Is Guild Wars 2 Still Worth Playing in 2024 | Guild Wars 2 Secrets of the Obscure Review

Is Guild Wars 2 Still Worth Playing in 2024 | Guild Wars 2 Secrets of the Obscure Review


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@unnamedproject - 01.12.2023 14:33

Unpopular opinion: the combat is good until you start looking under the hood and realize how limited it is and how little thought was actually put into it.

@fedesotilpazzo91 - 01.12.2023 12:00

yeah the action camera its a nope dont use thrust dont use it turn it off

@jamdalf4343 - 01.12.2023 03:37

The more you play this game the more you can see how Micro-transaction INFESTED it is and more coming online soon too. Even after buying Expansions you'll have to Pay for more Inventory and Vault/Bank space just to name one example, I couldn't even buy all the extra space for US $100.00 for Gods Sake, GD that pissed me off! Oh yeah all the cool Treasure Boxes only open with Cash Shop paid for Keys!

@slapplayandpudimgame1035 - 28.11.2023 14:43

Loved your review and wish you a lot of success because if it wasn't for you I would buy and play this Gem

@fargonthebrave - 27.11.2023 23:03

I found Guild Wars 2 had better character creation than Final Fantasy hands down

@austinXDFtw - 21.11.2023 03:54

Stronghold is actual garbage though...

@SeeHang - 19.11.2023 20:05

pretty good complicated breakdown for gw2 combat and it’s pretty fair i think. enjoyed the video

@thegrowthcode3624 - 12.11.2023 20:19

I like your voice and the way this is presented! Well done, i subscribed :)

@tanders_project99 - 12.11.2023 08:28

Chore wars 2

@jcashisme - 07.11.2023 11:01

"for races you have...a plant.." HAHA

@LisaSummers1988 - 03.11.2023 16:47

guildwars 2 is the type of game you go to when you need gaming itches to be scratched that other games just dont.

@Hydr312 - 02.11.2023 13:32

game looks to ugly

@aries4378 - 01.11.2023 23:57

Guild Wars 2 is quickly starting to replace FFXIV as my prime mmo. What's really selling me on GW2 is the fact that the armor and weapons I grind for in GW2 don't immediately become irrelevant whenever the next expac drops like they do in FFXIV. When I look at my gear in FFXIV, I feel disappointed because I know that all the work I put in is ultimately pointless as that armor set will inevitably be obsolete.
In GW2, all of the legendary weapons and armor are STILL top of thr line.

@ch.k.3377 - 01.11.2023 19:01

If there weren't the separate maps + loading screens, then GW2 would probably have problems like WOW with its lags in the events. The mega servers that GW2 uses are very good and therefore there are always enough players on the maps.

@Ntric8DsastR - 30.10.2023 23:26

I just started playing GW2 and just found this vid and your channel. You just earned a sub. I liked the video and even though it was on the longer side it was engaging and not boring. Good job in my book. (Not that I know what or where or even which library my books in, but thats beside behind and on top of the point)

@uniquename111 - 29.10.2023 01:27

I just want to add that in EU fractal groups with randoms happens all the time and our lfg-finder is full of groups with all sorts of requests and if you can't find yours, make your own and people will join. For some reason in NA people wait for others to make groups, but when noone do, nothing happens and the lfg there is empty. Until that one guy add one and boom in sec it is full of people who was sitting there waiting.
It is very strange and was always like that but only in NA, but what i want to say with it, fractals are done every day with randoms, just make sure to read the group text, come with a build that add a recent amount of dps and you can check this all by your self in the raidlobby at the dps golem to make sure you do more dps then the support and you are good t go =)

@alphazero5249 - 27.10.2023 19:00

I can confirm it can run in dirt. I have a laptop with a 4th gen intel processor and integrated graphics and runs decently, except when there's big groups of players of course.

@Luaren - 27.10.2023 16:21


@Keinish79 - 27.10.2023 16:16

The game did not get old, it matured. Biggest plus of horizontal progression is that you can take a break from it and come back whenever and you will have to do little or nothing at all to catch up. There are people that will like this and others prefer a constant grind since it focuses where to go in a game. It really is up to you. In this games the achievements work like sort of your quest log. You can also focus on the story. Or you can do whatever you want since the game gives you xp and/gold/crafting materials for whatever activity you chose to do. This did not used to be the case for people playing PvP or World vs World, but that was rebalanced some time ago.
You mentioned having technical issues launching the game and that seems weird to me, I can only present my experience and what I have heard from other players, but in general the game is super stable. Like in ten years I have only had to reinstall the game once due to technical issues. Oh, the game has no downtime. When an update hits you have some hours before needing to leave the game to update it. One of the advantages of the game maps being instances. The other advantage is that it uses megaservers, so all players from your region will be directed to an active map. Most of the time you will see people running around wherever you go unless you go into instanced story bits.
One of the faults of the game developers is that they kept reinventing the wheel. So there is content that you might like and will not get more of it into the game. Dungeons and raids for example, underwater combat, stuff like that. What is there is a good basis that could be improved, but it will not come to pass under that name or system. If you are lucky, every now and then you will have a week with a spotlight on that activity you like. But that's it.

I find Guildwars 2 to be a great companion game. You can play other stuff and fall back to GW2 whenever you are in between other things. It being a buy to play game helps a lot in that sense. But it's good enough to be your main game too.
Those who play the game wil find that it is definitely not for everybody, but it welcomes everybody that wants to give it a try.

I don't agree with everything you say in the video, but I find your opinion fair.

@xecor4450 - 27.10.2023 15:37

You gotta fix your graphics. Turn off more resource intensive settings and put the ones that affect graphics the most on high. So you can have good looking game and high fps.
There are ton of videos on yt.
Edit: Also you can swap world in wvw. You also get 1 free swap, other than that you can get swap with gems.

@Endrosz - 27.10.2023 15:04

WvW: "Can't play with my friends" - Srsly? A new account has a free server switch, exactly to address this issue.

@TheEzkiez - 27.10.2023 14:22

Short answer: FUCK YEAH!

@hilding2063 - 27.10.2023 13:23

It's a great game and always a pleasure to get back to.

@KuroSy - 27.10.2023 13:18

What I like about gw2 is that it's a good game wheter you have plenty of time to grind or few free time to dedicate to it. Every kind of player can find their personal goal even tho it could be hard to understand what it is. Imo the goal should be having fun so it depends on what you personally have fun with.

If it's fashion then you have plenty of monthly objectives considering events and black lion chests and shop constantly add pieces to the already vast in game achievement system (you just have to dig in your achi interface to find out cool stuff).

If it's about trying out builds then legendary gear is a great objective (which also adds up to fashion).
With soto they added the Vault which imo gives nice daily, weekly and seasonal objectives with skins, gear and gold and is a super useful goal for both fashion and gearing up objectives said above!

I see you like the competitive side and playing with friends and I think you did yourself an injustice not digging more into wvw. Despite being a meme in the wvw community, devs are really moving towards to a new system based on guilds fight. In few words, you will be able to be in the same match of your designated guild and this will make it super easy to play with friends! While this feature has been promised for years, it's now in an advanced state and 2024 will be a decisive year. You and your friends can still farm some gold from pvp, pay 500 gems (or zero, if it's your first time transfering) and move to a low populated server and have plenty of fun together in wvw while waiting for guild alliance system.
GvG is extremely fun and all the builds are really focused on doing their specific role, with dps dealers running on the same squishy stats played in pve.
Open field roaming is more bunker-y but the real great thing is that your group can theorycraft their own playstyle and composition and come up with your own strategy.

@DravalonWolf - 27.10.2023 13:14

i had the same feeling in wvw couldnt play with my friends thats why i quit playing that mode unless if i still continue crafting legendary trinket but other than that its just bummer and boring to play :/

@yuvmon - 27.10.2023 10:18

Idk man. It sounds you have had played this game no more than 500 hours.
Celetcial gear is the main gear stat people go for for solo OW builds. Obviously they are useless on dps roles in groups content.
The "advice" you gave for warrior to gear up all the precision one can get simply strongly emphasizes you dont understand how stat work in this game. To be fair it isnt a simple system.
Fractals and their cm is more than doable with random people, in fact, lfg group fill up very quickly, throuout all day. You need people who know whats going on in the encouter and know what their class do and their role, and you good to go.
Stronghold? I sry to say this isnt what pvp "supposed to be". You just need to get good or just play and dont care if you can survive more than 2 sec into fight. Funny enough there is also roles in Conquest pvp and if you looking to be competetive you should adjust your build to the role you want to play. Not randomly pick traits and stats, have 0 knowledge what other class are capable to do and expect the fight go well and not look like cluster chaos. SoTo have the best OW meta event in the game??? You lost me there.
And finally, your point of this game is somehow p2w is very confused to me. If there isnt any gear you cant get while play the game how it is p2w. Lets take it farther. Ascended or legendary is the highest tiers of gear player can get. You cant buy ascended or legendary armor or trinkets from other player or from the gem store. The only exception is the generation 1 and 3 (again, there isnt diferences stats between the generations) legendary weapon you can buy from other people for gold. Yes you can buy gold with gems. And still, you can craft the same type of weapon as ascended, which has the same stats as legendary. You only miss QoL. But lets be honest, for new player this QoL really doesnt metter. Who want to gear up so many characters?? Who want to randomaly change builds?? While discovering the game.

@MusPuiDiTe - 27.10.2023 09:30

Well made video: most of videos of this type have a tendency to start good, just to mash together too many things or rush the more you go on, creating confusion and losing focus. You kept it consistent till the end, and boy it does show!

@MusPuiDiTe - 27.10.2023 09:08

The underwater combat is AMAZING!!! But, to my understanding, we are the minority...many people don't like to manage combat in a 3D environment, and plenty have voiced their hate for it, so ANet just left it there...and I'm still here hoping to see one day a full underwater map, with a Largos city or something (underwater PvP!!)

@Anonymous-vw8ei - 27.10.2023 08:53

didnt u release that video a few months ago? i like it anyways

@musichaven7598 - 27.10.2023 08:23

Nah, I suggest to main elementalist immediately =D

@TwelveTables - 27.10.2023 08:01

One thing you don't understand about the open world vs loading screens. GW2 servers have only been down for roughly 20 hrs over 12 years. Because of the map based system GW2 does not go offline to update the server. It can run 2 versions of the game at the same time. Opening maps and closing them as needed allowing for server size to rapidly adjust to the player base. This allows you to maintain a lagless connection even if the entire world is in a single area.

@rayaya6580 - 27.10.2023 07:13

its advertisements are so ass i so sad. i wantto see a day when gw2 is just so full of players that meta events are constantly being run

@vladch2016 - 27.10.2023 04:27

No not worth for me. All expansions not offering better gear, dungeons or new level cap. You simply playing them for story and new skins.

@tomtacker1457 - 27.10.2023 04:14

you cant have it all

@Feraor112 - 27.10.2023 03:47

Are you using Blish HuD it makes it so much better

@Feraor112 - 27.10.2023 03:45

Friend you need to focus on making legendary armor it seems meh i have ascended but its a OOO i want to try these stats these combos i promise its soooo much better once u get it.

@padarousou - 27.10.2023 03:34

I luckily just happen to come by this game a couple weeks ago browsing steam. I havent enjoyed an mmo in years and with how casual friendly this game is, it really delivers the ideal mmo experience in a reasonable amount of time

@RaptureDepressed - 27.10.2023 02:43

So I would say, as some one who played this game in college with so much free time, to now being some one with a full time job and an active social life with tons of hobbies and career goals, Soto and the wizards vault has given me more than enough content to do with feeling like I still don't have enough time. Also the story of Soto is probably some of the best writing gw2 has had in a long time. I just hope they don't rush too hard on the quality of the content and keep up the quantity cause this expansion feels great so far, we shall see what the quarterly releases give us.

@Buran01 - 27.10.2023 02:13

Agree in most of it, except 3 things:
1) Celestial stats are amazing, strongest gear choice for most of builds o¡in OW PvE and in a good amount of WvW builds also.
2) Conquest is the main and best PvP mode, Stronghold the worst. Playing alonme and in a conformed team are entirely different experiences; you should try the later over voip if you really like the game mode.
3) You goal as a player should be A) having fun and B) get your character(s) in fully legendary gear. Since leg gear is shared in the legendary wardrobe across all your characters and build templates once you unlock a legendary item it becomes a superb piece of conveneince, since allows the player to reset the stats, the skins, the sigils/runes/infussions as many times as they want at 0 cost, requiring only to be out of combat. The QoL legendary gear provides is INMENSE, once you have a few you can't go back and getting full legendary becomes a main goal.

@stronghold8162 - 27.10.2023 02:11

In started a while ago

@attinger117 - 27.10.2023 01:03

Legendary gear is supposed to be the endgame goal to work towards as far as gear is concerned. Legendary gear has the same stats as ascended gear but it’s still a desirable goal to work towards for several reasons including aesthetics, major conveniences like changeable stats, runes and sigils can be infinitely removed or put back in, and you don’t need transmutation charges to change the appearance.

@GW2MindOfAMadman - 27.10.2023 00:39

Underwater Ranger is the most powerful class in the game. Underwater combat is good. Your opinion is good.

@JustPixelNoIDontWantAnyNumbers - 26.10.2023 23:58

Also, regarding the underwater stuff, i have one very specific complaint: Revenants Trident is fucking amazing, with the weapon skills having different effects based on the currently invoked Legends. And I am so fucking mad that Trident is the only weapon that does this.

Also: Celestial is arguably the best for Open World and pretty good in WvW. (Also because Guardian is broken as fuck, you can just play celestial Firebrand and clear literally every raid while carrying your team with stability and aegis. It is ridiculous.)

@MarineCARMINE - 26.10.2023 23:43

Loading screens are a non issue. WoW may be open but it's actually empty af.

@AATproducer - 26.10.2023 23:23

great video.... but Celestial gear is absolutly viable. The thankiest build in the game is currently a vindicator using celestial gear and you can facetank some bosses solo

@Osirus1156 - 26.10.2023 23:03

I strongly dislike water combat because enemies can wander in from literally any direction and you don't have enough opportunity to even get good with the skills because water combat is barely used.

@mrwolf7468 - 26.10.2023 22:29

Ty buddy for helping GW! Ive been only playing this game for many many years and i will still continue to do!
