How Advanced Concrete Installs a 6000 Square Foot, 34 Corner Superior Wall System With 9 Foot Walls

How Advanced Concrete Installs a 6000 Square Foot, 34 Corner Superior Wall System With 9 Foot Walls

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@Nicker000 - 26.11.2023 05:28

worse than plumbers!

@j.markkrzystofiak9907 - 24.12.2023 16:24

Been involved in a few superior walls sites as a Supt and one for myself. I think the baseline issue is the sales guy has to underplay the required site specific support needs to make the sale and then only hints at it just before the install. That leaves their install crew always on the back foot trying to get done on time and asking favors. A sure recipe for a grumpy princess.

@johanncover1988 - 25.06.2024 07:04

I have seen a crane tip over because people took for granted the stability of substrate. Seeing all that mud I can see why the crane operator is hesitant to do the lift.
