downfall of Halo, but it didn't have to be. It was a great game, but wasn't the core Halo experience we were craving.
343 going on to take the cool spinoff mechanics of Reach and try to go even further away from the core experience in 4, and then try to redefine the entire franchise in 5, and then make a very half-assed attempt to connect to Halo's roots in Infinite were the real problem.
Reach is a fantastic spinoff. It was never meant to be the direction for mainline Halo in the future, so much as it was meant to test out new ideas that were going to be present in Destiny. And failing to bring Halo back to the familiar formula in 4 and 5 is what really ruined the franchise.
ОтветитьHalo: Reach was, in fact, NOT the start of Halo's downfall.
When the game released, it certainly got backlash for the poor execution of armor abilities, OP bloom on precision weapons, and the grey color pallet in forge. However, what makes Reach different from H4 and beyond is the people behind the game. Bungie was still at their apex and listened to community feedback within the games lifespan. You can't say the same thing about 343. Also, the IP as a whole was still one of gaming's best in terms of reputation. A reputation that 343 is still actively ruining to this day.
💚 great revisit to Reach
ОтветитьReach is the first Halo game I played MP. I didn’t get into Halo and online gaming until 2007. All that to say, I had no emotional attachment to Halo before Reach and it was instantly my favorite. Have played all the games at this point. It still kind of is my favorite overall.
ОтветитьI remember my son crying when George sacrificed himself😢. Loved the game back then and have played the campaign through several times since.
ОтветитьInfinite is a masterpiece. The movement tech and game play is 100.
Flame on. 👍
Reach has aged like fine wine - I think it’s peak Halo.
Ответить💚 Halo's next entry needs to be innovative, not inventive. Look at Halo's storied history, cherry-pick the best aspects of each title and make the best Halo game ever
ОтветитьHalo Reach was incredible. I would LOVE to get a Reach style spin off series about the war stories of Spartan IIIs. Wouldn’t it be sick to have like a Battlefield 1 style campaign shifting between different perspectives of Spartan IIIs throughout the Human-Covenant War?
ОтветитьEverything except for the base multiplayer gameplay was amazing. If only we could a halo game with reach level content and customization and the gameplay of classic halo. Only then will it be a true masterpiece.