(Civ 6) 5 Settling Mistakes EVERYONE Makes In Civilization 6 || Guide For Civilization 6

(Civ 6) 5 Settling Mistakes EVERYONE Makes In Civilization 6 || Guide For Civilization 6


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TheCivLifeR - 22.12.2021 20:01

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matthew patton
matthew patton - 13.08.2023 09:57

your nuts more food faster growth. You will have little cities . Food first then prod. lol I have 26 pop and 350 production. I space my cities out. Also it has the city center buildings. I make 7870 gold a turn

skrie - 05.08.2023 09:03

Maptags mod doesn't understand Canal placement.... which is unfortunate because I don't do either.

Bobby Duncan
Bobby Duncan - 09.07.2023 09:38

I play Civilization 6 on a Nintendo switch so 85% of what you're saying.... I have no idea what you're talkin about

Trenton - 24.06.2023 17:07

The best quote ever said of Alexander the great "he is looking at my city like a full course chicken dinner" 😂😂

Niinbo - 26.05.2023 20:52

how do you get the notification of +4 or +5

Jason Galvan
Jason Galvan - 11.05.2023 16:46

Can you get the better map tacks mod for console? And how?

originstories - 01.05.2023 16:25

I've been playing Civ6 on Xbox gamepass for the last couple of weeks. Accidentally won my first Spain marathon Prince on large small continents map through a cultural victory while I finished preparations for the last 3 capitals in domination.

Just started another Spain game, marathon King on huge small continents. Coming up on turn 200 with 5 cities after just defeating Brazil and annexing two of their 3 cities.

Your videos are extremely helpful. I was already making the mistake of trying to focus on food, which in hindsight was a big mistake in my last playthrough. Literally every city in that run required me to juggle between housing, amenities, and then finally units.

I'm going to focus on production moving forward.

bigbubbles - 06.03.2023 04:12

Played my first game blind I thought I was doing good i had just discovered gun power, had a sizeable force of calvary and saw a notification saying Germany was dropping nukes

Fabiafidus - 25.02.2023 09:36

1: "food over production is bad as you get no bonuses from high population"
Khmer: exists

OcularOmlete - 10.01.2023 21:50

The WHOLE production over food argument is perfect😂😂😂 thanks for being a psycho when playing civ like me🫡

H He
H He - 31.12.2022 16:25

dido not on the coast cursed

Yuri Soares
Yuri Soares - 27.12.2022 10:09

With that start as Phoenician you shouldn't even settle, hit restart button and be more happy.

Jeff Sirloin
Jeff Sirloin - 23.12.2022 23:04

ty, your videos have made me finally realize that civ 6 is a dogshit game that has literally nothing good to offer. i'll be going back to civ 5 now. imagine balancing a game about building a civilization and making food useless, fuck you firaxis.

Stovetop Cookie
Stovetop Cookie - 22.12.2022 01:38

I have to say these are really good points. As someone who’s played civilization since the original on the super Nintendo, I’ve really had a hard time grasping the newer versions beyond Civ 4. I appreciate this video, and now I am inspired to take this up again with the new information you’ve provided

Stovetop Cookie
Stovetop Cookie - 21.12.2022 06:48

As someone who played since Civ I on SNES it’s been so hard to break old habits!

Cool stuff I wanna share
Cool stuff I wanna share - 16.12.2022 00:25

I have a problem where I focus on the river and not any luxuries etc I could build around it

rico john
rico john - 15.12.2022 15:24

Can anyone teach me how to show he yields of the district? Is that a Mod or something?

Inferno - 13.12.2022 14:12

You’re absolutely hilarious. Instant subscribe

Musical Seizure Guy
Musical Seizure Guy - 12.12.2022 18:21

I got this on my iPad, not sure it’s as intricate graphics or even an editing mode… but of course my memory is horrible so I may have forgotten or literally didn’t notice it 😂
Either way it’s awesome watching these vids, channels like this and games like these. Growing up all my friends wanted Mortal Kombat or Metal Gear Solid (and will admit that was a fav of mine also in the PS1 days lol) but none liked when I played Civ 2 or Sim City 🤭

Musical Seizure Guy
Musical Seizure Guy - 12.12.2022 18:08

I’ve been a Civ fan since the first one on SNES when I was very young lol… Keep rocking!

Matti Karvonen
Matti Karvonen - 10.12.2022 01:00

this makes game boring... I do multidimensional optimization in work... civ should be for fun

Qervo - 06.12.2022 22:46

I saw the video only to know if the miniature was clickbait...it was

Кировский район ЛО, Kirovsky district LR
Кировский район ЛО, Kirovsky district LR - 06.12.2022 19:06

Planning is boring (with markers and so on, yet i do it in my mind ofc). I'm ok winning on deity with timer without planning. There is actually no time for planning if you have timer... it is ticking too fast. I barely finish all actions sometimes.

WoWisdeadtome - 04.12.2022 21:50

While a lot of this is reasonable it sounds a little more absolute than it probably should be. Production potential is certainly important but if your food is too low it becomes very hard to realize that potential. Frequently if I have something like spices and grassland with woods and a rice in marsh and several high production tiles I will lock the first two citizens in on the 4 food, 1 production and 5 food tiles to grow the population very quickly. Even though the production is low to start if you limit them to building only items your policies or the world congress do half (or more) of the work on it's not so bad (think city center as the AI always votes for that) and it gets more of those high production tiles working faster. By the end of the game that city will have ultimately put out more production by getting more citizens to work faster than it would have if you focus on the production tiles first. Basically this is a roundabout way of saying you need both food and production to found a good city.

You can also potentially chop things out of the city and replant woods with lumber mills later if needed. Coastal cities may or may not have low production and it depends how late you settle them. If you've discovered oil they might be very productive. Is Auckland in the game? Can you become Suzerain of it? Is it in danger of being conquered? Did you scout well enough to know you are going to be on or near a lot of coast so you can take God of the Sea pantheon? These are good guidelines but the actual decisions are highly context dependent.

Jack Olantern
Jack Olantern - 04.12.2022 21:48

Production, coin and science.

If you have high production, you can produce what you need pretty quickly, and with high monetary wealth you can buy whatever you need and instantly add more science and production or military units if you’re attacked. I lean more towards production in the first 50 turns and then slowly shift more towards money because once I have a fat income, I can buy all of the less important stuff while my cities produce science buildings and WONDERS which can give you significant advantages.

If you want to establish a religion, do so as soon as you can get a great person because depending on how many players there are, they’ll take all of the great persons before you can get to that point and you’ll be screwed on that front.

I always have a type of artillery (or ranged early in the game) garrisoned in every city because you can get policies which increase loyalty because of it. And it just gives cities that extra defense. Planes are great later on.

Try to be a suzerain of all cities especially the ones around you or on your continent. And you want as many trade routes as possible. It’s a good idea to get rid of all of the barbarians or pay them to attack neighboring cities and rendering them [barbarians] allied city states. Otherwise they’ll constantly plunder your trade routes.

Settling directly on the coast is a bad idea like you said but settling on a river that’s just a few tiles away from the ocean is good so you can eventually build a harbor and take over the seas. Also gets you more trade.

Develop as many effective spies as you can because you can use them to take cultures apart from within and also steal tech and art (or coin) without going to war or upsetting them (assuming they don’t get caught). It’s slow and annoying to do but worth it. Foment enough unrest for your neighboring player’s cities to revolt and break away to make it easier to take territory. I personally hate sharing a continent with someone else so I try to get rid of them ASAP. But you can make it work with an alliance if you choose.

Malk - 04.12.2022 04:44

Great vid to listen to, but watching random fast game play that has no relation to what's being said made me feel like I was developing a case of adhd...

WhySoSerious - 03.12.2022 09:08

Sorry if this was already asked, but what mods are you using?

D Gray
D Gray - 02.12.2022 13:05

But the 2 fishy tiles! It depends on the civ as well. Indonesia better get to the coast.

Jmarini328i - 01.12.2022 21:12

why wouldnt you put the safe link if the "better map tracks mod" in the discription?

Cymru 87
Cymru 87 - 29.11.2022 19:01

Ive had civ 6 for almost 3 years now..
HOW are people making these new Civs???
There's no update that im aware of, yet i see people forming new empires and their games look nothing like mine, which is the PC version

Eric Davis
Eric Davis - 27.11.2022 15:31

Is there some "hack" to mever see a post from someone again? New thought 🤔

majestic - 25.11.2022 19:01

Tip of the day

Stay close and tight like Ben and Rasheed Wallace

Jaminski Games
Jaminski Games - 25.11.2022 13:19

how do you que techs like that :O ?

Zinouweel - 17.11.2022 21:51

that didn't explain the situation in the thumbnail at all sadly
still looks like a great spot to settle to me

Adam Salusky
Adam Salusky - 27.10.2022 22:26

Another great video, thanks. Love the 03 Pistons D comment too!

bards - 24.10.2022 20:42

is it still worth building an aqueduct on a river when you are already getting fresh water? is the +2 housing worth it?

Brimstone Sulfur
Brimstone Sulfur - 13.10.2022 05:02

I’d like to see the envoys/governors and spies to be overhauled in civ7. What if governor loyalty was important, what about governors being spies, can there be different types of envoys, can spies start religious psyops to sneakily convert the city

Chris Yasko
Chris Yasko - 12.10.2022 19:05

The scramble for Africa 💀💀💀I’m fuckin weak

RJ - 05.09.2022 10:36

For my first city i set myself up in front of some mountains, thinking it would be good defense for now. Which it could've been, if i was paying attention. Literally set up my city right under a volcano. Which blew up like 3 times within 30 turns (had the mod on that increased the occurrences of catastrophic events.)

Gustavo Neves
Gustavo Neves - 27.08.2022 09:40

I hate having cities crammed just 3 tiles away from each other LOL ... it sucks hard

Ulant - 24.08.2022 18:07

I never build mines or lumbermills. Food ftw. Settle alwas 7 tiles away for maximum covrage.

Andrei Patrascu
Andrei Patrascu - 20.08.2022 22:05

2 long commercials at the start, no thanks :(

kirby donoho
kirby donoho - 22.07.2022 23:24

lol dude your voice sounds like Anton Yelchin's voice from the movie odd thomas . haa !

Greg Mick
Greg Mick - 19.07.2022 14:12

I use traders for production, chop all the trees down.

vitor miranda
vitor miranda - 16.07.2022 03:46

dont listen to this guy dude, he talks so much shit
