Scuf Impact Pro Gaming Controller - Digital Triggers vs. Adjustable Hair Triggers

Scuf Impact Pro Gaming Controller - Digital Triggers vs. Adjustable Hair Triggers

Tomas Villegas

4 года назад

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@michaeljames6391 - 04.05.2023 03:36

How do you use remapping on the controller

@suedeVVS - 08.01.2023 09:52

can u get digital bumpers but adjustable triggers at the same time?

@bocaprijs8683 - 15.12.2022 13:43

Which is the best voor rl

@maddie4630 - 26.07.2022 03:14

I play apex, Overwatch, and coldwar and debating which triggers and bumpers to get, however I use R1 and L1 to shoot and aim so I’m not sure if I should get any
(I currently have a infinity 4ps pro, I’ve had it for 4 to 5 years and it’s on its way out, it just keeps randomly screenshotting and saving clips, which is annoying, but I’m not surprised as I’ve had it for so long)

@AndRO-155 - 23.06.2022 09:57

What triggers do you recommend for Fortnite 60 Fps?

@zongfu7725 - 12.05.2022 07:11

Get a Sonicon controller, it's cheaper and the quality is good.

@MeischelHD - 30.04.2022 05:36

Is the button 100% activated when pressing the adjusted hair trigger? Is it full throttle in racing games for example?

@One_moment23 - 21.04.2022 18:40

Anyone use digital tap for 🚀⚽?

@legoboy7934 - 10.04.2022 10:37

"0 to 100 real quick" sign me the fck up

@moondoggiegaming32 - 04.04.2022 10:42

Only if they weren't overly over price i would buy one.

@MarcoLiftz - 20.02.2022 12:47

So you don’t think the digital triggers would be good for a 3rd person shooter like Fortnite?

@royalrona4508 - 19.02.2022 20:07

Appreciate ya wish there was some adjustability for r2 and L2 on the digital tho seeing how I crouch with r1 and jump with L1 and shoot with r2 and aim with L2 lame I hate having long fingers lol

@veeramthakur6543 - 05.02.2022 18:08

Trigger control system, is good for me. I sometimes switch to platformers and racing games, even though I do minecraft combo.

@jjmyhero469 - 24.01.2022 08:35

this feels like a tutorial from Tom Hanks

@michael67612 - 16.12.2021 13:24

great video!

@rhythmandblues_alibi - 11.12.2021 07:00

Love the textured paint finish, the blue looks rad. Great explanation of the digital triggers, much appreciated.

@treveondismuke2139 - 02.10.2021 02:40

So which triggers should I use, I only play like cod and apex honestly.

@codyclem7146 - 18.09.2021 08:00

How reliable are the digital ones? Can anyone tell me of any problems or how long they have had theres with no issues?

@ManiC002 - 20.08.2021 00:50

Any apex player here ?

@lam19bo - 13.08.2021 08:59

That adjustment screw under the trigger always break after a few months

@Jsims111 - 03.08.2021 03:10

On the adjustable triggers. instead of turning that dial 180 degrees, turn it only 90 degrees. This makes that tab perpendecular to the bottom

Enjoy your Digital-ish adjustable hair trigger

@Impiath - 17.07.2021 17:33

I didn’t get digital bumpers just triggers

@smplayz5259 - 09.07.2021 00:24


@bygallhood - 22.06.2021 21:23

I dropped my scuf the day I got it and my digital triggers stopped working , sent in for repairs but I feel like its still not workin as it should.

@elboostang3833 - 14.06.2021 07:22

Does this work with apex cause I order with digital tap triggers

@endoutaiki3217 - 08.06.2021 21:56

Do they break quickly?

@caleb8629 - 08.06.2021 07:07

This was very helpful to me and I’m about to purchase one now. Thank you!

@wcskeleton1388 - 22.05.2021 06:42

I warn to anyone who is thinking of buying a scuf to NOT buy it, biggest waste of money ever.
I bought a scuf with these mouse click triggers and they broke within 2 weeks and i had to order for a repair and when my scuf returned the scuf mouse triggers were broken again. Please do not buy this controller i beg of you these are scams and are made to be as weak as paper

@JCpenni - 19.05.2021 03:57

Would the digital triggers work for destiny 2?

@DxRkZ_ - 09.05.2021 17:13

You can buy digital tap triggers from extremerate search extremerate clicky kit u just mod it to your ds4

@mezzaocho - 28.04.2021 13:39

is emr worth it

@wornoutpiggy7828 - 19.04.2021 04:05

Do scufs last pretty long ?

@fakename7622 - 05.04.2021 23:26

I am thinking about getting a scuf from scuff gaming and I am wondering how much is shipping?

@louismunch1457 - 05.04.2021 11:29

hey bro, i heard you can't snipe properly with the adjustable hair triggers in warzone. because you actually have to push all the way through. Could you help me there?

@jomocoker4137 - 10.03.2021 22:04


@diecastgoblin - 26.02.2021 06:05

Hey man they give you the key for a reason my man. The adjustments are so fine that you flicking it with your finger is slowly destroying it. I know man not being lazy sucks but you have nice stuff so take care of it. I wish I had a controller like that lol. I would hang it on my wall as a trophy.

@CapitaLPbeats - 19.02.2021 21:55

If you press the digital too hard it will break. Scuf needs to make the plasic around the trigger higher as a fail safe incase you put too much pressure it wont snap

@lauramack3817 - 02.02.2021 09:55

Great video exactly what I needed thank you

@ryuheigamingtv2297 - 29.01.2021 02:04

are these controller is compatible with ps5?

@ChaosfnOfficial - 25.01.2021 06:33

I am ordering my first ever digital tap triggers and bumpers controller tomorrow, and I hope I do well with it I am a Fortnite competitive player and another of Fortnite pro players told me I should get them.

@gamingtimeisbackyea9393 - 20.01.2021 07:47

Will the digital break quiqly than the adustable hair trigger

@shawnemployee6906 - 16.01.2021 20:28

Anybody having issues with the digital bumpers? mine keep activating themselves for no reason.

@virtuelz_yoboii8939 - 16.01.2021 16:49

Guys i recommend buying one i had mine for a long time and its been 4 yours that im having problems about 2 years i got some drift put i dropped it too much and i didnt clean it much so its a good controller

@VLADPowder - 12.01.2021 21:35

Really good and thorough comparison. I play PC but I found both system genuinely fascinating. I hear about these things a lot but didn't know much about them.

@frenchtoastyyy - 22.12.2020 09:31

my L1 button is so sensitive. i play apex and i phase left and right when i don’t want to even when i lightly brush my finger over the button lol

@noelgomez1094 - 17.12.2020 23:48


@user-oy4cg3wu2n - 16.12.2020 08:16

Is it good for fortnite

@pablo5439 - 08.12.2020 23:12

Kinda wish we can have both the trigger control system and digital tap bumpers, would be best for driving and fps.

@panda_dva2261 - 03.12.2020 04:04

lol, do people really care about if it goes 0-100 like that? ive been on mouse most the time, and i was curious of this controller, but i never ever felt the need to like...semi press down? i have no clue how to say it or what uses it even has. id say this controller is how every controller should be right? cuz its faster and more tactile...idk man

@boccaleirozzzpodcast9578 - 02.12.2020 12:33

What is better for Fortnite? Do i even need them?
