Guild Wars in 2023 - Is It Worth It?

Guild Wars in 2023 - Is It Worth It?


1 год назад

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@Brock871 - 04.12.2023 04:35

Still worth playing in 2023. Been binging all week

@jarocim - 26.11.2023 18:18

Bought full 5rylogy week ago

@MegaMahi526 - 05.11.2023 01:01

This game is the essence of my childhood gaming, the soundtrack brings on the feels. I would be so keen on playing through the campaigns with a party of friends. Mmo's these days do not scratch the role playing and party play itch where healers heal , the tanks tank and the ele's blow everything up. Loved the build creation, loved collecting the elite skills off the elite enemies, loved grinding to get that sick elite armor in a time when having elite armor was a status symbol and not a wallet check. Unfortunately i was not into Gw2 i don't really like the open world and lack of party play where most classes are self sustaining. I loved this game and really wished Gw2 captured the essence of this game and for me it just did not. That is no dis on Gw2 lots of people love it but to me it did not really feel like a Gw sequel but more like its own thing. Its an old game and is very dated in all ways would love to see a new mmo release with classic mmo structure reminiscent of Wow or Gw. Stoked to see this Video pop up ! Oh the nostalgia !

@ace03cobra67 - 02.11.2023 04:55

I log in every holiday and log out

@timothywarner8292 - 17.10.2023 14:26

updates still rolling out for this game, despite having like one developer that works on it in his free time. GW1 is still the best game ever made with an active player community

@hundun5604 - 13.10.2023 04:57

Worth It? Hell yeah. This game is made by Diablo 2 developers and they did well. They brought that experience and new ideas to Guild Wars.
No new expansions or big updates, but ~15years of bug-fixing (not that it was bad), made this game only better. It's still a very fun game to play and it aged well (like a good red wine). Graphics are oké. (I've seen way worse from '05 games). People still play it (you can solo pve though). Some players put 1000's of hours into this game, I'm serious, no bad/average game does that to players (sucking up so much time). No monthly fees, no micro-transactions, no problem if you don't play it for a while. Everything is still there for you, when you come back from a break.
Definitely try this game when/if you thinking about it. One tip; buy the trilogy and the expansion (when it's on a Steam sale). You can buy only 1 (stand alone) campaign, but you'll miss a lot.
This game is in my top 10 all time favourites (maybe even top 5), and I played a lot of games the past 30 years.

@BIGGOODBOY - 07.10.2023 08:47

I still remember that feeling of making it to Droknars forge for the first time

@nemo52804 - 06.10.2023 15:43

Remake gw3!

@harryvh3356 - 23.09.2023 17:32

I played this game all throughout my childhood. I had a very beautiful and carefree childhood.
As responsibilities started to mount the older I got, I had to leave my country and my entire family behind to move to the United States.
I've lived here now for close to a decade. I own a house and made a little family. Life's been good to us here in the US.
In the little free time I have nowadays, I sometimes start up Guild Wars and my heart floods with emotions of "home" (although I never let it show to my wife & kids). Especially walking through pre-searing takes me back to my childhood/my country/my friends & family from those many years ago.

This game will forever hold a special place in my heart and It'll definitely sting my soul a bit once the servers inevitably close down.
I know the devs said they'll keep it running forever because of the low cost, but we all know everything comes to an end at some point.

Truly hope that doesn't happen until my daughter turns old enough for me to show it to her and play the campaign (and Prophecies' beautiful story) together so she may one day give this game a place in her heart as well before I too inevitably pass away.

@montanawhite5699 - 01.09.2023 06:11

Never stopped playing.

@F16_viper_pilot - 23.08.2023 19:12

I still play it regularly, even more than GW2. The fact you can have fully customizable heros, as opposed to the predefined henchmen, means you don’t need to rely on other people for your party. With the right hero builds, every mission in the game can be completed in hard mode. I absolutely love the skill building mechanics as a mental exercise to completing content and going for titles. Still one of if not my favorite games of all time.

@EltsNya - 12.08.2023 18:02

I am using a translation app.
I do not understand English.
I have been playing the game since the early days.
Currently, he is one of the few Japanese players.
"Guild Wars" is my favorite game.
I like the system that allows you to hire mercenaries, as I often work alone in any game.

@taggerung890 - 29.07.2023 05:55

I started playing again a few weeks ago, and I still love it!

@killerkram1337 - 24.07.2023 00:54

For many quests in prophecies it requires you to read the quest text to figure out what to do. This is less required in the other campaigns and in the expansion but in the first one everything is in the opening quest text. I do miss older games like this, guild wars is a fantastic adventure game with mmo elements. funny how back in the day people criticized it for being too solo friendly but nowadays people complain when the games are not as solo friendly. at first you needed to have human friends since they limited the npc heros you could party with but now you can fill your party with customizable heroes and essentially beat everything totally solo. really forward thinking if you ask me. I am conflicted on whether I like guild wars 1 or 2 more. they are very different games, each with their strengths. I do kind of wish they would develop more content for it since to this day there is really nothing quite like this but im glad they are leaving the servers online for everyone to still play.

@nomadih2252 - 22.07.2023 17:28

When I first played this game I became a beer farmer. Idk why but no one liked the "kill the bear, get the beer" quest and I loved it

@kenb1 - 21.07.2023 16:41

Many of the shortcomings you mentioned such as not being able to pan camera while moving, you actually can. It's been a while since I played, but I believe you hold down Shift key. There are several things I love about this game, for one the lack of micro transactions everywhere. There are some added, but they're mostly cosmetic and can be ignored. "Wrong" choices you make in game will not ruin your character. Skill points can be re-assigned, skills moved around, and you can even change your secondary profession later on. You're also not forced to play with others, if you prefer a more solo kind of game, there are henchmen (and later on customisable henchmen called heroes) that you can add to your party.
In general, if you feel something is missing that newer games might have, don't be surprised if you actually find a hotkey or setting for it. You can auto-run with a double-tap on forward key, you autotarget/auto-attack with space, and you can suppress the auto-attack by holding shift key. It's useful to learn more of the keyboard hotkeys, such as target nearest (c?), and tab key to choose target before you're in range. A tip would be to sometimes just casually press Tab while running as you might also target items or other points of interest this way. And then space to interact/move/pickup that item.

@Chalexim - 19.07.2023 00:02

Absolutely LOVED GW1! Looking back it was a very special moment in time, wish they still made games like this. We don't need every game to be photorealistic, we can see a well designed, artistic world and our brains can fill in the gaps!

@d2selling - 17.07.2023 00:42

I have a lot of ecto plasm lol and 55 monk

@PhantomPanda1992 - 10.07.2023 14:35

Me and the boys returned this month. Still the best game ever.

@xboimon2794 - 03.07.2023 14:34

my first steam game

@irshallbelenaar5880 - 02.07.2023 17:53

The moment you mention you leave in Bulgaria you got me.

@Azianiceboy - 28.06.2023 06:36

Everyone had a R/Mo back in the day! Thank you for the nostalgia trip

@WranglerRunner1 - 27.06.2023 21:28

Played Guild Wars since it originally came out back when I was in high school. Got totally immersed in the world of PvP. To date, I have yet to find an as complete PvP engine in any game since then and moving forward. Hours spent holding Hall of Heroes back when the "favor system" was continent based; winning the favor of the gods for your continent so your PvE counterparts could enter Fissure of Woe and Underworld (high end PvE content) was such a unique aspect. Man, I miss it. Still hanging out in Kamadan afk for nostalgia purposes.

@draqqonfly3101 - 27.06.2023 12:35

I remember playing it as a kid and there's that one thing that keeps bugging me after all those years... with all GWAMM title, all things done, I still haven't been able to finish UW. Just had bad luck with it. I guess now is a good time to go back to the game and finally finish what I should've done those 10-15 years ago :D

@FransienvanBaren - 26.06.2023 15:56

Such a great game! Still play it after all these years!

@inseasonandoutofseason - 21.06.2023 13:26

Y E S is my answer

@slothbro2740 - 17.06.2023 21:47

never played Guild Wars of any sort. If I pick up the Complete Collecttion is it worth it for 40 bucks still? fun to play by yourself or with friends?

@MusPuiDiTe - 12.06.2023 14:03

Love this game: still going in from time to time to work on first GWAM title...what?! it's been ONLY almost 20 years! still early, right?

@llanero4069 - 08.06.2023 12:14

i'm still active player. working on new gwam character. having a good time

@itxmotherboard5179 - 05.06.2023 07:05

One of my fav games of all time

@LaughingBearGaming - 01.06.2023 19:13

Group of friends and I booted it up again. Pre-searing Ascalon is still my favorite environment in gaming.

@blairerabbit - 26.05.2023 17:07

GW1 was always better than GW2 for the reason of build crafting and magic\skill system which was influenced by systems like Magic the Gathering if you read the old dev discussions etc. GW2 just doesn't have as interesting combat, farming is more fun in GW1 as well in GW2 its about alt parking and gathering nodes which gets boring fast only in my opinion though. If people like GW2 that's great I play both but they are different games, graphics ain't everything I thing the gameplay is stronger in GW1 and GW2 just has the advantage of quality of life improvements. Reviewer didn't get far enough in as well to get heroes which are your own personal henchman that you can configure all their skill bars, unlike outpost henchman.

@kopikapiku2321 - 21.05.2023 16:31

you know what! im playing it again ! 😅😅

@djnorth2020 - 21.05.2023 12:31

I played the heck out of Guild Wars, Prophesies, Factions and Nightfall. I had some guild members to chat with, we didn't have voice communication at the time so typing was interesting in combat. But you could ping the minimap and draw on it.

I recently installed it again too, played a bit on first new then old characters. It's dated and for nostalgia it's great. Couldn't keep at it though, knowing that GW2 exists. Good memories.

@wolfsongcg6497 - 20.05.2023 20:11

I'd say yes, it is still worth it. It's still a solid game, with some fun variety in gameplay, really fun class combos, and a very "pick up and play" approach, thanks to the ability to have NPC companions. And no sub!

Make sure you enable the -lodfull option in the shortcut!
