Christian INSTANTLY Ends Scientist's Career In Debate With PURE LOGIC

Christian INSTANTLY Ends Scientist's Career In Debate With PURE LOGIC


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@russhoffman6164 - 19.02.2025 05:09


@aprilandanthonywitcher5930 - 19.02.2025 16:30

I know kent hovind personally
He is a brilliant man. But had his down sides as well

@randychapman1488 - 20.02.2025 18:52

What a cop out,stop your dribble and explain

@mr.middle6545 - 21.02.2025 09:03

Christian here. Hovind bought his degree from Patriot University. Here is the Wikipedia entry: Patriot Bible University (PBU), formerly known as Patriot University, is an unaccredited Independent Baptist correspondence school located in Del Norte, Colorado,[2] which issues religious degrees only.[3] According to the State of Colorado, Patriot's "degrees or diplomas have no state recognition".[4] PBU is not accredited by any agency recognized by the Department of Education.[5] It has been called a diploma mill, lacking sufficient academic standards to award degrees.[6][7]

I tried to read his doctoral thesis, but it is incomprehensible. He is barely literate.

@thetruthaboutscienceandgod6921 - 22.02.2025 00:40

Please watch and share with others my five brief videos in which I present examples of scientific facts contained in the Bible, facts that the writers thousands of years ago could not have been aware of without divine knowledge given to them by Jesus Christ / The God of the Bible. And today's scientists agree with those facts!

@Metaverse4Gospel - 22.02.2025 01:58

Dr. Kent Hovind points very well.

@senitikiwaqa1752 - 22.02.2025 07:08

Praise the Lord.. ☝

@Shytot-1 - 22.02.2025 15:30

If a person is gullible they will believe anything is possible, even the impossible. Faith is gullibility.
Where ignorance is bliss, religion thrives.

@michaelm4725 - 22.02.2025 16:49

A Scientist and a Pastor should not discuss God with each other. The Scientist actually observes and considers the phenomena around them, while the Pastor dictates manufactured truths. I'm listening to the guy who can actually understand and build things for practical purposes. Everything a Pastor has to offer I already have. No Supreme Being would need or want their ego to be stroked on Sunday. It's a money-making scheme. Turning the churches into shelters for the homeless would be more beneficial. Taking your face and race off the phenomena would ease up on the hate and division. All these religious factions fighting against each other are just like toddlers fighting in a playground. One would think "adults" would move past this nonsense. One might think God would not want all this fighting in it's name at all. However, these two presumptions require one key ingredient - thinking. And lets be real. Religious "beliefs" are the antithesis of thinking. Faith is essential when you grab a doorknob to open a door. One would expect it not to come off in your hand was you pull upon it. Leaning against a balcony railing on a 60-story building is a whole other affair, however. Having faith in God is totally different than recognizing another person may take advantage of you by trying to convince you of their own belief systems. As a general rule, if you gotta pay, it serves the other person, not you. If you meet a "Therapist" and ask if you have a problem, I can almost guarantee you will have one, and it will require many visits to resolve so the Therapist can make money off you. If you believe you have sinned and want to correct it, you can go to church and feel better, or you can just correct the behavior.

@happycat0411 - 23.02.2025 01:06

“Science does not exist to disprove God, rather science exists to prove God’s existence.”

If one looks at the Periodic Table and looks at how the Periodic Table is put together (works and functions) one can easily say that the Periodic Table has to be the result of intelligent design! The fact that the elements are able to share electrons that allow elements to combine to form highly complex molecules necessary for inorganic and organic life to exist here on earth is impossible in itself! Elements do “NOT” possess consciousness nor the capability to organize themselves in such extraordinary complexity and functionality. In other words, the probability of the periodic table happening by random chance is zero....!

* [To anyone who claims that electrons possess consciousness please reference the scientific journal (source) and article to back up your claim. Any scientific (research paper) claim has to be backed up by an academic scientific paper which has also been peer reviewed (& scientifically scrutinized & tested) by a minimum of three different undisclosed academic institutions (parties) before the scientific paper is allowed to be published in an accredited academic scientific journal].

@DogbiteW - 23.02.2025 01:28

Circular illogic bullshxt without a shred of evidence.

@Kevin-r6s6o - 23.02.2025 04:20


@theotherme4120 - 23.02.2025 05:57


@jimandmarsha - 23.02.2025 15:44


@Ehxpz - 24.02.2025 09:53


@rageagainstthemachine9102 - 24.02.2025 17:47

Mic drop…..

@sixsmith7653 - 24.02.2025 18:35

Unimpressed by the semantics of either speaker.

@VinceEdwards-v5q - 24.02.2025 19:19

John 20:29 JESUS saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Hebrews 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.

@EricRies-t7x - 25.02.2025 13:02

While there are many things we don't understand, neither can prove, such as the endless of space, the truth is that on that great Day no one will have an excuse for not believing and following Jesus, for all the evidence will be there, showing us how we trusted in many things, despite the lack of being privy to the way they were constructed.

@ldariusd21 - 25.02.2025 18:41

Scientist can believe that two imaginary forces collides to create a whole universe but find it hard to believe a spiritual force created the universe......that's wild

@Mmmmm173 - 25.02.2025 23:11

God came out of nowhere!!!!! Because there was nothing for God to come from. He is coming quickly- do not confuse with soon? Aaaand of me pop

@7rini7y7 - 26.02.2025 11:29

I have no qualms with people, I myself being a Christian. I'll never try to convince anyone of God's existence, I'll converse with you of my faith in God. Whether you want to believe Him or not is your choice. It's actually an exhilirating experience conversing with intelligent and rational people about God, at least premises/arguments are raised so that we can start deliberating hey.

@missyarbogast7070 - 26.02.2025 11:52


@kshayarshgulzar8655 - 26.02.2025 20:02

There was no logic in his words

@2killnspray9 - 27.02.2025 02:18

Religious people are just basically doing philosophy not using facts nor complex questions.
I'm not saying religious people have bad arguments, sometimes it's good. But nothing completely convincing.

@maryanngarcia3080 - 27.02.2025 02:22

Fairy tale god, only a story

@kaseycornflakes1234 - 01.03.2025 01:07


@preparedsurvivalist2245 - 01.03.2025 13:34

I find it odd someone could speak about all of the parameters pertaining to God, as if they have some reliable source to derive this information. And no, the Bible is NOT a reliable source. Additionally, if God was outside of the bounds of universal understanding, then how could a human understand His full capacity? It would literally be like me explaining how Harry Potter can use his magic wand because magic is beyond our natural laws, and since I read Sorcerer's Stone, I know everything about how all that works.

@tom20152 - 02.03.2025 03:50

Perfect anwser.

@timmy9332 - 02.03.2025 19:55

What was proven lol , he’s making stuff up as he goes …. If anything is created
Then god had to be created
Who created god
Prove he’s not limited to “man made time “ ?

It’s all babble because you simple cannot prove anything this man just said

@TheCrow-j2m - 04.03.2025 13:53

Read the book of John

@TheCrow-j2m - 04.03.2025 13:53

There's no such thing of angels

@sirobb - 05.03.2025 02:15

Imagine still being an atheist in They do make me laugh.

@Lili-ey1nd - 05.03.2025 03:38

1. The Great Flood – A Copy-Paste Job

• The biblical story of Noah’s Ark (Genesis 6-9) is nearly identical to older Mesopotamian myths, like the Epic of Gilgamesh (~2100 BCE).
• But there’s also a Greek version: Deucalion and Pyrrha (written before the Old Testament was completed).
• Zeus sends a flood to destroy mankind.
• Deucalion and Pyrrha survive in a wooden chest (a clear parallel to Noah’s Ark).
• After the flood, they repent, offer a sacrifice, and repopulate the earth.
• If Noah’s flood was a real, divinely inspired event, why does it appear in multiple pre-existing pagan myths?

2. Hades vs. Hell – The Afterlife “Update”

• Hades (Greek) is the shadowy underworld where most souls go after death.
• The early Hebrew Sheol was identical—a neutral, dark resting place, not a place of punishment.
• But by the time Christianity develops, Hell becomes a place of fire and eternal torment, much more like…
• Tartarus, the Greek prison of the wicked where souls suffer eternal punishment.
• Christian Hell and Greek Tartarus even share the concept of fallen divine beings (Satan = Prometheus / Titans) being punished.

If Hell was real and revealed by God, why did it evolve from Greek ideas instead of being a consistent doctrine from the start?
3. The Virgin Birth – Another Pagan Retelling

• The virgin birth of Jesus is often seen as unique, but many Greek (and Egyptian) heroes had divine conceptions:
• Perseus – Born of a virgin, Danaë, who was impregnated by Zeus in the form of golden light.
• Dionysus – His mother, Semele, was impregnated by Zeus, making him a half-god, half-human savior figure.
• Horus (Egyptian) – Born of the virgin Isis, who miraculously conceived him after Osiris’ death.

The New Testament’s Greek-speaking audience would have been very familiar with these divine birth myths. Coincidence?
4. Jesus vs. Dionysus – Wine and Resurrection

• Dionysus (Greek god of wine and rebirth) has shocking similarities to Jesus:
• Turned water into wine (John 2:1-11 vs. Dionysian rituals).
• Had followers who drank wine to commune with him (Christian Eucharist vs. Bacchic Mysteries).
• Died and was resurrected—Dionysus was literally torn apart and reborn.
• Christianity later condemned the Bacchic Mysteries as pagan, but they pre-existed Jesus and had nearly identical themes.

If Jesus’ story were completely original, why does it mirror a well-known Greek god so closely?
5. God vs. Zeus – Who Actually Sounds More Real?

• Yahweh (Old Testament God) and Zeus have shockingly similar personalities:
• Both appear in storms (Yahweh = burning bush, Mt. Sinai; Zeus = lightning bolts).
• Both are jealous and vengeful (Old Testament God wipes out cities; Zeus hurls lightning at mortals).
• Both father half-human divine children (Jesus for Yahweh, Hercules/Perseus/Dionysus for Zeus).

Yet Zeus is dismissed as a myth, while Yahweh is considered the true God?
6. Contradictions That Make No Sense If It’s Divine Truth
If the Bible were divinely inspired and perfect, there shouldn’t be glaring contradictions. Here are some:

• Who carried Jesus’ cross?
• John 19:17 – Jesus carries his own cross.
• Mark 15:21 – Simon of Cyrene carries it.
• How did Judas die?
• Matthew 27:5 – He hanged himself.
• Acts 1:18 – He fell, his guts burst open.
• How many animals did Noah take?
• Genesis 6:19-20 – Two of each kind.
• Genesis 7:2-3 – Seven pairs of clean animals, one pair of unclean animals.

These aren’t small typos—they’re major contradictions in what’s supposed to be divine revelation.
7. The Evolution of Religion Proves It’s a Man-Made System

• The Bible borrows stories that existed in older pagan myths.
• The contradictions prove it was written by humans, not an all-knowing deity.
• Religious ideas evolve—Christianity absorbed Greek elements to appeal to its audience.

If Zeus, Dionysus, and the Greek gods are just myths, then what rational basis is there to treat the Bible as anything different?

@anthonyekepa - 05.03.2025 06:53

The guy who created a computer is not inside the computer and going around touching buttons. This sums up everything.

God, the creator of the universe if is unaffected by space, time and matter.

Praise God 💯

@chrislewis73 - 05.03.2025 22:41

Once I saw the mustache, I knew who was gonna lose this argument.

@LeftyWilliams85 - 06.03.2025 10:44

You wanna hear a professional con artist dance around the question so well listen to the second guy. First guy asks how the universe was made. Second guy says God just created it. Smh not even a good bull crap answer. How was that bicycle made. Joe created it. It doesn't answer the question. It's just a cheap answer that someone uses when they don't have the actual answer to the question. First guy asks where does God come from? Second guy actually never answers that question. Lol This video proves exactly why religion is manipulative. First guy asks two questions and the second guy manipulates the conversation in a way he doesn't have to answer either. He just spouts off what he believes lololol

@bobsnead1153 - 07.03.2025 18:07

A) Regarding God, Dr. Hovind's answer was just a Beg the Question fallacy. He assumes God exists and then uses that assumption to argue that God is how he envisions Him. B) Regarding spiritual force: Dr. Hovind's answer was just a False Equivalence fallacy. He defines love, etc as spiritual forces. They are emotions, not forces and not spiritual

@ClarkPhillips-g8k - 08.03.2025 01:16

How many things were once believed impossible ?

@ClarkPhillips-g8k - 08.03.2025 01:21

Gods life ? Maybe by galvanic processes.dis similar metal's acids corrosion
Lead and acid the spark 0f life ?

@ClarkPhillips-g8k - 08.03.2025 01:22

Every generator spins magnets. Just like our solar system.

@ClarkPhillips-g8k - 08.03.2025 01:24

Our moon magnet isn't enough to make our surface ark only our core. And shows it's power by lifting the oceans

@ClarkPhillips-g8k - 08.03.2025 01:26

Ask your phone if the word America means kingdom of heaven. And see how we've been lied to. Then ask your self why.

@ClarkPhillips-g8k - 08.03.2025 01:29

Imagine our civilization a hundred years from now. A thousand years from now. A million years from now.

@SKYLIMI - 09.03.2025 02:26

The attempt to comprehend God with a limited mind—let's keep our distance from such professors.

@bwtv147 - 10.03.2025 10:26

This snake oil peddler didn't end anything.

@fasalalbana4913 - 11.03.2025 03:25

Consciousness is the greatest proof of the existence of God

@myytcommentaccount6574 - 11.03.2025 07:00

Kent Hovind is his name.

@almushanners710 - 13.03.2025 05:26

Right on, Right on
