[ Kube 59.1 ] Nginx Ingress in Kubernetes Revisited

[ Kube 59.1 ] Nginx Ingress in Kubernetes Revisited

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@faridakbarov4532 - 06.07.2020 09:39

great videos!!!

@mustufamithaiwala7205 - 06.07.2020 09:58


@anjanpoonacha - 06.07.2020 14:22

Hi Venkat,
Thank you for creating Kubernetes playlist. It has helped me a lot.
Is there a platform to ask question regarding the content that you create?
Is it possible to create a multi-master set up without using kubespray or any other tools (just kubeadm)?

I am trying to achieve it using Google Cloud VMs.
While configuring the HA proxy as an external load balancer, what IPs should be used? The external IP or should there be any Virtual IPs?

@TheBullz007 - 06.07.2020 16:16

Sir, thx for sharing knowledge.

@surendarmurugesan9797 - 06.07.2020 19:55

Hi Venkat,
I am beginner for devops
You are inspiring me to learn many things in devops....
I would like to grow my knowledge in the real time scenario projects using Ansible, Docker-compose, K8S, ELK, AWS, Jenkins...but i don't know "How to start" Can you please suggest me your inputs?

@venkateshponnaganti8719 - 07.07.2020 12:46

instead of metallb can we use ALB im working on aws hosting installed k8s with ansible playbook with one master nd one node

@sablinigor - 07.07.2020 19:07

May be you should try to use full service name (with namespace at least) in ing resource manifest at last case?

@asishmm - 07.07.2020 19:51

ingress resource entry for service name with namespace would be able to direct to different namespace. Thanks.

@alugbinabiodun - 08.07.2020 02:25

Using this approach, The LoadBalancer never gives an external IP with aws.
Got stuck at pending :(

@humayunrashid6709 - 14.07.2020 18:03

Hi. Thanks for the great video. Is there any video of you where. you have demonstrated how we can get logs from ingress controller using jaeger or elasticsearch with filebeat? Thanks.

@ShyamKumar-yn2jw - 05.08.2020 23:24

It works on path /blue and /green.. but the main page is giving 503 Service Temporarily available

@muralidhart4708 - 05.10.2020 19:55

Thank you, Good knowledge

@janl.6568 - 20.10.2020 01:43

Hi Venkat,
Your videos are just the BEST. I managed to set up Nginx Ingress on a bare metal cluster (1 master 3 workers). Your videos got me familiar with everything. Thanks a lot and keep up the great work.

@senthilkumarsubramanian8668 - 21.10.2020 06:16

Hi Venkat,
Since I started working on container and container orchestration, I started watching your videos and mostly get what I need to know. I said mostly because I am working on single node cluster, minikube for which I cannot use the information, knowledge that you have shared which are related to infrastructure. Thank you very much for knowledge sharing.

@vishnuvenu3283 - 09.11.2020 13:11

many thanks, this is what am checking for past two days.

@nah0221 - 10.11.2020 18:07

Many thanks man in nice t-shirt 😍
Now, why I might need to implement these components in different namespaces ? Is it security best practice ?

Also, which k8s components can span across namespace like ingress controller if it does then ?

@raghuveer120 - 18.11.2020 23:37

Hi Venkat,
Can you please do video on kubectl port forwarding

@aryadiadi6888 - 24.12.2020 18:08

Thank you

@foxipub3629 - 26.12.2020 01:30

Hello Venkat! Thank you for all your efforts! Some additional information for feature viewers: if you using nginx ingress controller version > 0.22.0 then rewrite behavior is changed and you will not able complete this lab successfully. Work around: delete rewrite action from ingress-resource-3.yaml and configure nginx virtual catalog for example deployments like: mountPath: "/usr/share/nginx/html/{blue, green}" . Hope it will be useful!

@joanjett93 - 04.01.2021 21:55

It works perfectly, thank you!

@Learn_with_cosmos - 17.01.2021 05:36

I have a quick question. I have a service running on Kubernetes on AWS, I used Terraform to deploy the infrastructure.
So, when I deploy a service with Type LoadBalancer, it gets assigned a LoadBalancer by AWS right away. (Not using NGNIX-INGRESS)
Now we want to increase micro-service with Nginx-Ingress and I am new to this.
Any guidelines on how I can approach this? I have a service that is already being accessed by users online.
While you get back to me, I am already trying to publish a demo to see if I can achieve this. :)

@Siva-ur4md - 17.01.2021 17:07

Hello Venkat, thanks much for the video.
Is there a way to access my deployment in k8s using FQDN (without adding an entry of IP address in /etc/hosts file)?.
Currently in we are using a managed K8S cluster which is GKE and the ingress controller service type is loadbalancer. So, whenever the developer commits their code into the repository, for example, using a multi-branch pipeline Jenkins job feature1 branch will be deployed to our Dev cluster using helm charts and it gives one FQDN, and the developer uses FQDN for testing if his code is working or not (but the developer never enter load balancer IP address in the hosts file).

@engnrankit - 03.05.2021 14:45

Hi, Can you please explain who will replace what in Kubernetes context if my application architecture has API-Gateway zuul is present which actually resolve the API path based on the rules via Netflix Eureka service

@zaheerhussain5311 - 10.08.2021 08:21

Hi Venkat
I would request to add another video with ssl certificate along with nginx ingress controller

@vivektrivedi972 - 27.08.2021 12:58

Hi sir, it is possible to run ingress-controller on v1.22.1 over bare metal setup. I have tried many times to install ingress-controller but I am able to configure it.

@randythamrin5976 - 18.10.2021 17:34

thank you sir, and the question also, we run everything in our namespace except metallb. Metallb still connect to the ingress event it not deployed in the same namespace. metalLb run in metallb-system namespace. right ?

@stdio9965 - 17.11.2021 09:12

what is the diff btwn default and example? Are 1. and 2. scenario the same? I mean, what if I set exp2 namespace instead of default?

@mohammedgori8936 - 16.02.2022 15:23

First of all, Thank you for sharing those valuable information. I have a question is it possible to multiple ingress resource in different namespaces. For example, in the Default namespace there is one ingress resources that serve certain applications. And in the example namespace another ingress resources that serve another application. Keep in consideration that we have one ingress controller in the cluster.

@NiravPancholi - 12.10.2022 17:44

That's useful. Recently stuck in slimier issue. BTW which terminal is that? Like its suggestion mechanism.

@ganeshsagar360 - 26.11.2024 09:50

Instead of deleting ingress controller from default namespace. Can we install second nginx ingress controller in example namespace i want to keep both in running state.
