5 Tips From 30 Years of Sustainable Living

5 Tips From 30 Years of Sustainable Living

Hardcore Sustainable

2 года назад

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@guysview - 11.03.2022 18:23

Greta is a childmind sham. She will be a stay at home mom with 5 kids throwing disposable diapers out of the car window.

@guysview - 11.03.2022 18:27

The human population is 7.9 BILLiON . Increasing at the rate of One Billion every 12 years. Do you really think this is going to change ??? Hell no. Earth will survive. Humans are DOOMED. And THAT is good.

@guysview - 11.03.2022 18:32

Human population has TRIPLED in my lifetime alone. I personally work to bring all of this to it’s knees as quickly as possible. When I take a pee I flush the toilet 5 times. Just to use more water.

@straighttalk7245 - 11.03.2022 18:41

Well, let's see... you've hammered the young (too inexperienced and naive) and the old (too uninspired and lazy) regarding climate change. Perhaps it's middle-aged folks like you who are the problem. Too arrogant to even consider alternative opinions. Old folks like me remember the 70s and the woke folks then claiming (with as much gusto has you have for global warming) that the Earth would enter another ice age in the coming decades. We've watched the scientific arguments on both sides that debate whether humans are the sole cause of climate change vs normal cyclic climate change. We've noted when the most ardent voices, like Kerry, Bernie, and Gore and their ilk scream from the rafters about our need to quit using fossil fuels..as they spew their way around the globe in their private jets. So please, if you want to live a 'sustainable' fossil-free life do that, by all means, but don't lecture everyone else about how righteous you are for doing so.

@demesrvl6761 - 11.03.2022 18:46

IMO, Sustainability isn't just about climate change. Now in my mid-sixties, I've lived a sustainable, sustainability lifestyle for 30 years. I agree with the fact that radical sustainability isn't sustainable. Growing up in the country with a wood stove, an outhouse, and on a well that only produced 30 gallons of water a day, I naturally conserved without realizing that's what I was doing. I started becoming more intentional in 1998, and just kept slowly reducing my consumption. I use less than 7 gallons of water a day, less than 5 KWH of electricity a day, and do my best to generate less than 5 gallons of trash per week. I reduce, reuse, and recycle when I can't reduce or reuse. My car gets 38 mpg and I use it as little as possible. I chose to not have children. I live a quiet spiritual life in a suburb of Dallas, and help others instead of using them.
Unlike my radicalized vegan friends, I think we can make a bigger difference if hundreds of thousands of people make a 20% change, instead of hundreds of people making an 80% change. I encourage sustainable sustainability.
Enjoyed your video!

@randolphtorres4172 - 11.03.2022 18:48


@JayRickard - 11.03.2022 19:18

i do not think you"re an alien in fact i respect the hell out of you

@jerrodbulgin2261 - 11.03.2022 19:26

What about the consequences of deforestation or consuming all living things on the Earth! Climate change is a consequence of consuming planet earth.

@georgecarlin2656 - 11.03.2022 20:45

People who live sustainably usually either barely make ends meet or fake their "sustainable life" like vegans who secretly eat meat.

To live sustainably one has to have a proper financial plan. The easiest one is to grow and distribute cannabis as a caregiver to "patients". A less safe but rewarding approach would be growing heirloom organic opium poppy fields for their high quality flower that helps patients deal with PTSD and such.

If you're not sure what strain grows best in your area ask a local cop.

@mylesfalconer9183 - 11.03.2022 21:12

I've been easing into simpler living for 10 years, but compared to most I've been living as a poor student for my entire life. Funny because I feel like I'm rich! lol

@bdhanes - 12.03.2022 00:06

Great video. Thank you for this! and Go shove it! 😂

@guysview - 12.03.2022 09:44

Dear HS. I agree with the things you have said. Perhaps, like me, when you are old you will see the futility of trying to change the trajectory of the human race. I am sad for the other life forms. They never ask to be wiped out by us humans. I do believe the last time humans were truly sustainable was when they were hunter gatherers and live in caves. After that they started sucking the life out of the Earth and all other life forms. Think of what could be if the human race was one billion max of people like you living on Earth. Then we could probably make it. I would like that.

@bodilskumsrud520 - 12.03.2022 23:39

Hear,hear!! Good advices too!
I agree on all of this,and I have huge respect for you and your decision to live your life this way!!!
Thank you so much for sharing parts of your life…it’s a great motivation and inspiration for a lot of us!!
Thank you again!!!💪👍🌱

@chaytonsito - 15.03.2022 19:55

i want to visit DR and help out with my son and our friend. Does it have to be so expensive to visit? 8 years ago it was free to go there and work for the summer. Please advise.

@grayisgood - 16.03.2022 16:07

Too much talking while saying absolutely nothing. And what a fuck up, attacking greta.

@magesalmanac6424 - 17.03.2022 04:17

What's with the random dig at Greta? I get you were trying to make a joke but it comes off as snobby.

@sharynhughes1061 - 20.03.2022 22:23

Well said! 👌😀

@middleway1885 - 24.03.2022 20:16

Om Ah Houm
Thank you for all the great shares!
Have you ever thought of utilizing ElectroCulture for the next crops?


@humaalimd6004 - 05.04.2022 04:32

You inspired me so much. I am stealing some quotes to present to high schools graduating class. This was my first time. I wish to continue learning so much more from you

@mollygrace3068 - 05.04.2022 08:04

Interested in the economy of the village. What businesses exist? What items are people still getting from the outside economy? (Clothes, rice, garlic powder, beans?) How much of your diet is from food produced at DR? What about the others?

@nancyarchibald9095 - 02.05.2022 18:57

I'm a disabled 66 yr old living in SE Idaho. We started gardening using Jacob Mittleider's method 9 yrs sgo. It's been a remarkable experience. We don't have the luxury of living on several acres. We live within the city limits, on a standard residential lot (.27 acre) with only the allowable 7 chickens. Each year we have added a few more linear feet, (over 200 linear ft now, excluding fruit trees and berry patches) Our harvests are phenomenal! I LOVE learning really good tips. So happy to have found your channel. 🌽 it sounds crazy to grow potatoes or corn, considering there is an abundance available here locally, but it's still fun to watch these things grow and try unique varieties. Keep the REAL tips coming please. I have no interest in politics and belaboring specific ideologues. We are living in a world of wickedness during end times struggles. We better get REAL good at growing our own food, quickly! IMHO.

@jarrettonions3392 - 03.05.2022 20:37

Respect for the long term sustainably. It is an honorable thing to do, living simply and close to nature... However.. I see you have swallowed some heavy new world order lies.. There is no "fossil fuel climate change".. And human population is on the way to extinction because of the other lie about overpopulation. This stuff is satanic and designed to destroy human life (before it even exists) by guilting people into believing they are a disease. Autonomous (system controlled) electric cars are the hype because movement can be completely controlled, global warming will be one of the biggest factors used to deploy the one world government. The people will cry out in desperation to be saved from the food shortages being intentionally created, and the tyrants will respond with a solution, which will be slavery. Seek Jesus. You will see how everything happening has a physical event, and then a spiritual reason, a subtle influence or impact, which is connected to the big plan.

@Mr.SLovesTheSacredHeartofJesus - 05.05.2022 01:49

Well, I liked your speech until you got to the point of praising Greta. I'm not a fan.

@MrDanrn999 - 05.05.2022 10:33

Thank you

@mildredmartinez8843 - 27.07.2022 05:58

So many truths. So eloquently said.

@TheIndigodog - 18.09.2022 15:47

I love this advice. I've followed you over the years and learned so much. It is so true that making little choices and adding them to your current lifestyle builds a more reliable change, instead of giving up at the first failure. Even hard lessons can offer insight. This year I had a beautiful crop of pears coming in and overnight the racoons ate every last one. I learned that harvesting earlier so I could enjoy the pears instead of leaving that huge temptation on the tree for too long would be a better strategy. It was a heavy drought year too so some veggies did poorly and some were more resilient. I've made peace with failure and now I have the wisdom to diversify and adapt. Keep up the great work!

@untied2 - 28.02.2023 09:39

thank you for sharing your thoughts so openly on this. I've walked a very similar path for 20 years now and have experienced much of the emotional struggle you speak of. Your practical optimism is needed in the collapse of industrialization

@entrepreneursfinest - 08.05.2023 06:28

If you're living "radical" to have an impact then you're a failure. It doesn't even register on the most minute instrument in the most far out scifi imagination. Live it because it's right and it makes sense.
Our place we're working on has hydroelectric from the creek because it was cheaper than paying to run electric. AC is cold creek water through radiators with a natural draft through the house and some fan assistance powered by the creek because it's easier, quieter, and works better than a compressor unit. We raise our own livestock because something has to eat the grass or i have to mow it - its easier and I can eat it. We hunt because the deer overpopulate and eat the garden and we have wild hogs that are a destructive nuisance. We garden because it's cheaper and the food tastes better. We get our water from a spring because it's free and tastes great and has no chemicals. We have our own sawmill and do our own construction because it's way cheaper and we don't like ugly clear cutting. We aren't radical and we aren't living for things we can't change or affect. Until more people take that mindset and leave the "radical" ideologies for logical sustainability nothing will change except a few legs will be sore from bikes in an angry eco friendly village. Just my thoughts.

@SundryTalesOfConstance79WESTY - 09.05.2023 03:34

Here here! 😎 STOC

@chaotatca2003 - 24.06.2023 10:11

Wow, big support for you. ❤

@WallaceRoseVincent - 23.07.2023 23:33

I will keep you in mind for accounting/book keeping.

@mlindsay527 - 13.09.2023 18:33

Spot on, brother! Your observations mirror many of my own.

@ShawnRitch - 26.12.2023 05:18

The benevolent dictator LMAO ! ! ! A contradiction of terms -- love it

I am now the benevolent dictator of my channel lol ;)

@ObamaoZedong - 08.02.2024 04:45

It severely saddens me when someone makes a false dichotomy between starving and killing animals for food. As a certified nutritionist and 10 year vegan, not to mention many years vegetarian before that, I miss out on a grand total of zero nutrients or satisfying meals by leaving the animals alone. Maybe you were veg when people didn't know how to cook tasty plant based dishes, or maybe you got pulled into the whole degenerative grazing pseudoscience and were taught that animal agriculture isn't the leading cause of climate change by the landslide it truly is. I can't judge anyone for that, but the least we can do is look into it again with a fresh set of eyes (especially ones trained to spot when studies influenced by big meat and dairy).

@onegrapefruitlover - 08.10.2024 00:35

Last year, at 30 yo, something switched inside my brain and I realized that I didn't need any of the crap I was giving my life away to achieve (and consume).

I started having some really intense daydreams about a simpler life. A more fulfilling one. I got a job growing food with traditional indigenous techniques, and fell in love with physical labor.

Then my father passed away and I decided to sell the house he left us to create an ecovillage and finally live according to my values. The so-called luxurious (wasteful) life is not only bad for the planet, it's making us sick and unhappy. Dreaming, planning, designing, sharing and working towards a better life has given new meaning to my existence and helped me overcome my lifelong depression (medication and therapy helped as well).

I find a lot of comfort in your videos, they are extremely inspiring because I find them very geniune, without idealizations, but at the same time they show that a life like the one I dream of is perfectly possible.

Thank you, really
