Confluence Tutorial: How To Use Confluence For Beginners

Confluence Tutorial: How To Use Confluence For Beginners

Speak About Digital

1 год назад

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@cdseidel78 - 12.12.2023 16:29

Do you also have more in depth tutorials on Confluence? Your tutorial will help me with my interview! Thank you!

@charlesngan8041 - 11.12.2023 03:54

Good video, clear and concise

@rac1477 - 17.11.2023 01:34

I'm a complete beginner to Confluence, so absolutely no idea about ti at all! The biggest issue I faced, and don't get, is the first thing that I'm faced with, "SPACES". There is no CLEAR explanation as to what or WHY they are there, and I am just supposed to know already how to use them.

So far, everything I am finding shows me that Confluence is a "Management" tool, but I am being asked to collaborate on technical documents that have been done using WORD for more than 30 years (i.e. Numbered sections, headings etc), but all of a sudden, here is Confluence that (as far as I see) is saying, "No", forget your old doc templates , do it OUR way (that doesn't match how you have worked for x years). I want a tool that works WITH my old setup, not throws it out and say's restart it all like THIS.

Of course you may have other video's on your channel, but I don't have the time to hunt around to yet another <click> on your page that might be promising everything!

@hollyrollu - 05.11.2023 17:45

Watched this on my works phone, not logged in to the tube, and had to come to my devices to log in and say thank you. Your beginner breakdown is how my brain looks at introducing something to a beginner. I hope you expand this some day.

@bobalsan804 - 11.10.2023 23:54

Excellent beginner's guide - well done.
